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Feminist Sociological Analysis

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This sociological analysis will define the negotiation of feminist ideology and the problem of absolutism for gender identity in the public sphere. The gender role of women in schools and in the workplace define important contradictions in the way women are victimized or empowered in comparison to men in the public sphere. Webber and Williams (year?) define the complex role of female employment in the relation to negotiations with males in the domestic sphere. In some cases, women were able to free themselves of the “domestic servitude” by having the father care for children, which often involved negotiating with fathers to take on more domestic responsibilities. These complexities in feminist ideology are also related to the problem of gender identity for Muslim girls that are educated within primarily white Christian schools in Canada. Often, western European “feminist” propaganda has depicted Muslim girls as victims of …show more content…
In this way, the absolutism of “feminist ideology” is challenged; much like Rezai-Rashti (year?) challenges the absolutism of western feminist ideology as a basis for judging Muslim girls in the public sphere of the Canadian educational system. In this way, one female interviewee in Webber and Williams’ (year?) study expresses how her “husband had to clean up more…like pick up the slack in the kitchen” (p.61). In this manner, some interviewees found success and failure in the negotiation process. However, it is underlying complexity of gender role identity that is continually shifting in the Webber & Williams (year?) that reveal the complexity of feminist ideology that is far from being absolute in the role that women partake in the domestic sphere, but more importantly, how they gain access to part-time work in the public

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