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Unit 10 P3

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Informal report for Delicieux

For this part of the report I am going to explain the purpose of accounting in a business organisation. Accounting is a process in which Delicieux financial information is identified, in identifying that information, it also relates to keeping all the transactions and financial records that relate to an organisation which here would be Delicieux. Accounting would also be known as a measurement and interpretation of economic information.

Accounting is usually used in identifying and representing the information to internal users which are present at Delicieux. An example of internal users would typically be their management and employees while external users would be the government and Delicieux investors. …show more content…
Financial accounting relates to recording day to day transactions by using double entry bookkeeping while management accounting relates to the provision of financial data and advice to a company for use in the organization and development of its business.

Management accounting is introduced internally, while money related bookkeeping (financial accounting) is applied externally. Although financial management is of extraordinary significance to present and potential investors. Management accounting is fundamental for directors to settle on present and future financial situations. Financial accounting is exact and should hold fast to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), but management accounting is frequently all the more a speculation or assessment, since most managers don't have time for precise numbers when a choice should be made.

Some other differences could include the purpose of information in which for management accounting it is to aid planning, control and decision making while for financial accounting it is to record financial performance and position in a set period. Another is if they have legal requirements and here financial accounting does have some legal requirement although it would only be for limited companies while management accounting does not. Both these accounting methods use financial accounting but mangement accounting uses non-financial as …show more content…
While an example of capital income: is that the Delicieux would expect to incur would mainly be mortgages or loans from the bank because it could be that the bakery is just starting out and is unlikely to have any type of shareholders. If Delicieux hypothetically is a new set up then this business will have to budget for their revenue and capital expenditures. As the owners are new entrepreneurs that means they have different expenses than big long existing

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Econ’s costs. |a. |Tyler says his costs are $25,900, and Greg says his costs are $66,500. | |b. |Tyler says his costs are $25,000, and Greg says his costs are $65,000. | |c. |Tyler says his costs are $66,500, and Greg says his costs are $66,500. | |d. |Tyler says his costs are $75,000, and Greg says his costs are $41,500. | 2.) Suppose that a firm has only one variable input, labor, and firm output is zero when labor is zero. When the firm hires 6 workers it produces 90 units of output. Fixed cost of production are $6 and the variable cost per unit of labor is $10. The marginal product of the seventh unit of labor is 4. Given this information, what is the total cost of production when the firm hires 7 workers? |a. |$66 | |b. |$76...

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