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Fieldwork Book Report

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My advice to Rebekah Nathan before she started the fieldwork would have been to be very careful about how you act in front of college students. The difference between her generation and the current generation is a pretty big gap. Before she tries to get too much information from the students I would have told her to find a way to fit in with this generation. In our generation today it is pretty hard to get information from students unless they feel comfortable around you first. My other advice would have been to join as many different clubs as she could so she could get perspective from all different kinds of students. Her fieldwork would be boring if she only got perspective from a select group of students. My other advice would be to do …show more content…
They could get a glimpse of how students are thinking in their classes and tweak some things to keep the students engaged a little more. Also the residence hall directors could learn why students choose not to go to the events they put on. Maybe at UMF the RA’s would learn some things from this book and create events that will interest students. The faculty will learn the difficulty that people have with time management in college and maybe they can teach their students some time management techniques that will work. Reading this book would benefit any member of the faculty at UMF. If I was doing fieldwork as a professor I would learn how hard of a job professors have in today’s age. My goal as a professor would be trying to find techniques that engage students and make them want to keep coming back to class. As a professor I imagine there is nothing worse than staring at a room full of blank faces. For fieldwork I would interview other professors to get their opinion on what works and what doesn’t work for them. This fieldwork would help me become a better student because I could learn which teaching techniques I like and which ones I don’t like. Pretending to be a professor would be a lot harder than becoming a student because nobody would believe a professor was so young. Overall I really liked reading this book and Rebekah Nathan did a really good job studying the lives of college freshmen. It is unbelievable how much information she got from various people throughout the whole

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