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Ferret Research Paper

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Ferrets are quirky little rodents with lots of personality traits which add to their own individual characters.
Some behaviours that they perform may seem odd or strange but a majority of them are actually normal and can be quite common amongst these animals.
If you house or plan to house more than one ferret together, whether in the same housing area or whether it’s just in the same household, you may witness an act which is known as the alligator roll. When a ferret is playing with another of its species, one may grab the other by the scruff of its neck and flip it over. This is a natural display of dominance, the alpha or more dominant ferret is the one which manages to flip the other one over, this would happen between competing …show more content…
Furthermore, by allowing them to have more time outside of their cage, they’ll burn off more energy and will be less inclined to bite or chew the bars of the cage. This is a form of injurious behaviour in which said animal will start to groom itself too much which can lead to fur loss. Also, it will became a habit and will have to be resolved. There are many forms of repetitive behaviour and is defined as invariant behaviour which serves no purpose or function. It is any behaviour that is repeated over and over again. Aggression towards yourself, guests or other animals in the household. None of these are desirable so you might wish to prevent these behaviours and cure the aggression as soon as possible, as not to cause more serious incidents. This might have started out as playful and innocent but the longer you allow this to continue, the more aggressive your ferret will become, until the point of no return and when no amount of training will put an end to the unwanted behaviour. This undesirable behaviour falls under the category of ‘abnormal behaviours’. There are two main reasons as to why a ferret may regurgitate their food. The first reason is that it is medical related and you should see that the ferret is examined by a veterinarian as soon as

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