...The Bad Exercise What are the effects on children whose parents push them in sports? “As the stakes grow, the children are the ones losing,” according to Sacks. Seventy percent of children drop out of sports by age 13, and a big reason is that their parents are putting too much pressure on them, “he explained." It’s interesting because a lot of people don’t know that parents pushing their children in sports isn't very good for children. Parents pushing their children can have bad effects on their children. Children can burn out and developing interests as an effect. Pushing a child to participate in a sport increases the likelihood that the child will develop sports-related burnout. Rather than advancing in overall development, forced participation...
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...Stream Media Violence and the Effects on Society Violence can be found in almost every form of media from television to video games. Violence exists in sports, news, movies, and games. This violence has many implications on society. The impact of this violence is different from one person to the next and from children to adults. There are many forms of violence in the media today. Violence is most prevalent on TV and in movies, video games, and the daily news from around the world. Violence can be found in sports such as boxing, mixed martial arts, hockey, and football. The news reports of murder and other forms of violence every day. News about foreign wars or news of violence in your local inner city, bet your bottom dollar you will hear something new every day. It seems like every day there is a new and violent video game coming out. Games about war and games about crime life, even games about fantasy violence are all over the market. Children are affected by violent media more so than adults. Studies have shown that on average, American children watch no less than 4 hours of TV a day. Studies have also proven that violent programming can have some very adverse effects on children. Children can become emotionally numb to violence and develop a lack of empathy for victims, as noted by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Children have been known to imitate the violence they see on TV. Some children may even learn to use violence...
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...Head injuries are quite common and occur regularly in all contact sports. Concussions, from brain injuries can cause long term effects and can lead to dementia. Too many concussions occur in high school athletes that participate in contact sports. One may suggest that contact sports should be banned from all high schools. Non contact sports should become a part of the physical education curriculum so that young adults should not have to suffer the consequences from head injuries in contact sports. There are a large number of dangerous contact sports that athletes participate in today. Examples of the most common contact sports include: football, basketball, soccer, wrestling, field hockey, and lacrosse. Research suggests that these sports have the most severe injuries. High school students that participate in contact sports are endangering their health, lives, and future. Contact sports have been a part of school age children’s life for a long time in America. Whether it be football, soccer, lacrosse, wrestling, or the recent addition to American sports, rugby. Millions of children in middle school or high school have worked hard and enjoyed playing. In recent news articles contact sports have been deemed bad for children. Doctors have been studying the statistics and have come to the conclusion that children have been developing physical injuries resulting from certain types of contact sports. One of the new findings from these studies is that once a person especially a child...
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...Youth Sports 1 Youth Sports Youth Sports 2 Youth Sports What does it take to be successful in youth sports? Is it an amazing young athlete with God-given abilities? Sometimes that may be the case but many times success can be gained from a normal child when parents take the right steps to properly motivate them. The roles of parents are an integral part in the development of a child in youth sports. With many families having two working parents it may be hard for these parents to properly get involved in their child’s life. The wrong kind of involvement could lead to children being “babied” or leading them to believe winning is what is most important. This brings on unnecessary pressure creating a negative experience for the child. How parents get involved and how they teach sports to their children both have a significant effect on the child’s experience in youth sports. Many parents have become conditioned into thinking one of their only roles in their child’s life in sports, is to be a taxi cab driver or chauffer, and to make sure they’re registered and signed up for the leagues, camps, or clinics. Parents often forget that they can and should be more involved with their children. In the article “The Good Father: Parental Expectation and Youth Sports” the author discusses the father’s role in youth sports. In society, fathers are looked upon as the head...
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...Let Them Play! : Benefits of Sports Briana B. Western Governors University WGU Student ID #: ************ Let Them Play! Childhood sports have been proven to provide multiple developmental benefits to all children involved in such programs. The best way for kids to reap all the benefits of sports participation is to submerse them into a program which offers a positive environment with encouraging coaches who instruct with constructive criticism and work to “minimize negative experiences” (Seefeldt & Ewing, 1996, p.3). Research has shown that children who participate in frequent physical activity, such as sports, experience improved academics, have better mental health, and are less likely to take part in risky health behaviors than their less active counterparts. Dr. Daniels, author of “Interscholastic Sports and the Middle School Student”, finds six main points of interest pertaining to the benefits of and liabilities for children who get involved in sports. Out of the six, four are beneficial, and only two are considered to be liabilities. The four positive characteristics of sports are scholastic achievement, competency, fitness, and self-esteem. Whereas the two negative characteristics are sports injuries, stress and anxiety (as cited by Daniels, 1999, p.2). Although Dr. Daniels doesn’t talk about it in her dissertation, one more benefit of kids getting active is their likelihood to avoid the appearance of evil, in other words they are unlikely...
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...Topic: Organized sports positive and negative effects on today’s youth. A. A-1. Introduction Hi my name is Lisa Hadden. Are you struggling with signing that permission slip so your child can play an organized sport? Do you wonder if you can balance your budget to include the high cost of playing as well as equipment needed? Do you have the time to commit to being at practices and games? Is it worth it for your child in the long run? A-1a. Thesis Statement Research continues to suggest that being a part of organized youth sports can have both positive and negative effects on today’s children as well as their families; character building, self-confidence, discipline and healthy lifestyle habits are all positive effects while the negative effects include injuries, performance stress, peer pressure and large time and money commitments. A-1b. Main Point Preview Involvement of children in youth sports can have both merits and demerits. Participation in sporting activities provides children with healthy lifestyle habits, builds character, personal discipline, and self-confidence. The major demerits are physical stress developing in injuries, psychological performance stress, peer pressures, as well as time and monetary requirements. A-2. Main Points 1) Merits of youth organized sports: A) Character Building: Youth who participate in organized sports are often upright in thought and many times assume leadership roles because of the decision making traits...
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...For the completion of this assignment I chose the following two topics: COM106 The need to use social media in a job search, and PSY180 Benefits of sports in the lives of children. For the COM106 topic, the need to use social media in a job search, I will need to locate three sources that will aid in a response to a fellow student who is arguing for the need of social media in job searches. Since the purpose of the investigation is locating information to respond to a post that is already made I would research from three different angles. The first search will be meant to locate information in support of the fellow student, the second will be to identify information on how the student’s idea would work, and my third search will be to identify information that could possibly be used to rebut the student’s viewpoint. I will use Google for all of my searches, it is my preferred search engine because I feel secure in the algorithm the system uses to identify web sites, and it will aid my search for credible sources. Because I am choosing to research three different points for the response I will alter the search terms appropriately. For the information in support of the other student’s opinion I plan to use the search phrase “benefits of social media in job searches,” for the neutral, informative response I plan to use the phrase “use of social media in job searches,” and for the rebuttal response I am choosing to use the search phrase “dangers in the use of social media in job searches...
Words: 1300 - Pages: 6
...effective treatment).Behavioral therapy in children can take many forms, but it usually involves improving a particular behavior, for instance, homework and sports skills. One type of behavioral therapy involves summer treatment programs (STPs). STPs are rigorous programs that last six through nine weeks and focus on a child/adolescent’s deficient behaviors (Fabiano, Schatz, & Pelham, 2014). Because particular behaviors in their daily activities are targeted, positive results are seen in the child/adolescent (Fabiano et al., 2014). The children and adolescents are placed in groups with children...
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...Article 1 Divorce rates in Dubai plummet to 24pc in the space of just two years The divorce rate in Dubai has become the lowest not only in the UAE but the whole of the Arab world, thanks to a new counselling service offered by the emirate's court service. Divorce rates have plummeted from 35 per cent to 24 per cent in the space of just two years. It has been attributed to the success of the Reformation and Family Direction Section created by Dubai Courts in 2000 to tackle marital problems. Wodad Lootah, a social worker at the section said Dubai Courts had set up the section following an increase in divorce rates during the 1990s. She said the main aim was to allow couples to settle disputes amicably without resorting to court action at an early stage. Since the Reformation and Family Direction Section was established, it has received 1,496 couples who claimed they wanted to divorce. Of these, 471 couples changed their minds and did not divorce - nearly one third. "The main causes of divorce are lack of understanding between the husband and wife because neither know how to communicate effectively with each other, as well as how to solve their problems in the right way," she said. Wodad added that the section has taken many steps to reduce divorce. It has distributed about 1,200 social packages to newly married couples at the court which has helped in dropping divorce rates by six per cent in the year 2002 alone. However, it's not all...
Words: 3732 - Pages: 15
...the curriculum. Apart from maintaining physical fitness, it includes training in the development and care of the human body It helps a person sharpen overall cognitive abilities and motor skills through athletics, exercise and various other physical activities. Seeing its benefits for the body and its effect on life, the importance of physical education can’t be ignored. Physical education inculcates in children the importance of maintaining a healthy body and teaches then the importance of regular fitness activity in daily routine, which in turn keeps them happy and energized. This helps the children to maintain their fitness, develop their muscular strength and increase their stamina. Research has proved that children who actively participate in sports, be it team sports or dual and individual sports, have high self-confidence, which is very important for the development of a person’s character. Physical education instills the desire to participate, enjoy victory and take defeat positively, developing the overall personality of the character. By making children participate in sports, especially team sports, physical education also imbibes in them a sense of team spirit. Children learn how to work as a team member, organize themselves and function together towards attaining a goal. This in turn improves a child’s overall communications skills and the ability to get along with different kind of people. Physical education helps one gain knowledge about the overall aspects of physical...
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4
... Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports A performance-enhancing drug in sports is a big thing these days. Athletes are using them to increase their ability to win. Ethically speaking at what cost do we say enough. Think about their lives, by continuing to take these form of enhancement what effect will they have in the long run. Maybe if we understand the types of drugs, the side effects, health risk, and consequence of taking drugs. Athletes would stop using these forms of performance-enhancer. The type of Drugs Athletes Take Athletes use many different types of performance-enhancer in professional sports today from pills to steroids; they will even go as far as self-injecting their own blood as a dope. Blood Doping is where the athletes take there own blood and injected in their bodies to produce more oxygen in their blood in order to increase their chances of win. The positive thing about doing this is that it makes it easy for the athletes to breathe a longer time, which give them a better chance for winning. “Athletes have always been aware of the possible benefit of improving oxygen carrying capacity in endurance sport, hence many train at altitude. More recently athletes have used blood doping – in which blood is taken off, stored and later rein fused, thereby boosting the packed cell volume.” (MacAuley 1996, para 4 pg. 3). They also used diuretics to help them pass their required weight limit in order for them to compete in sports. The good thing that comes from athletes...
Words: 1418 - Pages: 6
...Do you think people should get participation trophy’s just for being in the sport? Yes and no, many people will agree and disagree. In this essay, I will be discussing the pros and cons of having a participation trophy. Trophies can have a positive effect on someone more than a negative effect. Having children get participation trophies could be helping them in many ways. Some of those ways would be like getting involved in a new sport. Maybe someone just wants to try a new sport they can do that and still get rewarded for there hard work. Also, getting these trophies will help them build up confidence. If a team is genuinely bad at the sport they love they can also get a trophy s they know they are putting in hard work. If a child feels discouraged the first time playing a sport and doesn’t get any award they will feel more obligated to try someone thing else instead of improving in the sport. Overall having a positive attitude and outlook will help the participating trophies be meaningful....
Words: 481 - Pages: 2
...Journal of Sports Sciences ISSN: 0264-0414 (Print) 1466-447X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsp20 Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect? Nicolas Delorme To cite this article: Nicolas Delorme (2014) Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect?, Journal of Sports Sciences, 32:1, 16-21, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 Published online: 24 Jul 2013. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 342 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 5 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rjsp20 Download by: [Universiteit Leiden / LUMC] Date: 31 May 2016, At: 04:05 Journal of Sports Sciences, 2014 Vol. 32, No. 1, 16–21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect? NICOLAS DELORME University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire Cultures, Education, Sociétés, Bordeaux, France Downloaded by [Universiteit Leiden / LUMC] at 04:05 31 May 2016 (Accepted 24 May 2013) Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate whether weight categories prevent young athletes from being exposed to a relative age effect. The dates of birth of all French female (n = 727) and male (n = 5440) amateur boxers who participated in the 2010–2011...
Words: 2380 - Pages: 10
...curriculum. Apart from maintaining physical fitness, it includes training in the development and care of the human body It helps a person sharpen overall cognitive abilities and motor skills through athletics, exercise and various other physical activities. Seeing its benefits for the body and its effect on life, the importance of physical education can’t be ignored. Physical education inculcates in children the importance of maintaining a healthy body and teaches then the importance of regular fitness activity in daily routine, which in turn keeps them happy and energized. This helps the children to maintain their fitness, develop their muscular strength and increase their stamina. Research has proved that children who actively participate in sports, be it team sports or dual and individual sports, have high self-confidence, which is very important for the development of a person’s character. Physical education instills the desire to participate, enjoy victory and take defeat positively, developing the overall personality of the character. By making children participate in sports, especially team sports, physical education also imbibes in them a sense of team spirit. Children learn how to work as a team member, organize themselves and function together towards attaining a goal. This in turn improves a child’s overall communications skills and the ability to get along with different kind of people. Physical education helps one gain knowledge about the overall aspects...
Words: 480 - Pages: 2
...Chris Berryman Sport in Modern Society Concussions in Sport: An Analytical Discussion “I had no idea what a nickel was (Kevin Kolb, The Concussion Blog).” NFL quarterback Kevin Kolb has suffered three major concussions since 2010 (Galliford, Buffalorumblings). His most recent one just this past August effectively ended his football career. This is just one example of the many in which multiple or severe concussions have cut short careers in sports. The issue of player safety in sport has become a topic of controversy and debate in recent years. Many professional leagues such as the NFL and the NHL have adopted strict concussion test protocols and procedures for its players. Player safety has no doubt become a major concern in contact sports. The problem is, many of these regulations have yet to address what happens after playing careers are over. What happens to former players’ mental and physical health after they retire? How do players whom have suffered multiple concussions playing contact sports live their lives as opposed to players whom have played non-contact sports such as golf or baseball? What will be questioned in this analysis is do known players that have suffered multiple and/or severe concussions throughout their playing careers due to playing a contact sport develop abnormally high levels of mental and physical health problems at an early age? Previous history on the attempts to lower the frequency of severe injury...
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