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Feed By Mt Anderson Analysis

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The definition of progress to me is to move forward or to move on. When you progress in something does not mean you conquer it, it means you are moving closing to completing your goal that you have set. In the book Feed By “Mt Anderson” He talks about how the process of technology could at one point take over the world. And people couldn't live without out. The question that I have picked to show progress in the United States is, “ Does the way the we treat people with addiction show progress in our Country?” We have made limited progress treating drug addiction in America.
Drugs has been abused for 100s of years. All over the world. People have been abusing them scence drugs came out. The things that have led to America's addiction epidemic is the poverty in america. And people having to turn to other ways to get money and survive. We did not take action when addiction started. We let it go until the past 30 years. The reason why it is debatable issue is because we have tried to stop addiction. …show more content…
As of November 9th 2016 the government has spent a total of “35,069,369,742”. Not just in money we have done other things to show that we have made progress in how we treat addicts. We have the world's highest drinkinking rate. Most countries have “18” as the legal drinking age (NIDA).That means that that we have made it harder for young people to get alcohol or even drink alcohol.
America has incarcerated 3,000,000 people because of their drug and alcohol problem.According to (Prisons, Jails, and People Arrested for Drugs) These facts are correct. Stereotypical comments against people that are battling with drug addiction as in, “heroin addicts are junkies. These hurtful comment are considered freedom of speech. These are some of many ways that america has not shown much progress on how we treat people battling with drug

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