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Career Goals Research Paper

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My career goals are, to finish the associate degree program, get my bachelor’s degree and to develop my own successful brand. I am currently attending the Art Institute of Washington and majoring in graphic design. My current GPA is 3.74 so I am an excellent student. I am book smart and sociable. Some of my best qualities are being determined and disciplined. The Art Institute of Philadelphia can help me meet my goals in three major ways.
First, the Art Institute of Philadelphia can help me finish my associates degree. I began to pursue my degree at the Art Institute of Washington. I was a straight A student, I was interning, and getting work experience in my field. With two quarters left until graduation, I was forced to up and move within two days. Due to a few potential stalkers I had to leave everything including my internship, my job, and school. My safety is more important so it was essential to transfer to another school. Finishing my degree program will give me the credentials I need to develop a successful brand. I committed to this degree so I will …show more content…
Center city Philadelphia is an amazing place to network, intern, and meet other successful people. This would be a perfect fit for me because I love being in the city. Attending this particular school will further my education in the classroom as well as in the real world. In school, I look forward to meeting and challenging my professors. I say challenge because as a student I like to not only meet but to go beyond my teacher’s expectations. In return, they can raise the bar to challenge me. Outside the classroom, there are many community activities like museums and art galleries where I can absorb information and design. The Art Institute’s combination of education and scene will help me gain my associates degree and it will give to the success of my

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