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Stress In Sport Research Paper

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It is seen that aggression comes from a variety of sources, and it is important to understand where these sources are derived from. Therefore sports stressors allow us to understand what causes the athlete to become frustrated, which can lead to aggression and reduced productivity.

In the player's career, they will come across a number of high-pressure situations where they will have to cope with a lot of stress. These can range from personal stress, such as anxiety and anxiety in situational stressors, such as commands related problems. Many studies on stress in sport has focused on golf and skaters, so the definition of stress in the team is very important (Gould, Jackson and Finch, 1993). Stress can have a very negative impact on performance and have been shown to actually increase the likelihood of injury …show more content…
Noblet and Gifford (2002) studied Australian footballers looking at different stressors that they are experiencing. They found that the pressure to perform consistently, bad shape and the high expectations of all key stress factors that affected the players. As well as this, the players were also difficult to balance their sport and other obligations. This research can be very important for psychologists and how they help these players to cope with these stressors. In elite sport main type of stress, which has been studied organizational stress. Shirom (1982) defined organizational stress as a "work-related social psychological stress." Woodman and Hardy (2001) examined the organizational stress in elite athletes, and they found that there are four main problems of stress, which were personal, team management and the environment. In matters of the team is a big factor that caused

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