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Right-To-Die Argumentative Essay: The Right To Die

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The Right-To-Die movement has been a very popular subject within the last fifty years. The movement lets terminally ill patients make their own decisions on what health care they want to receive and whether or not they want to continue living or end their life. This has turned into a controversy among many people. Many people are opposed to this movement, they think doctors and health care physicians should do whatever it takes to save a person’s life. On the other side, if the patient is terminally ill, and they are going to die anyways, they accept it and not waste any more time and money on trying to fix something that cannot be fixed. And then in the case of a patient not being competent enough to make his or her own decision on health care, what do you then? In order to prepare not only yourself but your loved ones for a situation we must make a formal explanation of health care, designate a health care proxy, and most importantly talk to our loved ones in case we become incompetent of making our health care decisions. …show more content…
Terri had collapsed in her Florida home from unknown causes. Her husband, Michael, stopped all treatments to her. The nursing home staff treated her against his wishes and Michael contacted a lawyer. Under new law stating that anyone in a PVS (persistent vegetative state) be put to death even without written documentation. Michael ordered the court to remove Terri’s feeding tube and allow her to die naturally. She died 13 days later. Her family consistently fought against her PVS but lost anyway. Things would’ve been different if Terri had a plan, a written living will. (National Center for Life and Liberty, 2014) Here are a few steps we can take so there is no confusion and we can prepare for a situation such as

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