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Pretend Play Research Paper

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“Interest in play is booming. Over the past decade, there has been an unprecedented out-pouring of empirical studies, volumes, conferences and news letters addressed to the topic.”(CG Fein, Child Development, 1981)

From my research on this particular topic, it is clear that there is more and more work and effort going into researching the benefits of Pretend Play in the lives of young children. I decided to base my research on this topic as it is a vital part of the child’s learning and development and it is a part of a child’s life on a daily basis from almost the minute they are born. Pretend play is partially based on what children experience in their lives and then they imitate this by engaging in pretend play. They pick …show more content…
Quantitative methods will allow me to record interactions and behaviours in the setting in order to gather simple frequencies and patterns. A Qualitative study will allow me to get a holistic view of people’s thoughts of pretend play, instead of just going by one persons thoughts. Qualitative methods aim to get a holistic view of the context and the implicit and explicit rules involved.(Punch 2009, …show more content…
Also various methods of data collection methods are utilised in order to achieve triangulation, create dept and a rich scope.” (Cohen et al, 2007, P. 146)

The validity of my research project had been enhanced by using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
It is part of my role as a researcher in my project to ensure that the information which I gather is not only reliable but also valid to my project title to ensure that all my information is going to be of significance to me when I go to analyse it all.
The valid data which will be used in my research project will be all the common points which possibly occur more than once in my data analysis.
The reliability of my research will be solely up to the participant to ensure that they are truthful and honest in what they say. (SEE FIGURE 3 BELOW)


As part of my research project, I will ensure that I do all my data collection in a setting where I am unfamiliar to anyone attending the particular setting of participating in my research. By doing this, hopefully it will ensure that I am anti-biased towards anyone and that by being anti-biased, my findings and outcomes will be

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