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Danger Of Sugar Research Paper

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The Dangers of Sugar

What is sweet, delicious, found in almost everything, unbelievably addicting yet known as the silent killer? Sugar. All forms of sugar have many tragic and devastating effects on our health and well-being. As a society, we hold our health above many other aspects of our lives, so then, why are we constantly feeding our body horrible foods that contain these awful substances? Surely we must keep our eyes out for the unhealthy foods that contain forms of sugar, harmful effects on overall growth and development due to sugar, and long term negative outcomes that result in the overconsumption of this addictive, yet deadly substance.
Contrary to typical belief, sugar is not just the white powder that you put in your baking. …show more content…
To complete these tasks, we must feed ourselves nutritious food so that we can obtain the required vitamins and minerals we need. By inadvertently consuming all this sugar, we subject ourselves to harmful effects associated with our advancement. One specific example of this is puberty; a point in our lives in which we go through the most peculiar and frustrating changes. However, did you know that consuming all this sugar is actually making every change happening in our bodies even worse? All the acne, emotions, and aches are quadrupled when you add sugar to the mix! On top of all this, sugar contributes to depression, headaches, unhealthy cholesterol levels, overconsumption, food allergies, kidney stones, and so much more! “Sugar, in my opinion, is one of the most damaging substances that you can ingest – and what's terrifying about it is that it's just so abundant in our everyday diet. This intense addiction to sugar is becoming rampant, not just among adults, but in children as well.” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, a certified osteopathic physician ( Any nutritious person would agree that it is important to be aware of the deleterious effects sugar has on growth and

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