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Fame In Beowulf

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For most, it holds true that nearly all actions are influenced by the desire for fame and possessions. People spend their whole lives trying to acquire these things rather than actually living their lives. Having fame does not mean you are happy, and money does not buy you happiness. But, more often than not, people believe that it does. This should not be the case. As demonstrated in Beowulf, where the common theme was a desire for wealth and possessions, this theme still holds true in today’s society.
You start out your life by going to school. You go to school to get an education and to get yourself to college. You go to college to get a stable job. You get a job to build yourself a career and earn a living. Everything, in some way, shape, or form is linked to making money. Everything in today’s world has become about “Who has the nicer car?” or …show more content…
Look at reality shows such as Keeping Up With the Kardashians or The Real Housewives of New Jersey who appear all over television. Even everyday people who cause havoc appear on the media the next day drawing themselves attention. The Marathon Bombers as well as the school shooters in Sandy Hook and Oregon are prime examples of this. These people do anything to get attention and to get themselves recognized, even if they're drawing negative attention. The deeper issue is that they do it solely to get their time in the spotlight and to achieve their 15 minutes of fame. Others who strive to achieve fame sometimes have a different initiative. Some feel like they have something to prove, or that they are not satisfied with who they are already, as if they are not good enough. A majority of the time, feelings drive actions and behaviors you would not be proud of. Fame chasing sometimes allows people to figure out who they are and who they want to be, which could be beneficial. But other times, it has the opposite

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