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Declaration Of Power Rhetorical Analysis

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Power Paradox, Greene detestation the idea of maintain the power in an abuse system where Machiavelli agreed while Greene doesn’t. He believes that having a power comes from a leader who has those qualities that we need for our country to be lead by. I contradict with Machiavelli’s declaration of the power, “We tend to believe that attaining power requires force, deception, manipulation, and coercion. Indeed, we might even assume that positions of power demand this kind of conduct—that to run smoothly, society needs leaders who are willing and able to use power this way.” Power need to be maintained by a leader who is qualified of those skills that includes with listening to the people’s ideas, not being manipulation and deception.

Greene …show more content…
“Let every nation know, whether it wish us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend or oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and success of liberty!” (John F. Kennedy, 590) It means that having a power is a huge responsibility to handle a single country and the leader will have all of the control of his or her country where it can change for the best or worst. Since the leader shall to pay any price or bear any burden, if she or he does that and …show more content…
“Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires.” If leader tries to be good and people won’t to listen her or him because the people will think that their leader is weak, too friendly, unable to keep the promises and had no idea how to protect the people from the enemies. So the leader will need to be able to manipulation the people and deceive from them, and able to force the people to follow to any rules what does a leader want to. The people will listen to him or her because they fear to the leader since he or she is strong and able to protect them from the enemies while a weak leader

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