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Why Cash Advance Loans Are Popular

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Cash advance loans, which are sometimes referred to as payday loans, are short-term loans that are typically due on the borrower's next payday. In recent years, lenders offering cash advance loans have faced increasing criticism from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and other agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission. Despite the negative publicity, however, cash advance loans remain extremely popular.

Why Cash Advance Loans Are Popular
People seek cash advance loans online or through storefronts for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, they need to have an appliance repaired, take a family member to the doctor, have their only source of transportation repaired or help a relative. They may need the money to keep the electricity …show more content…
Whether their credit history is stale, nonexistent or impaired, they can likely be approved for a cash advance loan. In most cases, all that is required is a source of reliable income, a checking account and proof of identity. To secure a loan from a traditional lender, borrowers may need a FICO score of 600 or above.

5. Few Americans Have Adequate Savings
When faced with an unexpected bill of $500, 63 percent of all Americans could cover the expense from their savings, according to Over 56 percent have a combined total of no more than $1,000 in all savings and checking account. For families with incomes of $25,000 or less, $1,000 represents a full month's income. However, even households earning substantially more frequently have little or nothing saved to cover emergency expenses.

6. For Many Borrowers, Alternatives Are Few
Several consumer groups offer advice on alternatives to cash advance loans. The suggestions include such "helpful" tips as borrowing from a bank, using a credit card to pay for the unexpected expense, borrowing from family members, tapping into a retirement account, taking a loan on a whole-life insurance policy and negotiating a lower payment with …show more content…
They feel that lenders provided them with excellent customer service. In one survey, 60 percent of the borrowers said that they would be likely to use the product again. Over 50 percent reported that the loans alleviated the stress they were feeling over their financial situation. A different survey found that 95 percent of the borrowers reported that they valued having the option of taking out a cash advance loan, 89 percent reported feeling more in control of their finances because of the loan and 92 percent reported that such loans could be a smart decision when facing an emergency shortage of

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