...and to Wholesalers: $400 Quantifiable Price and Value Elements associated with kunst are in terms of * oil prices, * labour expenses, * clean up supplies * Disposal cost. Where, Clean-up supplies = price of cloth towel + amount of scouring soap used in money terms Oil disposal cost = recycling charge per gallon of oil x number of gallons recycled Labour cost = rate at which individual is changing oil i.e. Hourly x time required per change in Hours 2. What additional value placeholders, elements not presently quantified, merit consideration in your value model? * It is an aluminium pump with fractional horsepower and injection moulded i.e. it has lesser working parts. * It is oil free. * Its input nozzle so that it can easily catch the pollutants. * Weight is less compared to other pumps in the market i.e. lighter 16.5 pounds. * Projected life is about 6 years compared to other pumps which has 5 years. * No chances of leakage in the system. 3. Construct a customer value model for the kunst 1600 in the residential AC, Home refrigerator and light commercial refrigerator repair market segments? Word Equation for the market segments are as follows: Quantifiable Price and Value Elements associated with kunst are in terms of oil prices, labour expenses, clean up supplies and...
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...civilizational context: incarnation of integralism. 5 1.2. Scandinavia in European economy: comparative analysis 10 1.3. Cultural preconditions for the Scandinavian model formation. 13 Chapter 2. Model performance and competitiveness: distinctive features 16 2.1. The role of public sector in Scandinavian economies 16 2.2. Peculiarities of labour market in Scandinavia 21 2.3. Human capital and innovations: learning economy 26 Chapter 3. Scandinavian model: challenges and threats 33 3.1. Demographic challenge: ageing of population versus public finance 33 3.2. Paradoxes of economic growth in welfare states 36 3.3. The problem of labour disincentives and decommodification. 38 Conclusion 41 Bibliography 43 Introduction In the light of a current trend of moving towards socialization in economy, Scandinavian experience stands out, being probably a unique example of building a highly-socialized and at the same time viable economy. The image of Scandinavian countries appears to be controversial in modern economic observations. On the one hand, obviously, the Scandinavians’ performance is ranked high in terms of the majority of competitiveness indicators. The main advantages of the Scandinavian economies are, probably, a peaceful labour market and an egalitarian income distribution. On the other hand, many observers note that economic incentives in Scandinavian...
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...But labour is equally fixed like land bcos its supply can only in d extreme be limited to 24hrs of daily service! Labour is similar to the odas in the sense that factor values(wage for labour rent for land interest on capital and profit) Are largely determined by the forces of demand and supply. This suggest that there is a market(labour market) where d forces of demand and supply (visible and non visible) interreact to determine invalue that is pais to labour The concept and study of LM Human bein is a multi product person with potential talent from d standpoint of labour analyst. With inherited capacity and d appreciation of knowledge, dexterity, creativity, and so on thru training both in mind and outside school. D individual has d potential 2 perform variety of scales tho with varying degrees of proficiency @ d point of entering d labour market. Dis individual makes himself available to an employer and d 2 parties engage in an exchange relationship or contract of employment as previously described If d outcome, both partes r initially happy with d exchange of hours(Labour services) for d wage offered by d employer. Conflict is however. Bound to occur as mutual dissatisfaction naturally occur both on d demand and supply size of d labour market in the cases of continued interaction. D labour market exist therefore if dy r pple hu work or available to work for a wage. It may be geographic location where labour is bot and sold as in an employment exchange or job center. But...
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...Do you agree that casual employment been wrongly demonised and that casual employment is actually a positive feature of the contemporary labour market? Casual employment is commonly defined as employees who are not permitted to either annual leave or sick leave, whereas permanent employees are categorised as employees who are in fact titled to annual leave or sick leave (Australian Bureau Of Statistics, 1998). Casual employees are individuals who work irregular hours, which in turn implies that they may be offered work by their employer or they may not. This also indicates that these individuals do have the opportunity to refuse to work or not. Casual employees in general, must be paid at least 20 per cent extra to pay off for not receiving annual or sick leave. Casuals are protected by anti-discrimination laws and have access to long service leave if they in fact have been employed for a long period of time. This also authorises them to claim unfair dismissal if a certain situation occurs, and receive superannuation. Over the last 20 years there has been a significant rise in casualisation of the labour force, including more prominent changes in the 1990s (Watson, 2005). In the mid-1980s there was extensive expansion and growth in trading hours in the retail industry, leading to a large casualization of the workforce. This ultimately resulted in an impact of the working conditions of employees. In order to cope with the longer trading hours, more casual workers entered the...
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...i) Frictional Unemployment The function of labour market is to match available jobs with available workers. If all jobs and workers were the same, or if the set of jobs and workers were static and unchanging, this matching process would be quick and easy. But the real world is more complicated. In practice, both jobs and workers are highly heterogeneous (non-uniform). Jobs differ in their locations, in the skills they require, in the working conditions and hours, and in many other ways. Workers differ in their career aspirations, their skills and experience, their preferred working hours, their willingness to travel, etc. The real labour market is also dynamic or constantly changing and evolving. On the demand side of the labour market, technological advances, globalizations and changing consumer tasks spur the creation of new products, new firms and even new industries; while outmoded products, firms and industries disappear. As a result, new jobs are constantly being created, while some old jobs cease to be viable. The workforce in a modern economy is equally dynamic. People move, gain new skills, leave the labour force for a time to rear children or go back to school, and even change careers. Because the labour market is heterogeneous and dynamic, the process of matching jobs with workers takes time. Short term unemployment that is associated with the process of matching workers with jobs is called frictional unemployment. The costs of frictional unemployment...
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...Assignment One Introduction In this assignment I will be explaining the key features of a capitalist economy whilst highlighting the importance of wage labour and capital as a self- expanding value. Following that I will then define globalisation, the forces driving it, and the parts of the UK that are most globalised. Capitalism this covers ownership of Property/Trade with the aim of making profit or as a business start-up. This social system can be found worldwide it consists of 2 things. Wage labour (working class), Private Ownership (Capitalist Class). Capitalist Economy When individuals/organisation has ownership over production. The privacy of this economy means that it does not have any intrusion from government bodies. Profit Motive Making profit for a capitalist is one of the most important aspects of being a capitalist. This is because most capitalist will not wish to lose any initial investments. If the social economy has any demands that are not ethically correct capitalist must attend to their needs purely based on profit purpose. Profit = Survive for capitalist. The formula for Profit in business is Profit = Revenue – Cost. A lot of business profits in capitalism will be pumped back into the business in order to pay for the cost. Cost is everything in the input of the business this could mean machinery, rent, and equipment and most importantly in most businesses is the labour cost for the “Working class” as mentioned before. (FT.com, 2015) Government ...
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...economies in the twentieth century. This also caused trade barriers to arise * The major indicators of integration between economies include: * International trade in goods and services * International trade flows * International investment flows and transnational corporations * Technology, transport and communication * The movement of workers between countries Globalisation * Barriers have been put up to try and protect businesses * Benefits to removing barriers * Barriers have been removed but there are still some barriers that exist * Some say the EU is closing off itself to other countries * Benefits to globalisation: * Trading – we might not have products that are only overseas * Cheaper labour is overseas * Investment overseas and investment into Australia * Financial flows of banks * Technology * Businesses can become more productive * Disadvantages: * Other economies failure affects us. External shocks * Local businesses suffer as overseas businesses can be cheaper * Loss of cultural identity * China has been driving our economy for many years due to their demand for metals and minerals for their manufacturing sector Positives |...
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...average unemployment rate in the EU was 7.8%, but it ranged from 1.7% in Berkshire (UK) to 24.9% in Calabria (Italy).[1] These disparities are present even within single countries, where the range of unemployment rates is much higher than in the US. Disparities in European regional unemployment rates are also extremely persistent. In the US the correlation between regional unemployment rates between 1997-2004 is only 0.3, indicating that over two-thirds of any regional unemployment problem is solved over that period. In Europe, however, the correlation averages 0.83, suggesting that very little adjustment takes place. (Figure 1 in Appendix)[2] This is not a recent phenomena but persistence appears to have been the main feature of behaviour of regional unemployment disparities in European regions since the early 1980s. Baddeley, Martin and Tyler provide this evidence in a report, using rank-order correlations between regional unemployment rates using five ‘core’ member states [3] (data limitations prevent the comprehensive investigation of regional unemployment for all sub regions of the EU-in particular the southern member states.) The...
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...identified ‘five giants’ of social disorder; want, idleness, squalor, disease and ignorance. The main focus of the solution was flat-rate contributions as well as flat-rate cash benefits, (Titmuss 1950; Hennessy 1992; Powell 1998). Drawing from these two points of view the foundation of the classic welfare state I will take the latter (Five Giants) as most credible, as most of the major features of the welfare state were initiated by the Labour and Conservative governments (Labour’s landslide victory of the conservations after World War two) from this point, such as the planned, approved and implemented universal non-selective NHS 1948. As we now have a beginning context we must explore when the erosion of the classic welfare state began. Commentators have used very selective wording when dealing with the transition from classic to modern welfare state (Powell 1998; Timmins1996). The word ‘retrenched’ is cautiously used and many have seen the de/evolution of the welfare state as a result of crisis, particularly where finance is concerned. The Harold Wilson Labour government (1974-9)...
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...CHINA’S EXPORTS: AN UNSTOPPABLE COMPETITOR Pavel Aleksandrov Student Number: 000873249 Course name: MSc Engineering Management Questions: 1. In what types of good is China a world leader? 2. What are the characteristics of the types of goods in which China succeeds? 3. What explains China’s pattern of exports 4. What role does foreign investment and foreign purchasing play? 5. So who makes the money on China’s export? 6. Identify the goods in which China is uncompetitive in world markets? 7. Does China succeed in all industries? Why of why not? 8. Are Chinese provinces involved in trade the same extent? 9. Can China succeed in all industries? Q1 Nowadays China is one of the world's top exporting counties and is attracting record amounts of investment from overseas. In fact, it is investing billions of dollars abroad. The collapse in international export markets that accompanied the global financial crisis of 2009 initially hit China hard, but its economy was among the first in the world to rebound, quickly returning to growth. The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Chinese global shipments during 2012. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of China’s overall exports. 1. Electronic equipment: (25.4% of total exports) 2. Machinery: (17.3%) 3. Knit or crochet clothing and accessories: (4.4%) 4. Furniture, lighting, signs and prefabricated buildings: (3.9%) 5. Optical...
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...HRM Planning Key Features: Define HR Planning and its crucial(Very serious) relationship with strategic organizational planning. Examine the nature and role of HRM info system(HRMIS) in HRP and SHRM Develop an understanding of the techniques of HRP and advantages/disadvantages of HRP process I.HRP and SHRM HRP is the bridge between HRS and HR Function(Activity).It’s the process through which the Organisational Goals are translated into HR goals in staff-ing levels and allocation HRP ensures the org have the right people with right skill in right place at the right time. HRP guides the long-term resourcing of people in org-the acquisition(capture),use and development of Human capital and knowledge assets Workfoce Planning(HRP)=>Preparing to recruit=>Attracting Staff=>Recruiting and selecting staff=>Developing and retaining staff. Step:Environmental Scanning(External and internal)=>Labour Demand Forecasting=>Labour supply analysis=>Balancing demand and supply Emphasied the need to diagnose(discover) the real reasons for mismatches in supply/demand Using a mix of qualitative and quantitative techniques It Involves: Forecasting labour requirement for an org Predicting likely(will happen) sources Environmental Scanning Development of Objective and Goals Formulating the necessary steps to meet needs Evaluation(Judgement) of the planning process The HR Planner should: 1st Analyzing Environmental Factors and Organization Direction=>Forecasting...
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...(Organski 1968, 340). This has led researchers to question why South Korea was able to grow at such a remarkable pace, while other potential risers were not. For instance, Egypt, with a larger abundance of profitable natural resources, a larger land mass and nearly twice the population size, has had sluggish growth during that same time. Egypt’s GDP (OER) is US $255 billion; its unemployment is 12.5% or 130th in the world; and, its HDI ranking is 112th. Immanuel Wallerstein’s World System Analysis[2] provides a theoretical framework to consider such growth and development inequalities. He argues an essential organizing characteristic of the modern capitalist world economy is the division of labour. Wallerstein argues systemic power structures institutionalize structural divisions in labour and amplify core-periphery relations. This essay will consider the role of strong state machineries[3] for developmental growth in such a system. Through a comparative analysis of Egypt and South Korea, this essay will demonstrate that nationalistic state intervention is necessary for economic development[4]. Wallerstein’s...
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...and Ideas 1. Outline TWO features of a political party. 5 marks One feature of a political party is to campaign in elections. Campaigning is where a party tries to gain peoples support for their ideologies. This maybe by informing the public about major current problems and how the party would solve the problems. Campaigning can take the form of speeches, political broadcasts and door to door campaigning. Parties also have organisation. They have a structured hierarchy with the most powerful people at the top. There is a leader such as Gordon Brown for Labour, then senior members, which in a government would be the cabinet. Then there are lower MPs and also whips to enforce party policy. 2. Explain Three ways in which ‘new’ labour differs from ‘old’ labour. 10 marks New Labour removed clause IV from its constitution. This was a reference to common ownership and so removal of old labour policy of nationalisation. Old labour’s core socialist value of common ownership meant that everyone had a share in business and so an equal share of rewards and input. New Labour, however, has adopted capitalist ideas of a free market with private businesses. There were even talks of part-privatisation of the royal mail. New labour has also abandoned its socialist core value of class. This was that they fought for the rights of the working class alone and believed that over time there should be no classes. They rejected the idea of Natural Order. New Labour has largely abandoned this ideology...
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...communal work is a vital foundation of meaning and satisfaction in our lives. Conversely, work can therefore create dissatisfaction for individuals. The key points of the chapter are market individualism, alienation and the division of labour, the changing character of labour, and subjectivity, status and satisfaction. Market individualism is created by the negotiation between employers and employees of a labour contract of an employee’s labour for a wage in return, along with which the wages are spent on supplies suited to an individual’s needs. The notion of ‘consumer sovereignty’ conveys that the individual is the best judge of their preferences and therefore individuals are able to enter into contracts to give away his or her labour. Alienation and the division of labour demonstrate that ‘structured antagonism’ (Edwards 1986) is implanted within employment relationship, meaning that is characterised by the potential for conflict as well as co-operation. Employees are alienated from the product of their labour and therefore its purpose, along with being alienated from the act of production. Thus, conveying that alienation is not only work displeasure, but it is intrinsic to the employment relationship that includes a structural antagonism between employer and employee. The changing character of labour, manual work is continuing to...
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...Human Development Research Paper 2010/30 Dealing with employment risk: Policy options for emerging markets Simon Commander United Nations Development Programme Human Development Reports Research Paper November 2010 Human Development Research Paper 2010/30 Dealing with employment risk: Policy options for emerging markets Simon Commander United Nations Development Programme Human Development Reports Research Paper 2010/30 November 2010 Dealing with employment risk: Policy options for emerging markets1 Simon Commander Simon Commander is Managing Partner at the EBRD, IE Business School and Altura Advisers. Email: scommander@alturaadvisers.com Comments should be addressed by email to the author(s). 1 Thanks to Jeni Klugman for discussion and comments and to Ginette Azcona for help with data. Abstract The paper looks at the experience of advanced economies in dealing with employment volatility. It examines in detail the impact of labour market institutions on equilibrium unemployment and the p ossible le ssons f or e merging ma rket e conomies tr ying to d esign p olicy f or d ealing w ith unemployment and a wider, growing demand for social protection from their citizens. Part of the paper concentrates on t he t ransition e conomies whose i nstitutional c ontext m ay b e r elevant t o other emerging ma rkets. S ome leading principles in policy d esign a re elaborated th at take into account s ome o f t he co mmon f eatures o f em erging m arkets, n...
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