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Field Placement

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I have been slowly preparing for my field placement to start at Foley Elementary School this upcoming week. My field placement is unique as I am currently the full-time social worker at Foley Elementary School, so my field placement is part of my current employment. All though I am excited for this journey to begin, I also do have some fear that my field placement is not as unique as my peers within my cohort. I will not be starting in a new agency, in an area that is unfamiliar to me. I know I will learn from my experiences and I will learn from my experiences, however I will not be in a new environment. I understand that I will need to create my own learning opportunities with my field supervisor to challenge my skills and opportunities …show more content…
I spend a great deal of time working individually with students on a variety of needs including academic, social/emotional, behavioral, family systems changes, new students entering into the district and grief/ loss issues, etc. I work directly with parents and teachers to support the needs of students. I work as a resource and referral agent to families that have needs above and beyond the school realm of care. I also work with groups of students on specific needs including social skills, anger management and friendships skills. I coordinate and facilitated the intervention referral program at FES and work with a team of teachers and staff to implement interventions to support our students academically, socially and emotionally/behaviorally. Along with my day to day duties within the school setting, I will also be working on research and implementing character education lessons and bullying prevention curriculum school wide. I have already started this process and will continue to research online programs and lessons from other school social workers and school counselors and educational sights. I anticipate this will take time and collaboration with the teachers and school administration within my building. I intend to survey the teachers to get their input on needs within the school

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