...Criminology, CRJ 105 SPRING 2015 Mr. A. Lepzelter, Esq. Instructions for Term Paper In criminology, we discuss a variety of theories of why people commit crime; criminology, in part, is the study of crime. Your paper will discuss a famous criminal trial of your choosing (I will provide a list of famous trials that you may choose from). In the paper, you must discuss criminological theories of why the defendant (allegedly) committed the acts charged as well as whether or not a particular criminological theory best explains the prosecution’s theory of the case. This paper is due on or before TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015 AT 4PM Parameters of the Paper 1. Your paper must include the following information: a. Explain the (alleged) facts and circumstances of the case. b. What charges were filed (what laws were allegedly broken). c. Why the trial was considered famous. d. The criminological theory(ies) behind the defendant’s motives for why they (allegedly) committed the crime in question. You must also include a detailed explanation of the theory, including the theory’s history and basis and whether or not you agree with the theory generally and specifically in this case. e. The verdict of the case and (if applicable) the sentence received; and whether you agree or disagree with the decision. f. The aftermath of the case and its affect on the criminal justice system or within the criminology academic community (i.e. why is...
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...will discuss Ford Edsel as an product that has been a hindrance to a successful product launch or marketing campaign. For that reason, I will submit you Timothy Matthew Coleman's article that is called "EDSEL: A Failure to Exercise Fundamental Business Principles". Appropriate link of this article is "http://www.slideshare.net/tcolem12/edsel-a-failure-to-exercise-fundamental-business-principles". In this paper, firstly, I will shortly summarize the article, and then I will give you my recommendations for what should have been done differently. The article states that Ford Edsel became failure which resulted in huge monetary loss as well as a loss of consumer respect for Ford because of many factors contributed to the failure of this product, whereas the Ford Motor Company introduced Edsel with great hopes in September of 1957. Ford company spent a significant amount of money on marketing stage of this car. In addition to them, they had a TV show called the “Edsel Show” that generated a lot of curiosity in the eyes of people because company wouldn’t actually show images of the car. According to the article, there are many economical and consumer-related factors as to why the Edsel failed. Especially, The most important reason that the Edsel's failure is so famous is that it failed despite of Ford’s investment of $400,000,000 in its development. Another significant reason was the marketing plan that was very expensive and not very productive. The Edsel also had physical...
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...Defining Marketing Paper Student Mkt/421 January 16, 2011 Defining Marketing Paper Marketing is a vital part of product sales and consumer shopping. Often marketing groups place consumers into target groups, without their knowledge, to develop the best strategy for the sale of products. Many people believe that Marketing is just advertising and placing ads in newspapers, on television, the radio, and billboards. Although advertising is an important part of marketing, it is not all there is to it. Marketing starts at a products development and continues to the consumer’s purchase. Within this paper marketing will be defined and its importance explained. Marketing Definitions Until this course I thought of marketing as the advertising and sales of products or services. I thought that marketing was putting ads and campaigns together for the purpose of attracting people to a product or service. After beginning this course I have learned that marketing is much more than advertising, it also plays a role in production and the product flow from provider to consumer. Marketing is valuable to sales because it tells the customer that the product is available, where it can be found, how much it cost, and where the advertisement and placement of the product should be. The "American Marketing Association" (2007), definition is "Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have...
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...Enterprise Resource Planning and Systems Integration Cesar Campana, MMIS0627 Graduate Student, Nova Southeastern University School of Computer and Information Sciences September, 2011 Author Note Cesar Campana, Graduate Student, School of Computer and Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Cesar Campana, 2240 SW 50 Av, Fort Lauderdale Fl 33317. E-mail: cc1604@nova.edu Background Enterprise Resource Planning integrates internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application (Hossein, 2004). The ERP is “Web enabled”, meaning that they work using Web clients, making them accessible to all of the organization’s employees, clients, partners, and vendors from anytime and anyplace, thereby promoting the BU’s effectiveness (Motiwalla & Thompson, 2012). The fundamental advantage of ERP is that integrating the myriad processes by which businesses operate saves time and expense. Decisions can be made more quickly and with fewer errors. Data becomes visible across the organization (Vikki, 2010). The disadvantages comes from the tight budget organizations allocate to personnel training thus resulting inadequate use of ERP systems and poor testing and implementing of changes. The experience and skill of the...
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...Concord Bookshop Paper According to the famous phrase “the only constant in this world is change”. Life changes constantly and changes happen either it is with a positive or with a negative outcome. “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change,” according to Charles Darwin. With organizations, change is constant. Organizational change is inevitable in order to cope with competitors. The private owned business Concord Bookshop is located in Boston, Massachusetts and has been the pride of the town for years. According to the reading, Concord Bookshop is considered as one the best in New England. The Concord Bookshop develops a change due to the bookstore’s financial state. This essay will discuss the phases in the organizational change process and discusses the phases that were not implemented at the concord bookshop that resulted to company’s business failure. The three phases of organizational change are turnaround, tools and techniques, and transformational behavioral change. In turnaround phase, implementing cost effective measures are, usually, the first step in most recovery approach as they can be accomplished quickly and generally needs little or no capital or investment of any resources. Another phase of organizational change is the tools and techniques that aims on improving internal organization processes. Changes on the organizations processes are being made without affecting behaviors of employees...
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...of dollars spent per year on celebrity endorsement contracts show that celebrities, like Liz Hurley, Britney Spears and Tiger Woods, play an important role for the advertising industry (Daneshvary and Schwer 2000, Kambitsis et al. 2002). Female athlete Venus Williams, tennis player and Wimbledon championship winner in 2002, for example, has signed a five-year $40 million contract with sportswear manufacturer Reebok International Inc.1 Theory and practice prove that the use of super stars in advertising generates a lot of publicity and attention from the public (Ohanian 1991). The underlying question is, if and how the lively interest of the public in ‘the rich and famous’ can be effectively used by companies to promote their brands and consequently increase revenues. As a first step to answer this question, this paper will examine the relationship between celebrity endorsements and brands, by applying a selection of widely accepted principles of how consumers’ brand attitudes and preferences can be positively influenced. Thereby the...
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...Table of Contents Introduction 1 Background 1 Problem 1 Approach to the problem 2 Literature Review 3 Methodology 4 Research Design 4 Data Collection Methods 5 Questionnaire Development and Pretesting 5 Sampling 6 Fieldwork 7 Research Results 7 Conclusions 13 SWOT analysis of Mr. Pizza 13 Strengths 13 Weaknesses 14 Opportunities 15 Threats 15 Brief comparison with Pizza Hut 16 Limitations of our research 16 Recommendation 16 References 18 Appendix 19 Introduction Background Mr. Pizza Korea Co., Ltd. is a Korean pizza franchise company. Headquartered in Banpo-Dong Seocho-Gu Seoul, Korea, it was established in 1990. It is a restaurant chain making Korean style pizza. After establishing a franchise in Ewha Women's University, Mr. Pizza opened a store in Beijing, China in 2000. The Mr. Pizza’s logo, a slanted, stylized 'Pizza & Hand', is symbolic of two people (the company and customer) shaking hands. And its official slogan is "Love for Women" as for 2008. Its food is healthy and of good quality. Its service is full of creativity and elegance. And it is famous for its Golden Pizza series with relatively higher price. It keeps up with the trends of the food industry: healthy food with fashionable experience, and aimed at the white-collar female as their target market. Therefore, Mr. Pizza enjoyed a huge success in Korea with 370 branches, and was regarded as Korean’s favorite pizza brand. Problem Soon, it spread its market to the US...
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...marketing. They contain strategies and consider many environmental aspects that work together to affect the success of the product or service being marketed. Marketers must learn to do solid research in support of upcoming projects. The Unit 1 Individual Project is a research paper and should address the following: Provide a quick definition of marketing plans using your text. Include the following: Using an article from the library’s full-text databases, discuss an example of how a marketing plan helped make a product or service successful. On the other hand (using an article from the library’s full-text databases), discuss an example of how decisions in a marketing plan led to failure. Analyze what was different in the 2 examples. Abstract With marketing management, the marketing plan is one of the key factors to the success or failure of any type of product. This paper will define what a market plan is and give examples of how marketing plans has helped make a product or service successful and how they market plan has become a failure. This paper will also provide a quick overview of why some movies are considered a failure and extrapolate what could have gone wrong in the studio's plan with regard to forecasting demand for the project. Marketing Plan Successes and Failures Introduction Planning to market a product and how the plan is written can make or break the success of any product. Coca-Cola is definitely a product that has an outstanding marketing plan...
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...Table of contentS Introduction 3 GREENING THE SUPPLY CHAIN 4 EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT AND BENEFITS 5 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT 5 SOURCING DECISIONS 6 SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIPS 7 FORECASTING 8 PURCHASING SYSTEM: CENTRALIZED/DECENTRALIZED 9 CONTINUES IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY AND CULTURE (KAIZEN) 10 FACILITY LOCATION 12 ERP systems 14 RFID tagging 15 Juran’s way 16 Appendices 19 References 21 Introduction Lipman Produce is a leading producer and distributor of fresh vegetables and fruits, specializing in tomatoes. It is the largest field tomato grower in North America, and operates through a vertically integrated network of research & development, farming, processing, repacking and procurement. The company packs an average of 15 million boxes of tomatoes each year, including Cherry, Florida Silk, Vintage Ripe, Garden Jewel and Roma varieties. In addition to tomatoes, Lipman also packs and ships cucumbers, melons, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, and squash. Its customers include wholesale, retail, and foodservice customers. The company is owned and operated by the Lipman family; and is based in Immokalee, Florida. It was founded over eight decades ago by Max Lipman, and was originally called Six L’s Packing Company Inc. Even though it has been re-branded, its core values have always remained the same: “Building lasting relationships with our customers, being responsible with our natural resources and the health and wellbeing of our people and families” (Lipman Corporation...
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...Case study An analysis of 3M, the innovation company Introduction Any review of the literature on new product development and innovation management will uncover numerous references to 3M. The organisation is synonymous with innovation and has been described as ‘a smooth running innovation machine’ (Mitchell, 1989). Year after year 3M is celebrated in the Fortune 500 rankings as the ‘most respected company’ and the ‘most innovative company’. Management gurus from Peter Drucker to Tom Peters continually refer to the company as a shining example of an innovative company. This case study takes a look at the company behind some of the most famous brands in the marketplace, including Post-it® Notes. It examines the company’s heritage and shows how it has arrived at this enviable position. Furthermore, the case study attempts to clarify what it is that makes 3M stand out from other organisations. Background Originally known as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, with its headquarters in St Paul, Minnesota, 3M was established in 1902 to mine abrasive minerals for the production of a single product, sandpaper. From these inauspicious beginnings, the company has grown organically, concentrating on the internal development of new products in a variety of different industries. The latest review of the company’s position reveals that it manufactures over 60,000 products, has operations in 61 countries, employs 75,000 people and has achieved an average year-on-year growth...
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...Albert Einstein: A Timeline of his Life Albert Einstein: A Timeline of his Life Albert Einstein has been a common name among us all, but what actually is he famous for? In this I hope to provide you with a chronological summary of the important events in the life of Albert Einstein, from his birth in 1879 to his death in 1955. On March 14th 1879 Albert Einstein was born to Hermann and Pauline in Ulm, Germany. He was born to a middle-class German Jewish family. His parents were concerned that he scarcely talked until the age of three, but he was not so much a backward as he was a quiet child. Unlike more common children he would build tall houses of cards and he hated playing soldier. (www.aip.org/history/einstein) At the age of twelve he was fascinated by a geometry book. At the age of fifteen in 1895 Albert quit high school disgusted by rote learning and martinet teachers, and followed his family to Italy where they moved their failing electro technical business. After half a year of wandering and loafing, he attended a congenial Swiss school. The next year he entered the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. (www.aip.org/history/einstein) In 1900 after working hard in the laboratory but skipping lectures, Einstein graduated with an unexceptional record. For two grim years he could find only odd jobs, but he finally got a post as a patent examiner. He married his classmate Mileva Maric in 1903 they had a child Lieserl in 1902 whom they...
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...Distribution of Wealth? Wealth has affected american society and evermore has affect the fabric of families. Has the distribution of wealth gotten so out of control that the effect will reverberate for generations to come and as a society can we do something about it. When we were tasked to write this final research paper on one of the topics from the discussions over the past semester i knew that i had to do a topic that i had dealt with on some personal level even know i have experienced many of the topics over the last semester the one that spoke to me the most is the distribution of wealth because of the simple fact that in my core family unit there is a gap in the distribution of wealth with me now below the poverty line my mother and father who i live with who are apart of the middle class and my birth father who is of the upper class in this paper i will uncover the differences and the similarities between these classes also is it fair that some have all and some have none and will the government do or should not do anything with the situation as well as the themes of what can change and how people feel about the situation at hand and how much is enough and why is it not enough and does the level of wealth make us happy i will also discuss these topics in interviews with my family. In a study conducted by the American psychological association they posed a question money can’t buy happiness? and in reading the article which puts poignant questions to people who make...
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...his wife Mika. In 1922 he graduated from the Futamata Senior Elementary School. Honda had little tolerance for formal education and jumped at every opportunity he had to work with his true love: motors. Throughout his life Honda never forgot the impression that was made on him when he sighted his first automobile.[1] Start of an empire “I could not understand how it could move under its own power. And when it had driven past me, without even thinking why I found myself chasing it down the road, as hard as I could run.”[6] Soichiro Honda, a Japanese autophile has loved cars since a very young age and from there, his passion just grew. At the tender age of fifteen, he started working as an auto repair technician, dreaming of becoming a famous motor racer. When he had free time, he would build race cars and work on his Harley Davidson. The talent of this entrepreneur was natural and this allowed him to start his own vehicle repair shop in the year 1928. He attended technical school to add new skills to his inborn knowledge. It was also in 1928 that he secured a patent on wheel spokes for automobiles. This was the first of many innovations.[2] Honda's business thrived during World War II, and after the war he tried to enter the personal motor business, a difficult task since the industry was virtually nonexistent. Encouraged by his early success, in 1948 he organized the Honda Motor Company. Within a decade Honda was the leading motorcycle manufacturer in the world and had a larger...
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...Julia Child was born in 1912 in Pasadena, California. Her parents were Julia Weston and John McWilliams. She was one of three children. Her parents both attended high learning institutions and definitely were a family of means. Julia’s dad attended Princeton and her maternal grandfather was the “founder of the Weston Paper Company”. (Juliachildfoundation.org, 2016) Julia had the original goal to be a writer for her career, however, that goal did not come to fruition in the way she intended. She did have best-selling books but they were cookbooks rather than the works of fiction she aspired to write in her younger, college years. Julia joined a government agency called the Office of Strategic Services where she started as a typist but later became a research assistant. During her employment with this agency she traveled many places and during her employment she met and fell in love with her husband, Paul Child....
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...Learning from Failure Valerie Minatee Concordia College Leadership of Entrepreneurial/Innovative Business Organizations BUS 534 Dr. Barrett Mincey November 15, 2014 Abstract The research in this paper is to discuss the failure and success of Sir James Dyson, a British native. James Dyson is a British industrialist whose claim to fame is the Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner. After numerous attempts and countless mistakes at perfecting one of the best selling vacuum cleaners sold today. Dyson’s invention helped revolutionize the vacuum cleaners along with other appliances in the world (famous-entrepreneurs 2013). Learning from Failure Dyson was born on May 2, 1947 in Cromer, England into a family of educators and clergymen. Along with his passion of engineering, he is a long distance runner. Dyson stated that he learned the quality of determination from it. He attended the Byam Shaw School of Art for a year after which he did courses in interior and furniture design from the Royal College of Art from 1966 to 1970. While he was there he got his first idea of using cyclonic separation in a vacuum cleaner so that it would not lose its suction quality as it picked up dirt. Dyson was very disappointed with his Hoover Junior that continuously got clogged up reducing its suction after every use. In 1979, after Dyson purchased his first top of the line vacuum cleaner, he discovered it constantly clogged and lost suction, these inefficiencies caused his mind to work...
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