...ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praises due to Almighty Allah who enabled me to complete the research work. I am pleased to avail myself of the opportunity to express my deepest sense of respect, sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratefulness to my Anthropology department, to honorable supervisor & teachers who helped me for increasing anthropological insights by their guidance in planning and execution of present research work, suggestions, inspirations, affectionate feelings and constructive criticism through the work. I am very grateful for the support that our seminar librarian has shown by allowing me to take books in case of necessity and within short notice. The support will always be remembered. I am indebted to my parents and my friends for their immense mental support and courage to perceive through all sorts of difficulties until this research work was completed. I really feel proud of my honorable respondents who helped me to collect data in regard of my research title. Their helping mind really impressed me. So, I show my deepest sense of respect to them. My supervisor, I thank you for your guidance that brought me to the end of this work. Your politeness & cordial behavior added encouragement to my work. December, 2014 | Roll No:09203219Registration no: 3552Session: 2008-2009MSS, Department of Anthropology | ABSTRACT Being the main force conditioning human relationship, sex is essentially political. In any social context, the construction of...
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...Organic Agriculture The human population is growing rapidly and is expected to reach its limit somewhere around nine billion (J. Foley "The other inconvenient truth" ). We are already using more than forty percent of the world’s land for agricultural purposes and agriculture is the single biggest contributor to climate change (J. Foley "The other inconvenient truth" ). Some people want to convert the land that we aren't using to grow more food, but that would greatly affect the world’s biodiversity by causing even further deforestation and would only contribute to climate change. Therefore, researchers are working to find a solution to increase the output of food while not further damaging the environment and biodiversity or significantly increasing costs. Many possible solutions have been raised with different advantages and disadvantages. One such idea is organic agriculture, which focuses on minimizing agriculture’s effect on the environment. Like all of the much-hyped solutions, however, there are drawbacks to this approach (J. Foley "The other inconvenient truth" ). The main goal of organic agriculture is the minimization of farming’s effect on the environment, but there remains a need for more crops to feed our growing population (J. Foley "The other inconvenient truth"). Because of this, the organic agriculture advocates are encouraging the practice of precision agriculture. As stated by McGinnis: "The premise of precision agriculture systems...
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...sustainable way of producing food for the community must be achieved by the city’s government. As my cities planner, I must decide on a sustainable and productive agricultural system that will support my cities recovering population. Planning ahead for Houston’s future, industrial agriculture stands as the only viable option to support the city’s future agricultural success. Before the zombie apocalypse, Houston stood as the fourth most populous city in the country. At its prime the city boasted well over two and a half million people, and had one of the largest oil and gas industries in the country. Now, the city stands barely even a shadow of what it used to be. The two million citizens that once thrived here now have dwindled to less than 800,000. The city’s government must decide how it will tackle the substantial job of feeding its surviving populous in this post-apocalyptic world. The officials have two options of agricultural style, either urban or industrial. Both of these come with their own pros and cons, but industrial agriculture is better suited for an area like Houston. The industrial model as a whole stands in contrast to the urban commutative farming model. Comparatively industrial farming stands as the only practical way of producing enough food to sustain a society like Houston’s. Houston’s post-apocalyptic community requires the need for a secure method of producing...
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...1968). They began to gather, then cultivate and settle around, patches of cereal grasses and to domesticate animals for meat, labor, skins and other materials, and milk. The earliest civilizations all relied primarily on cereal agriculture. Cultivation of fruit trees began three thousand years later, again in the Middle East, and vegetables and other crops followed (Zohari 1986). Cultivation of rice began in Asia about 7000 years ago (Stark 1986). HISTORICAL BACKGROUND In 1884 Arnold Toynbee coined the phrase ‘the Industrial Revolution’ to describe the great changes in the organization, methods and productivity which took place in late eighteenth-century England. Not surprisingly historians soon dubbed the parallel changes in agriculture ‘the Agricultural Revolution’ … approximately 1760 and 1820 the farming of this country underwent and equally abrupt and radical change (Grigg, 1967). As humans began to form permanent settlements and gave up traveling in search of food, agriculture was born. The foods we eat, the clothing we wear, the materials we use in our everyday lives is agriculture. The term agriculture refers to a wide variety of things, it is the science, art and occupation of cultivating the soil, producing crops and raining livestock. Agriculture refers to financing, processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products, farm production supply and service industries. This new way of providing food and other raw materials developed slowly, but because it made...
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...Conventional “The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and the perfection of human beings” (Fukuoka 119). Agriculture is one of the most important determinants of the quality of non-urban areas, one that can create a cultural identity of an area. But despite the cultural identity it can give, farming and agriculture also provide food which is needed for all living organisms to survive. Nevertheless, the processes and methods of producing the food are split between two very different ideas: Conventional or Organic agriculture. Conventional farming describes any farming not dedicated to alternative methods. Fundamentally, conventional farming is the kind of farming which dominated the 20th century and which accounts for most farming today. In conventional farming, chemical plant protectants, chemical fertilizers and intensive mass animal farming are common. The term “conventional farming” draws its meaning from the contrast to alternative farming methods such as organic farming. Conventional farming methods date back to the Industrial Revolution, which gave birth to newly invented machinery. This new machinery began producing goods with greater efficiency and output, which had previously been made by hand. It was also the beginning of the transformation of society, but did not overtake agriculture as quickly as it did in other areas of production, such as textiles and printing. No doubt, that was because agriculture was intimately connected...
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...sustainable organic agricultural farming. The practice of vermicomposting supports Republic Act No. 10068 otherwise known as the Philippine Organic Agriculture Act of 2010, a landmark legislation to promote, propagate, develop further and implement the practice of organic agriculture in the Philippines that will cumulatively condition and enrich the fertility of the soil, increase farm productivity, reduce pollution and destruction of the environment, prevent the depletion of natural resources, further protect the health of farmers, consumers, and the general public, and save on imported farm inputs.1 It likewise supports the National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP) of the government which envisions the organic agriculture sector contributing to the country s over-all agriculture growth and development, in terms of sustainability, competitiveness and food security, where at least five (5) percent of Philippine agricultural farm areas practice organic farming; and where consumers both national and international increasingly support Philippine organic food products by 2016. The NOAP aims to promote organic agriculture in the Philippines towards a competitive and sustainable organic industry that contributes to better farm incomes and sustainable livelihood; improved health; environmental protection; disaster risk reduction and resilience to climate change and social justice.2 1 2 Republic Act No. 10068 The National Organic Agriculture Program...
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...SUSTAINABILITY: ................................................................. 6 SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: ....................................................................... 7 OPPORTUNITIES & CONSTRAINTS IN ORGANIC AGRIBUSINESS ........ 7 OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................................... 7 CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................. 8 SUSTAINABLE PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC INTEGRATED AGRIBUSINESS – GOALS/KEY FEATURES OF THE ORGANISATION . 10 DESIGNING THE ORGANIC PRODUCTION SYSTEM .............................. 12 MANAGING THE CONVERSION TO ORGANIC FARMING.................. 13 CHALLENGES IN CONVERSION PROCESS ........................................... 14 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS OF A TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE SYSTEM...
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...Bio Fertilizer .Com .: Organic Products Natural Products in Gardens and Agriculture Bio Fertilizer are natural and organic fertilizer that helps to keep in the soil with all the nutrients and live microorganisms required for the benefits of the plants. The soil is alive and contains a lot of microorganism that produce natural N-K-P and other nutrients required for agricultre and plants. Using chemical products eventually will kill all this micro live and transform productive soils in sand in few years. Bio Fertilizer .Com is one organic center with information about natural products and eco friendly energies. Information Center about how to use Solar, Wind , BioDigestors and other sources of cheap energy for houses and business. Bio Pesticides are natural products that helps in the maintenance of gardens and organic food production. Read the Biology of Microorganisms to learn more about the scientific basis. Introducing the basics of the science of Biology of Microorganisms and its applications, as fertilizers or composting for example. Organic Farming State The World of Organic Agriculture: More Than 31 Million Hectares Worldwide The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), and the Foundation Ecology & Farming (SOEL), Germany, presented the latest global data on organic farming at the BioFach fair 2006 in Nuremberg, the world leading fair for organic food. According to the survey,...
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...SUSTAINABILITY: ................................................................. 6 SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY: ....................................................................... 7 OPPORTUNITIES & CONSTRAINTS IN ORGANIC AGRIBUSINESS ........ 7 OPPORTUNITIES ......................................................................................... 7 CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................. 8 SUSTAINABLE PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC INTEGRATED AGRIBUSINESS – GOALS/KEY FEATURES OF THE ORGANISATION . 10 DESIGNING THE ORGANIC PRODUCTION SYSTEM .............................. 12 MANAGING THE CONVERSION TO ORGANIC FARMING.................. 13 CHALLENGES IN CONVERSION PROCESS ........................................... 14 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS OF A TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE SYSTEM...
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...Should all farming be organic? 1.0 The two main types of farming this report will look into are: (1) Organic agriculture- Organic farming (2) Modern Agriculture- Intensive farming Organic farming (as defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission) is a holistic production management system that avoids use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified organisms, minimizes pollution of air, soil and water, and optimizes the health and productivity of interdependent communities of plants, animals and people 1. To achieve this, organic farming relies on a number of objectives and principles, as well as common practices designed to minimise the human impact on the environment, while ensuring the agricultural system operates as naturally as possible2. Typical organic farming practices include2: • Wide crop rotation as a prerequisite for an efficient use of on-site resources • Very strict limits on chemical synthetic pesticide and synthetic fertiliser use, livestock antibiotics, food additives and processing aids and other inputs • Prohibition of the use of genetically modified organisms • Taking advantage of on-site resources, such as livestock manure for fertiliser or feed produced on the farm • Choosing plant and animal species that are resistant to disease and adapted to local conditions • Raising livestock in free-range, open-air systems and providing them with organic feed • Using animal husbandry practices appropriate to different livestock species ...
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...traditional foods is the farming method. The different farming methods have the different levels impacts on the environment. Traditional Foods Farming V.S. Organic Foods Farming Traditional foods are produced with traditional gardening, the production based on hybridizing. Before we use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, the farmers used to use the animal manure to give nutrition to the seeds. The seeds absorb the nutrition from the land and the animal manure to grow up. The traditional agricultural system can classify into “Mixed Subsistence Farming”, the livestock and crops combined into one ecosystem (Biology, 1998, para.1). Organic farming method restricts to use natural pesticides and fertilizers. The organic farming focus on keeping good soil structure and fertility, and the farmers need recycle and compost crop wastes, animal manures, crop rotation, and green manures.(Infonet, n.d., para. 2). The Environmental impact of Traditional Farming Traditional farming has a vast impact on the earth. Fertilizers and pesticides are major causes of water pollution. The crops can absorb fewer fertilizers, the rest fertilizers will go to the rivers, or the lakes, which will lead to harm the aquatic plants and animals. The pesticides can reduce the biodiversity by destroying weeds and insects. The insecticides and herbicides can pollute fresh water with carcinogens and other poison s that will affect humans and wildlife (World agriculture, 2011, para. 8)....
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...sustainable fishing and farming technologies. Here in the Philippine setting, a lot of farmers use traditional way of farming. Sustainable farming can greatly improve profitability, maintain the productive volume of a farm’s natural resource base, and improve a farm’s capacity to cope with adversity all while maintaining or enhancing the natural resource base. There has been a slow progress in developing farming systems here in the Philippines, but more needs to be done to ensure sustainable agriculture in the future. Investing on good farming technologies can secure agriculture here in our country now that AFTA is now in motion. Here are some of the few advantages of Sustainable Farming: • The nutritional value of food is largely a function of its vitamin and mineral content. • Poison- free • Food tastes better • Food keeps longer • Lower Input Costs • Drought Resistance • Disease and Pest Resistance If the Philippine government will invest in this new farming technology, we can reduce cost and at the same time, improve the quality of our agricultural by- products. Through this, local products can now compete with the cheaper products to be imported from other ASEAN countries. Modern farming methods may be much cheaper and create more products, but hurt the environment in the long run. However, the moral advantages of sustainable farming outweigh the disadvantages. Sustainable agriculture can essentially be described as the practice of farming ecologically. Rather...
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...------------------------------------------------- Intensive farming Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is characterized by a low fallowratio and generally the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers relative to land area.[1][2] This is in contrast to many sorts of traditional agriculture in which the inputs per unit land are lower. With intensification, energy use typically goes up, either provided by humans, or supplemented with animals, or replaced with machines. Intensive animal husbandry involves either large numbers of animals raised on limited land, usually confined animal feeding operations (CAFO) often referred to as factory farms,[1][3][4] or managed intensive rotational grazing (MIRG). Both increase the yields of food and fiber per acre as compared to traditional animal husbandry, but in a CAFO the animal feed is brought to the animals which are seldom moved, and in MIRG the animals are bunched up and constantly moved to fresh forage. There are many modern-day forms of intensive crop based agriculture, but they are all characterised by innovations designed to get the most yields per acre possible. This is usually done by a combination of multiple crops per year, very few if any fallow years, and improved cultivars. It can sometimes also involve the use of high inputs of fertilizers, plant growth regulators orpesticides, and mechanization. Most large modern intensive farms include innovation in agricultural machinery and farming methods, genetic technology...
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...Unit 5 Agriculture– Basic Vocabulary and Concepts Create flash cards for the following terms. Each term should have its own card with the definition/explanation on the back, including one real world example. Economic Activities 130-131 1. Primary Sector 2. Secondary Sector 3. Tertiary Sector | 4. Post-industrial societies 5. Quaternary sector 6. 5 Countries with large % of primary | 7. 5 Countries with large % of secondary 8. 5 Countries with large % of tertiary | Origin and Spread of Ag 131-136 9. Agriculture 10. Religious impact 11. Hunters and gathers 12. Neolithic Revolution 13. Agricultural hearths 14. NR changes 15. Patriarchal systems 16. Matriarchal systems | 17. Vegetative planting 18. Vegetative hearths 19. Seed agriculture 20. Seed Hearths 21. Animal Domestication 22. Hearths 23. Innovations in Seed Ag | 24. Columbian Exchange 25. Eastern Hemisphere items 26. Western Hemisphere items 27. Second agricultural Revolution 28. Enclosure 29. Crop rotation 30. Seed drill 31. How did 2nd AR lead to Industrial Revolution? | Major Ag Regions 136-142 32. Subsistence agriculture 33. Commercial agriculture 34. Agribusiness 35. % of farmers (LDC v MDC) 36. Use of machinery impact 37. Scientific advances 38. Farm size (LDC v MDC) 39. Intensive subsistence 40. Wet or lowland rice 41. Shifting cultivation 42. Intertillage 43. Pastoral nomadism | 44. Nomadism 45. Extensive subsistence...
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...While Farming has been Around for Centuries Anita M. Ebbinghausen DeVry University Introduction While farming has been around for centuries, the way farmers, farm has been up for debate for many decades. There have been several studies on the Industrial agricultural and equal studies about organic agriculture. According to Best, (2007) “the question as to why humans behave toward the environment is an environmentally friendly or degrading manner has been discussed in the sociological literature for more than 30 years.” (p. 451). Farmers are unable to produce their product and their land has been standing uncultivated in order to reduce the surplus of production. The long-standing concern about the social and environmental sustainability of industrial agriculture has been added to the rising question from dependency on cheap energy derived from fossil fuel. The United States is currently dependent on Industrial Agriculture, switching to Organic Agriculture will benefit the economy and help the environment. Industrial Agriculture Although the United States is currently dependent on industrial agriculture it was somewhat prosperous in accomplishing the goals of maximizing market based production and furnishing brief economic returns, it overlooked many of the unintended negative consequences. The most important recant consequence was the soil and water degradation and the loss of the farmer and the robust rural communities (Kirschenmann, 2009). It compromises...
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