Premium Essay

Federal Reserve


Submitted By aniya
Words 713
Pages 3
Federal Reserve
Arlisha James
October 16, 2012
Jonathan Edelman

Federal Reserve
The purpose and function of money in today’s world market are still assets in which citizen’s exchange for goods and services received or for paying one’s creditors. Revenue (cash) is utilize in implemented to do four operations, which is store accounts, medium exchange, unit of account, and standard of deferred payments.
The banking system that is used by the United States is called the central bank controlled via the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank is regularly checks out the economic health of the United States to maintain the monetary police to help it become steadfast. The Federal Reserve three tools of monetary policies to aid in the balance of the United States economy are discount policy, open market, and reserve requirement. The three tools, which are at the Federal Reserve disposal help the central bank to regulate the supply and demand, and to alter the level of deposits made into banks accounts.
The Federal Reserve’s watches very closely at the direction of the economy because of the very low and slow recovery of the economy the Federal Open Markets (FOMC) committee has changed the way one maintains federal funding rate. “At the end of June the Federal Reserve concluded its purchases of long-term Treasury securities under the $600 billion purchase program announced in November 2010; that program was undertaken to support the economic recovery and help insure the inflation, over time, returns to level consistent with the FOMC’s mandate of maximum employment, and price stability” according to the website Federal (2012). The committee realizes in June of this year it would check more regularly on the bulk and amount of one’s holdings of securities and to alter the bulk of said holdings to allow the support the very most in job

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