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Female Genital Mutilation Theoretical Analysis

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Over the past 60 years, Female genital mutilation (FGM), the process of altering female genitalia, has been condemned by the Western world for a being an inhuman and oppressive tradition in need of abolishment. At the age of puberty, women living in communities that practice FGM are subject to a forced circumcision procedure that often leads to lifelong physical and psychological implications. As such, anti-FGM discourse universalises the image of the ‘normal” female body by framing female circumcision as a barbaric human rights violation. In doing so, the Western world often fails to acknowledge the practice’s deep rooted cultural significance that have made women “prisoners of ritual”. It will be argued that in order to adequately resolve …show more content…
is to argue that condemning female genital mutilation is a violation of women’s rights. Hehir explains how the 2004 Female Genital Mutilation Act, a legislation to criminalize FGM in the United Kingdom, is indicative of the the way anti-FGM leaders impede on women’s autonomy. To support this claim, the article outlines how the government has the power to remove passports, restrict movement and inspect the genitals of young “at risk” girls. Through the use of up to date statistics, Hehir demonstrates the prevalence of circumcised women currently living in the United Kingdom who she believes are in need of support regarding their access to personal …show more content…
Hehir has written numerous publications on her research of female genital mutilation, which can be deemed credible due to her career in Health Visiting and involvement with the Do Good Charity, an effort to supply nurse training in developing countries. A predominant flaw in this article is the lack of focus on the cultural significance of FGM. In focusing specifically on the oppressive laws put in place to abolish FGM, readers are unaware of the procedures importance within African communities and may therefore not understand the problematic nature of the 2004 Female Genital Mutilation Act. On the other hand, this paper is clear and concise, therefore aiding in the reader’s understanding of Western involvement with FGM. This article supports my essay’s focus on the need for discovering an alternative way to alter FGM instead of criminalizing the practice, by demonstrating how the Western world is using oppressive and insensitive tactics to deal with female circumcision. Reading about the specific ways the United Kingdom has attempted to abolish FGM is enlightening, as it helps further determine how female genital mutilation should and should not be

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