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Fangzhou Failure


Submitted By julya5252
Words 3775
Pages 16

论文题目: Beijing Largest Bicycle Rental Company Went Bankrupt

学 号: w201051003, w201051005

姓 名: 周丽亚, 李炅真_______

专业年级: 商务沟通 研一

课程名称: 营销学原理

任课教师: 江春

完成日期: 2011年1月3日




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Original case:

北京最大自行车租赁公司倒闭 2010年11月08日18:02 法制晚报






地下办公室 仅有两人“善后”











两年亏损1000万 宣布倒闭









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困境2 非机动车用地没人批




































记者 许云峰

Source: 新郎新闻
Publication time: 2010年11月08日18:02
Originally published by: 法制晚报

Translated Case:

Beijing Largest Bicycle Rental Company Went Bankrupt

Fangzhou Bicycle Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fangzhou" or the "Fangzhou Company") went out of business. Recently, the company is returning deposits to its members, cleans up the office of the "aftermath" stage.

Beijing’s streets have been covered with white-orange colored bicycles. Today, they are tied with chains lying on the roadside, priced from 20 yuan to 50 yuan.

Another dream "Beijing residents return to cycling" died. Who is next? Is it shrunk to 20 rental points Beko Blueprint, or attractive Shanghai Forever Free?

It is proposed that by the year 2012 Beijing Bicycle Rental would be increased up to 20 thousand bikes and 50 thousand bikes by the year 2015, this dying industry is looking forward to the savior.

Current situation
Only two people in the underground office prepare for "aftermath"

Recently, the Fangzhou employee old Wei under his wife's urging went to one no sign basement at Wanshou Grand View Court Apartments in the Haidian district.

When he opened the office door again, the boss was no longer looking at him as he was in the past, but smiled and said: "Come and take your salary, today it can be settled." After nearly two months in the pay talks, the old Wei was "lucky" to receive a total of RMB 3,600 of his July and August wages.

Left half of the room is an office with two desks, the right half is a warehouse, where computers, water dispensers, printers and other office supplies were piled, also there were two cart baskets full of the folders of "Fangzhou" bikes.

Here are only left the general manager Wang and the office director He Degui.

As soon as old Wei went out from the office, he knew that will never come again to the Wangjing Weast subway station to look after hundred stupid bikes.

So far, the Fangzhou company stopped all its more than 200 city rental points, this business was bringing losses for 2 years and 3 month, finally it completely entered into the "rehabilitation" stage.

The capital once was covered with more than 10,000 Fangzhou bikes, but now there are only remaining two or three thousand, scattered near a bus station or near a newspaper kiosk rental points.

Those bikes which are still running are sold at RMB 50; those which are already broken and not able to ride sold at RMB 20 to the recyclers, this money are used to return the customer's deposit.

"Everyone who comes to take back their deposit, they say that our bicycles are very covenient and easy to ride. This year in March, it was also proposed the formation of about 500 rental points, more than 20,000 bikes rental scale in Beijing by the year 2012. Such a good business, but it is gone!” sighs director He.

Declared bankruptcy after two years of 10 million loss

In August 2008, the Fangzhou company was formally established. Its predecessor Jiayimu rental company was founded in May 2007.

After Jiayimu, Fangzhou rolled out more than 200 outlets, more than 10,000 bicycles in the whole Beijing to achieve remote rental, and became the capital largest bicycle rental company.

Director He clearly remembers, at that time there were bike rental points nearby 50 subway stations of the lines 4, 5and 10; in Hepingli office we had more than 80 people administrative staff ... ... "All of the people in Fangzhou felt that it is a good chance. "

However, after the start, the situation was not as optimistic.

"Monthly wages were more than 30 million, land rental fee was RMB 300 per month for 10 vehicles; two Jinbei cars were responsible for managing bikes, if someone from Zhongguancun will ride to the Summer Palace he will pay RMB 2, but to transfer the bike back would cost RMB 1.5 ... ... " director He was trying to calculate the expenditures and found that 10 fingers are not enough to count.

During the winter of the year 2009 the capital was suffering from big snowfalls, and it was almost a devastating blow to the Fangzhou company - the bikes were parked on the roadside, buried in the snow, or crushed, or frozen with the rust, or simply could not be ride.

In spring, the majority of Fangzhou bike rental points were paralyzed, customers complained, the number of deposit returners was raising, has brought to the company more than 1000 million net losses. Finally Fangzhou under a loss pressure, declared bankruptcy, and entered the deposit return "aftermath" stage.

Before the Olympics bicycle rental promotion placed hope

Back in August 2007, a time when Beijing launched the "Green Olympics", Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and the Municipal Public Security Bureau made special mobile office to manage all the problems related to stolen bikes, thus helped public bicycle promotion.

Before the Olympic Games such activity aim was to establish 230 bike rental points spread all over the city, near the subway, business districts, transportation hubs, hotels, office buildings and communities, to promote the city bicycle network, and to make it accessible to remote places.

That time, the executing agency for this project was a Beko Blueprint Beijing Bicycle Rental LTD.

Wang Yong, head of the company has said that bicycle rental market development constrains are mainly due to a lack of concentration of rental points.

During 2008 Olympic Games, Beko Blueprint has rolled out a network of more than 100 rental points, and lack of rental network points problem has been resolved, said Wang Yong.

However, until 2010, Beko Blueprint doesn’t make profit.

Merchants hoped to sell advertising through the bicycles

"Renting bicycles is impossible to earn money, and in our name lack of two simple words 'bicycle rental'." Manager Wang and director He pointed out the maze, boss was looking at the bicycle rental market as it can be used as advertising media, "Frankly speaking, he wanted to make money on bicycle advertisements."

Through the careful study reporters have found that the two company names Jiayimu "Jiayimu Information Technology Company" and Fangzhou with the whole name called "Fangzhou Bicycle Service (Beijing) Co., Ltd.", both are lack of two simple words 'bicycle rental'.

If to look at Fangzhou, the bicycle side, and the whole bike body can be used for advertisement, the front of the basket, the frame everything can be covered with the same advertisement as on the buses, and become the flow of "urban media."

"So the company was willing to rent out low-cost car is to develop everyone's habit to ride Fangzhou's bikes. Fangzhou was famous, a lot of people rented our bikes, advertising on bicycles was more valuable", director He said.

Fangzhou died, but the Beko Blueprint and Yongjiu are still alive, but their business is not good.

At the north gate of Beihai Park Beko Blueprint bike rental point, manager Bai Xiuying is pointing to the advertisement on the bus station, said: "To the north is Houhai, to the south is Beihai park, here are a lot of tourists, so we are able to earn 200 million per year."

Located in Dongcheng, rising Shanghai Yongjiu Bicycle Rental Company in Shanghai has only 10 rental points.

The company's official in Beijing said, the reason why it is free riding is to enhance public recognition, we were wondering to get the permission from the government to put advertisement on our bikes, and thus to make profits.

Dilemma 1
Illegal advertisement

On the Jingshun Street Dashanzi eastern bus station, more than 10 dirty bicycles are laying down on the street. There are "Let the classic lead to the future" words printed on the bike's basket.

These posted ads appear, their carrier was already "out of business." But if they are riding the streets, will be "illegal advertisement" in the name of urban management and other departments have been investigated.

Before the bankruptcy, the Fangzhou bicycle rental company applied for advertisements, yet it wasn't approved by the relevant authorities, because the only reason that there are no relevant laws and regulations to allow the bicycle frame and side advertisements.

Dilemma 2. No one allows the territory for the non-motorized vehicles

"Advertising investment is not only unapproved, but also the parking lots for the rental bicycles have not been approved by any department." Mr. Wang said with a bitter smile, political commissar of the city, said they are not responsible for non-motorized land management.

After the negotiation between Fangzhou and subway company, they hoped that bicycle storage points can be located at the outside of subway station, or postal kiosks or 'anchored' to kiosks, as the result bikes have been chased away by city inspectors.

In such a period of time, Mr. Wang only could bring the company's operating license to the Haidian, Chaoyang, Xuanwu and explained to various city inspectors about fishing cars.
The State Transportation Committee Transport Bureau, Trade and Industry Bureau, NDRC the answer from all these departments was "We are not responsible for this."

Fangzhou's the Past and Present:

May 2007 - Jiayimu company established, located 150 outlets

January 2008 - Jiayimu invested 200 million, three months after the deficit

The end of May, April 2008 - Jiayimu acquired by private owner , the same year in August, the Fangzhou company was set up, set up more than 200 outlets in the city

After the Spring Festival 2010 - Fangzhou company multiple outlets paralysis, the company announced bankruptcy.

Beijing Bicycle
Current situation of leasing companies
Fangzhou: bankruptcy
Beko Blueprint: more than 20 rental points, mainly in the West. Because of losses the company is recalling bike cards.
Shanghai Forever: 10 operating outlets located in Dongcheng and Chaoyang. For free, but only for the area residents.

Bicycle rental ad feed
Hangzhou is the one of city which has been mature demand of bicycle rental operation, there are about 2,000 outlets, currently at least more than 25 million bikes are hired.

According to the research, Hangzhou bicycle rental profits are mainly coming from service kiosks, advertisements on the bicycle side, the bicycle frame, and daily bike rental fee.

About 30 rental cars per day (annual card and monthly card), rental fee 50 - 60 RMB
Monthly income: about 1,800 RMB

Staff salaries: RMB 1800
Site fee: 30 RMB / vehicle × 600 = 18,000 RMB
Bike dispatching cost: 45 RMB
Maintenance of vehicles: 200 RMB
Total: 20045 RMB
Loss: 18,245 RMB (in Wangjing West rental point as an example)

Reporter Xu Yunfeng

Questions to ponder:
1. What were the main reasons which lead Fangzhou to fail in the market?
2. What market should Fangzhou target?
3. What advertising media recommendations would you make for Fangzhou?
4. What recommendations could you give to Fangzhou according to the Western bicycle rental experience?
5. What suggestions and improvement recommendations can you give to Fangzhou to bring their business back on track?

1. Fangzhou was the most famous ad biggest rental bicycle company in Beijing, however, it failed to survive in the market. "The company experienced a loss of over 10 million yuan in two years". There are huge markets for the bicycle rental in Beijing, since many Chinese people ride bikes. Fangzhou was established in August 2008, Fangzhou was the largest bike rental service in Beijing. A total of 1,000 bikes could be borrowed and returned at more than 200 lending outlets across the Chinese capital. We believe that Beijing's overall facilities for renting and riding bikes is far from mature. Currently, many bike lanes along the main roads are overcrowded with automobiles, which have affected cyclists. Safety on China's crowded roads is becoming an increasing concern for cyclists, who are staying off the roads in record numbers. According to a survey published by the Beijing Transportation Research Center, many cyclists are quitting their two-wheel machines because cars are illegally using bicycle lanes to beat traffic jams. Apart from safety concerns, some people believe that cars are more suitable for their social status and riding old bikes is seen as cheap and less prestigious. But new cycling trends are also emerging thanks to more recreational riding. Biking is now enjoying a change of face and new designs. Following the emergence of new bicycle types such as mountain bikes and racing bikes, bicycles are gradually transforming from a transportation tool to an eco-friendly way of exercise and entertainment.
We think one of the reasons for Fangzhou to fail in the market is a wrong market. Mostly everybody in China has a bicycle, so it would be strange for people to rent a bicycle if they have their own. As soon as Fangzhou originally was established to target those tourists who will come to the Olympic Games, Fangzhou was quite successful at that time. But when the tourists were gone, bicycles still need somebody to rent them. Thus, Fangzhou changed their target to those people who commute by subway and by bus, by placing the renting kiosks near the subway and bus stations. To our mind the number of rental points was too small, so it was too hard to find another point at your destination to return the bike; this was causing a lot of troubles. Probably this was one of the reasons to make people give up the idea of the bike rental. The company lost about 20-million yuan also because of a lack of customers. Other bike rental companies have also faced similar problems. Some city residents say they don't want to take the trouble to rent bikes from these outlets. Some customers say: "It's not convenient at all. After you use it, you have to come to the same outlet to return it." "You've got to provide a 180-yuan cash deposit first, and there aren't enough places for you to return the bikes."
For the products and services, which need to be sold to customers, it is very important that how to promote products, such as distribution and advertisement. Here, as we see, the main reason was that they couldn’t advertise their products well because of the government. The only way to make money for Fangzhou was putting advertisements on the bikes, but they couldn't get the permission from the government. Thus they failed to the market because they were lack of policy support from the government.

2. Fangzhou rental company already has sold nearly 7,000 of its bicycles to local residents at low prices ranging from 20 yuan to 50 yuan, and it shows that the company was targeting low-income family who has no afford to buy a car. However, they should approach to those whom would not rent a bicycle as a target too. Not only low-income family but also high-income family also can be their target. And those whom owned cars also can be their target. As soon as driving a car already became a very big problem for every Beijinger, renting a bicycle can solve the problem of commuting. Usually the car owners do not have a bicycle, because they don't need it, but they can rent it occasionally, to go around the neighborhood or just having a nice bicycle weekend with his or her family. To make them as a target, they need to go through different distribution methods. High-income family would enjoy their cultural life. Thus, the company can make a corporation with parks or amusement parks which they might visit with their family. Inside the park or inside the amusement park, they would enjoy riding a bicycle. Also the company could make bicycles for the couples. Normally couples want to do something romantic like in a movie. Fangzhou could put more rental points around very crowded and tourists places such as Hou Hai, TianAnMen square, Qian Men and also near Hutongs, where people, mainly tourists can rent a bicycle for couple of hours or days. So they can extend their customer target range.

3. Fangzhou believed that they would have been succeeding in the market if they can obtain the authority for the advertisement by government. Fangzhou wanted to post their advertisement on the bike frame, in parking shed, and other related places, the company received no authorization to allow advertising. In this case, they should have changed their way to promote their products. TV or radio can be charged high cost. Thus our recommendations are whisper marketing, T-shirt advertisement and newspapers. First, company needed to make a promotion for the customers such as coupon and give them the best service which will make them to feel satisfy. Then customer will directly introduce Fangzhou to their friends. Second is a T-shirt advertisement. They put their advertisement on the T-shirts which we wear every day. If they give it to the customers, it will become advertisement when they wear them. Third, people used to read a newspapers. Fangzhou could put their advertisements with a full of promotion events, it will become another advertisement method.

4. In 2007, the local government in Paris launched a system named "Velib" that had about 1,500 rental and drop-off sites spaced 200 meters apart in the city center. Velib public bike system was started by one of the world's leading advertising agencies, JCDecaux. This was a bid by the city administration to improve the transportation system for Parisians. As part of the deal, JCDecaux provided 20,600 bicycles and also maintained the Velib system consisting of bicycles, bike stations, and terminals. In return, JCDecaux got access to the 1,628 billboards in Paris for outdoor advertising. Gong Tian, a 23-year-old PhD student in Paris, said the system is more convenient than ones in Beijing. "You just swipe your bank card to pay the deposit and you can take the bike away," said Gong. "It is free for the first 30 minutes." According to experts, the Velib system was a huge success with over 50 million trips being reported since its launch and August 2009. Some experts commended JCDecaux for developing a system that helped reduce environmental impact while improving the mobility of Parisians.
From the above brief introduction to a Paris bike rental system Velib we can see that it doesn't have the problems that Fangzhou had. Rental points are spaced 200 meters from each other, so it is very convenient to take-return bike when it is necessary; and the paying system is also very well organized, you just need to swipe your bank card and that's it. Another point is a very well organized advertising. As soon as the Velib company was established by an advertising company, they immediately got the permission to put their adds on the bikes and also they got an access to more than a thousand of advertisement billboards around the city where they can put not only the ads of other companies, but also they can promote their Velib system through these billboards. This is what Fangzhou can learn from Velib.

5. At first, Fangzhou needs to get the support from the government, reorganize the whole team and establish a new company which will have the key words "bicycle rental" (租车) in its company name. They need to set up about several hundred outlets that can provide bike rental and return services along subway lines in Beijing. Also, they need to use a computerized management system to provide more convenient services. So that the customers just need to press their public transportation IC cards against the screen of the booth to get a bike. That can be even more convenient than swiping the bank card. Also it would be better if the newly established company will adopt something from Velib, for example not to charge money for the bike within the first hour of use. They need to get the permission for the advertisements on the bikes and paint the bikes and booths with colorful logos, so that they can be seen from far away.
Finally, if the government wants to promote green transportation it should never be a business, it should be a public welfare initiative that should be completely free and led by the government.

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...its impact on customer satisfaction to determine what should be done to improve the CompleteCare program for MindWriter product repair and servicing. Research Objectives The purpose of this research is to discover the level of satisfaction with the CompleteCare service program. Specifically, we intend to identify the component and overall levels of satisfaction with CompleteCare. Components of the repair process are important targets for investigation because they reveal: (1) How customer tolerance levels for repair performance affect overall satisfaction, and (2) Which process components should be immediately improved to elevate the overall satisfaction of those MindWriter customers experiencing product failures. We will also discover the importance of types of product failure on customer satisfaction levels. Importance/Benefits High levels of user satisfaction translate into positive word-of-mouth product endorsements. These endorsements influence the purchase outcomes for (1)...

Words: 815 - Pages: 4

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Specific Educational Experience from Your Past Where You Addressed a Fear and Overcame It and How You Succeeded in This Process.

...e:Module 1 DQ 2 I look forward to completing my BSN in due time with great motivation and good organizational skills that will enable me to excel in the program as a nurse. My greatest fear is failure. I know with proper planning and good time management, these fears can be overcome. Starting the BSN program was like a joke to me. I had wanted to do it a while ago but was not sure whether I was ready physical and emotionally for it. When my friend told me about the program, she had started in November 2013 at GCU that is not as bad as I think. I became very interested right away in the program. Here I am working towards the BSN. In my final year in the ADN program, I was scared to death. That if anything go wrong and I don't graduate what I will do. With these fear in my head, I Had to rearrange everything around me. My busy Family, work schedules and personal activities to be able to accommodate my success. I had to come out of my beautiful shell now by asking questions in class, and also realize that my professor and I make a team. They are there to help me succeed in the program. I did engaged myself in discussions sessions with my peer groups, meet with my instructors one on one after lectures regarding topics that were not cleared to me and assignments. They were very helpful in all areas, like how to study for exams, websites for nxclex practice questions, and how to use rationales to study for exams. They saw that I was ready to learn and don't want to fail...

Words: 351 - Pages: 2

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Realizing This

...Realizing all this, I feel that the only actions I could pursue that would exhibt an understanding of responsibility, I decided to go back to school. This decision brings on an array of concerns and challenges; can I do this, what happens if I fail, how do I juggle my personal responsibilities, will this degree even matter? Now there are credible fears and ludcrious fears in life and for me all these fears boil down to the fear of failure- I don’t want to go through all this hardship and end up flat on my face. I even would go as far to say that most of my early life’s disillusionment stemmed from this fear. Rather than try I would just be critical of those who did. Taking my education and viewing it as a life enhancement will help me during the times of struggle towards my degree. Ultimately, whether or not this gets me a better paying job, the tools I learn here will help me in all the endeavors of my life. Taking this approach will impact the outlook when life wont work how I think it should based on what I’ve done. The question now is, understanding the challenges I face, how will I take responsibility of my success? As I’ve alluded to before, the first step is to transform the way I think. It will do me no good when the struggles arise if I look at college with resentment. I must see this as value added. For me, when things are a positive, it makes it easier to handle the bad that always come along with it. The follow through with this will be the pratical application...

Words: 384 - Pages: 2

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College Administrator Failures

...College and University administrators tend to exclude adjuncts from the heart of the university staff experience, and tenured faculty often are just as quick to make the part-timers feel like second-class citizens. One professor, James Obersen, ended his recent article in The Atlantic with these words: “I’m grateful to teach, to work, to earn money to feed myself. But this hand-to-mouth existence shouldn’t be the norm. The injustices suffered by adjuncts…ends up hurting students. That is the last thing institutional policy should impede. Under-supported adjuncts means under-engaged students.” The analyses, decisions, and implementation of decisions on how to improve school operations must be done highly effectively and it must, first and foremost, be undertaken by the highest levels of school management up to the policy level in county, state, and federal governments. Administrators must continuously work to find solutions and provide strong support to enhance the welfare of students and faculty first. The last thing they should do is be the author of those problems. It is not enough to just fund and put programs in place; they must be executed effectively and get results. When results fail, the administrators have failed. Social responsibility, which includes fairness to workers and offering a living wage, should be addressed by all organizations, including colleges and universities. Only then can true progress be made by establishing a human relations, legal, and ethical...

Words: 367 - Pages: 2

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Is Rohner a Failure

...The question posed by Esty & Winston in this week’s reading, “Is Rohner a Failure?,” makes one consider the definition of success in business. Business success can be defined in many ways, and cultures around the globe tend to define and reward success that fit within their norms and expectations. In the case of Rohner, one would have to consider the criteria by which success is defined. Rohner’s intention to create a sustainable product and company has been achieved and therefore meets the entrepreneur’s intentions, which likely defines success in their eyes. In the case of Rohner, it is not necessary to be the cheapest product, or to own the largest market share in order to be successful. (Esty & Winston, 2009) The fact that they are sustaining their business, taking care of the employees, community and their customers handily defines success. In fact, most business owners gain their greatest satisfaction from creating things and seeing their ideas through to fruition. (Hill, n.d.) The personal satisfaction of seeing an idea come to life with ones name/brand and overcoming the challenges of starting a business is enough to define success for many people. The social aspect of what Rohner has accomplished should also help define success. The good jobs, training and skills they teach their workers help define success. The wages they pay get circulated back into the community and reinvested as well. Satisfied, long-term employees are the best advertising that...

Words: 640 - Pages: 3

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Case Study Warren

...Case Study: Warren Agency Inc. I. Introduction The Warren Case Study is about the analysis of the problem of Mr. Thaddeus Warren on whether to accept or reject the offer to sell of a prospective client. The client approached him with an offer to sell three properties under certain strict conditions. In making the analysis for this case, a diagram was made, the cumulative profit for each possible outcomes were estimated, and the expected value analysis based on the selling probability estimated by Warren was also computed. All other factors involved that may affect the outcome of a sale is not considered. Only the condition set forth by the client as well as the estimated selling costs and selling probabilities were considered. This analysis, while in the third person is from the point of view of Mr. Warren, the owner of Warren Agency, Inc. II. Statement of the Problem The major problem of the case is whether Warren would accept or reject the proposition of the client. If Warren would accept the proposition of the client, Warren would have to decide on the following: 1. If he will be successful in selling A, would he continue in selling B or C or stop selling any of the properties; 2. If he will continue selling B or C after successfully selling A, which will he sell next, B or C? 3. If he will be successful in selling B, will he continue to sell C or stop selling? 4. If he chose C and succeeded selling it, will he continue to sell B or stop selling? ...

Words: 1601 - Pages: 7