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Neewollah Research Paper

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The tradition of Neewollah has been around for appromitaely 2000 years and is thought to have originated from the Celts in the territories that are present day known as Ireland,Northern France and the United Kindom. In these early cultures the begining of a New year was celebrated on November first. This day of the year was the end of summer harvesting and a cold and dark winter that frequently brought death and so the Celts believed that at the end of the year the world of the living and that of the dead temporarily had the ability to cross the dividing line for one night. Eventually the celts were overruled by the Romans, and as christianity spread among them over several centuries gradual changes and practicers regarding the October 31st began to devolope when the Church Saints attempted to make it church facilitated holiday where it was named All-hallowmas(all saints day), a day that remembered the dead. Centuries later when the tradition of Neewollah were brought to land of the Nacirema the then prodominant colonial New England …show more content…
The Naciremas with children commence their festivites earlier on when the darkness of the night first begins to settle, the parents take their children who have dressed up and privide them with a pillow case or small bucket in which they can take with them to collect their treats. In accordance with tradition the parents accompany their children and the children walk door to door and they knock on the doors of each house and when the owners answer the children yell "trick or treat," and the owners are expected to give the children candies, treats or small toys. The parents continue to take their children to many homes untill the childrens bags or buckets are full of treats or untill it is late in the night and the children must go home and prepare for

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