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Immigration Inequalities Research Paper

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Immigration Inequalities
It’s safe to say that You don’t have to look very far to find a news broadcast or article in regards to immigration. Whether immigrants come to the United States legally or illegally; it’s on on-going debate with no end in sight. The reasons people chose to migrate to The United States differ from person to person. Many come looking for equal opportunities and the pursuit of happiness. Others are escaping religion and political oppression. Some are escaping persecution from their countries. The United States prides itself on freedoms, equal opportunities, benefits, and protections to be who you want and worship as you please. It’s easy to see why Immigrants view The United States as their way out or way of bettering …show more content…
They have thought and made the conscience choice of migrating here. It must difficult to make the journey into the unknown. The fear of the unknown is a huge obstacle faced by immigrants. You’re leaving the life that you have always known; to come to a foreign land and expect to integrate within a new society. You’re not expecting to be unwelcomed in the land of opportunities. The language barrier and the difficulties that not being able to communicate is a huge importance in one’s progressions towards being accepted by a society. You must be able to communicate in order to forge relationships, find work and adapt to the norms of your new surroundings.

On the Other hand, second generation immigrants as also referred to as Second Generation Americans. They are born in the United States and have a parent or parents that are foreign born. The privilege of being born in The United States making you a citizen is guaranteed under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. You would think having the title of American Citizen would automatically make life easier. In fact; having the title and still being so close to one’s cultural, language and surroundings make it’s more

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