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Submitted By imranimu
Words 328
Pages 2
(4) What are the potential risks assuming a lot of debt? Ans: Assuming a lot of debt goes against CCI’s past policies since throughout their company’s history they have always tried to avoid long term debt. Potential risks associated with issue this debt would be the fact that debt holders claim profit before equity holders. Therefore profits can be lower than initially projected and increases risk to equity may decrease stock.
Debt holders claim profit before equity holders, chances that profits may be lower than expected, increases risk to equity may reduce or impede stock value. However, in extreme financial situation such as a recession period, CCI would still be able to increase its cash during a recession period with all debt capital structure.
(2) Different slopes: Because the calculation of EPS is N.I divided by outstanding share, two lines for the stock plans. Bond plan have different slope. The significant differences that two variables are different on bond and stock plan if we assume two plans have same EBII a NI shows different value on two plans due to the interest expense of bond, which is $ 5m in every year till maturity. Another compounding that used to calculate eps is outstanding shares that also differ on two plans. On bond plan, outstanding share would be $ 4.5M whereas for stock plan is $ 7.5M. Recommendation: If they decide to expand they need to really research the new city they would go into. They need to look at real estate trends, property that is currently available and decide whether there would be an easy fit there.
With regard to the evaluation and analysis that we have made we offer to carry out the acquisition of

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