Premium Essay

Farenheit 451


Submitted By pattyinteriano
Words 1106
Pages 5
Guy Montag lives in a futuristic society, although not specify the year in the novel. Montag works as a firefighter in a world in which firefighters are not engaged in firefighting, but to provoke them. The purpose of the fire is to burn books, because they prevent the company is happy. The books represent the thinking, and thinking brings anguish and suffering; so to help it burn.
At the beginning of the novel is presented to Montag as a happy with his work and his life man. However, all this began to change with the arrival of a character who represents everything that society tries to hide. Clarisse McClellan is a seventeen year old girl who has grown up in a different family, which has given rise to dialogue and thought. Montag accompanies this girl for a few days on the way to the subway and during that time makes him consider such simple questions as whether or not happy. Clarisse is a simple girl who likes to do things like walking in the rain or pick flowers, which in this society is not accepted. At first, Montag seems a strange being, something crazy, but later realizes the reason I had to put these questions. Following this, start thinking about his life and realizes that he is not really happy, and society either.
Mildred, His Wife, lowest've been married 10 years, the above dealer typical person of That society. Only you are interested in the three TV screens home, and talk-through them With your family. Montag realizes whos That feels nothing for her, even though it Attempts suicide with sleeping pills overnight, something used in a society That Suffers from insomnia.
One night, a tip leads to an old fire house where a library is hidden. Montag, guided by some instinct, choose to keep to himself a book before they are sprayed with oil and everything starts to burn. The owner not only refuses to leave home, but is she who sets fire with a match. This

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