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Submitted By josette
Words 256
Pages 2
May 10, 2012


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Aranas,

Greetings of peace!

We cordially extend our heartfelt gratitude to you and your office for the invaluable assistance you have extended to the Archdiocese of Palo, in our preparations and during the installation and canonical possession of the fourth Archbishop of Palo, His Grace Most Reverend John Forrosuelo Du, D. D. yesterday, May 9, at the Palo Metropolitan Cathedral.

The reception in Ormoc of the Archbishop and his faithful from Dumaguete and their travel to Palo last May 8 went smoothly. The guests – bishops, priests, religious and lay people alike – enjoyed the simple dinner and short program at the ARCIVU Hall (Palo Metropolitan Cathedral) during the evening. On May 9, the day of the installation itself, we were blessed with a fine weather. The papal nuncio and head of the Diplomatic Corps, His Grace Most Rev. Giuseppe Pinto, D. D., the two cardinals and 61 bishops, and our local government officials graced the installation and canonical possession of Archbishop Du. The luncheon at 12:oo noon was held at Sacred Heart Seminary grounds while cultural presentations entertained our visitors. The whole event was indeed a success thanks to the many persons – thanks to you - who extended their generous assistance.

And for the many other favors you and your office have extended to us, again, thank you very much!

Cordially in Christ,

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jaime C. Villanueva, H. P
Over-all Chairman
Executive Committee
Installation and Canonical Possession of the New Archbishop 2012

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The CEO and the board have decided to expand their international sales revenues by 100 percent over the next five years. Write a memo to your staff outlining the marketing research that will be needed to support such a strategy. Be specific about sources of secondary data and the best places and media for gathering primary data. Also, be specific about the best methods to use. At Mayo Clinic, in order to expand the international sales revenue by 100 percent there will need to be a lot of research. More specifically there will need to be a lot more research on our consumers or patients. There have already been past surveys conducted via telephone and focus groups, both containing roughly 400 or a little less participants. To conduct further research and reach the goal of 100 percent international sales revenue I propose we use social media and the internet. First, I believe that Mayo Clinic should use Facebook to not only advertise the clinic but to do surveys as well. As a company we could pay for ad or survey space on the website which is one of the most popular sites around the world. Next, I suggest we partner with an international web survey engine that is available in all countries such as Using them Mayo Clinic could create a survey that would be available on their company website, a third party website such as, and websites like Facebook and Twitter. Since the world...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 287 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Lab-1-Deliverables-File/422248" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Lab 1 Deliverables File</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...Review the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure In your Lab Report file, describe how risk can impact each of the seven domains of a Typical _IT infrastructure: User, Workstation, Local Area Network (LAN), Local Area Network-to-Wide Area Network (LAN-to-WAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Remote Access and System/Application domains. The answer is the seven domains of an IT infrastructure are classified below, and their risk factors. A. User Domain: Any user, worker, employee, contractor, or individual. They are considered to be the weakest link in IT security and the risk. B. Workstation Domain: The work station, client or standalone home system. The risk is Hackers use malicious software known as malware. C. LAN Domain: The private LAN, from SOHO’s to large corporations. To protect this domain it must be inside of a firewall if it does not have a firewall it is vulnerable and a risk. D. LAN to WAN Domain: Wan connections between LAN locations, like which are controlled by the third party entities. Here where LAN is in a trusted zone and the WAN is in an untrusted zone, so the LAN to WAN can be protected by firewalls. E. Remote Access Domain: It connects remote users to the organization’s infrastructure. It can be used by VPN and Dialup connections. 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And why is that? A. My wife takes care of that so I don't keep a record with me of billing. Q. How does she typically do that? MS. TURNER: Objection. Foundation. Answer it if you know. A. I give her the hours that I spent working on the case and then she sends an invoice. Q. And where is the documentation for your hours? Is it on your handwritten notes? A. So up at...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 32213 - Pages: 129</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Final-Exam/215209" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-free-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Free Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Final Exam</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...INSS 370 Final Exam Study Guide  Below is a study guide for your final exam.  There will be a combination of true/false and multiple  choice questions.  1. Who is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog?  2. What does a burn‐down chart show?  3. What are the principles outlined in the Agile Software Development Manifesto?  4. If our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of  valuable software, in general, how can we do that?  5. In agile software processes are the highest priorities to satisfy the customer through  early and continuous delivery of valuable software?  6. What traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team?  7. In agile development is it more important to build software that meets the customers'  needs today than worry about features that might be needed in the future?  8. The ____ phase of the SDLC includes four main activities: requirements modeling, data  and process modeling, object modeling, and consideration of development strategies.  9. One of the main activities in the systems analysis phase is ____ modeling, which  involves fact‐finding to describe the current system and identification requirements for  the new system.  10. How is planning performed on projects that use Agile approaches?   11. Who should be the main judge of the business value (think of the various roles within an  agile team)?   12. 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Yes, I have heard of good people, but not really good people. - Good statement. b. The world is not flat. Well, if you look at a map it is: - in what point of view - bad statement. c. I will need an extended period of laborious cogitation to assimilate the missive. This doesn't make any sense - bad statement. d. The number 2 is odd. Are we talking about an even number? I believe your confusion comes from the fact that 2 is a prime number, but it is still even. It is the only even number that is prime – false statement. e. If you believe in evolution, then your ancestors were filthy apes. There are two kinds of people in the world: - one is god prayer and the next is science believer. If you support the statement from the point of scientific theory of evolution by Darwin, then yes our ancestors are filthy apes, whereas if you think form the side of god’s prayer then the statement is false – good statement. f. Some swans are black. In this statement, I am not sure that some swans are black or not, all swans could be black or white – good statement. g. If you are a human, then you are a person. If you are an individual, then you are alive. Human is a person and of course the person becomes an individual and every individual breaths...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 384 - Pages: 2</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row"><div class="columns margin--top-5 margin--bottom-5"><div class="relative flex flex-col bg-clip-border rounded-xl bg-white text-gray-700 shadow-md"><div class="p-6 callout callout-list-box"><h3 style="color:#994800" class="callout-list__heading mb-4">Popular Essays</h3><div class="popularEssays"><div class="callout-list__item"><a href="/essay-on/Ensayo-Entorno-Institucional-Y-Empresarial/99187" title="Ensayo Entorno Institucional Y... Essay" class="callout-list__item-link text-decoration-none block">Ensayo Entorno Institucional Y... 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GUALBERTO ARANAS\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nDear Mr. \u0026amp; Mrs. Aranas,\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nGreetings of peace!\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nWe cordially extend our heartfelt gratitude to you and your office for the invaluable assistance you have extended to the Archdiocese of Palo, in our preparations and during the installation and canonical possession of the fourth Archbishop of Palo, His Grace Most Reverend John Forrosuelo Du, D. D. yesterday, May 9, at the Palo Metropolitan Cathedral.\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nThe reception in Ormoc of the Archbishop and his faithful from Dumaguete and their travel to Palo last May 8 went smoothly. The guests – bishops, priests, religious and lay people alike – enjoyed the simple dinner and short program at the ARCIVU Hall (Palo Metropolitan Cathedral) during the evening. On May 9, the day of the installation itself, we were blessed with a fine weather. The papal nuncio and head of the Diplomatic Corps, His Grace Most Rev. Giuseppe Pinto, D. D., the two cardinals and 61 bishops, and our local government officials graced the installation and canonical possession of Archbishop Du. The luncheon at 12:oo noon was held at Sacred Heart Seminary grounds while cultural presentations entertained our visitors. The whole event was indeed a success thanks to the many persons – thanks to you - who extended their generous assistance. \u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nAnd for the many other favors you and your office have extended to us, again, thank you very much! \u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nCordially in Christ,\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nRt. Rev. Msgr. Jaime C. Villanueva, H. P\u003cbr /\u003e\nOver-all Chairman\u003cbr /\u003e\nExecutive Committee\u003cbr /\u003e\nInstallation and Canonical Possess"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"ion of the New Archbishop 201219:T5e4,...Date File 1\r\n\r\nChapter One\r\n\r\n1)\tDetermine whether the evaluated group is a population or a sample\r\na)\tBased on a randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol, it was found that 67% have heart disease. Is this a population or a sample; explain your answer.\r\n\r\nThe randomly selected group of 500 patients with high cholesterol is a population. 67% of that population has heart disease. It is considered a population because it is the entire group of patients that in which we are interested, and desire to draw a conclusion on heart health. The blood sample drawn to determine high cholesterol might be a sample under this study. \r\n\r\nb)\tAn investigation of 150 randomly selected local restaurants concluded that 42% of local restaurants have serious health code violations. Is this a population or a sample; explain your answer.\r\n\r\nThis is also a population. A population is an entire collection of people, animal, plants, or things from which we want to draw a conclusion. In this case, the things (restaurants) are the population which is being studied for health code violations. Scores on inspections, and other gathered data, may be considered a sample based on the tests.\r\n\r\n2)\tDetermine whether the given value is a statistic or a parameter.\r\na)\tA researcher determines that 42.7% of all downtown office buildings have ventilation problems. Is this a statistic or a parameter; explain your answer.\r\n\r\nThis is a parameter. I am fairly certain the researcher did not count every...1a:T5e5,...Case Study Analysis Paper 1: A Tale of Two Coaches\r\n\r\nClive S. Choat\r\n\r\nKen Blanchard College of Business, MGT-600\r\n\r\n10 December 2013\r\n\r\n Case Study Analysis Paper 1: A Tale of Two Coaches\r\n\r\n Based on our learning from week one of our class, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the leadership perspectives manifested in both Bobby Knight and Mike Krzyzewski, coaches who have made significant marks in their field in college basketball. I hope to be able to identify the power bases "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"both coaches rely upon, as well as whether their actions are more aligned with either a managerial role or leadership role. In addition, I hope to identify how significant the leadership traits have influenced their leadership, based on the five-factor personality model from our textbook readings, and has this affected the performance effectiveness of the coaches. \r\n I begin my report with some background information about the two coaches. Bobby Knight is the former head basketball coach for the United States Military Academy (USMA), Indiana University and Texas Tech University. Coach Knight is best described as a serious taskmaster who ran his team through the use of strict discipline, fear and intimidation. His aggressive style cost him his position after a twenty-nine year successful career at Indiana University for physically assaulting a player, the final straw in a string of violent actions he had displayed during games. In counterpoint, Mike Krzyzewski, who had served as a player under...1b:T5f2,...[it5099@vecit~]$ date\r\nSat Apr 9 13:03:47 IST 2011\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ date +%D\r\n04/09/11\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ date +%T\r\n13:05:33\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ date +%Y\r\n2011\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ date +%H\r\n13\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ cal\r\nApril 2011\r\nSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa\r\n1 2\r\n3 4 5 6 7 8 9\r\n10 11 12 13 14 15 16\r\n17 18 19 20 21 22 23\r\n24 25 26 27 28 29 30\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ cal 08 1998\r\nAugust 1998\r\nSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa\r\n 1\r\n2 3 4 5 6 7 8\r\n9 10 11 12 13 14 15\r\n16 17 18 19 20 21 22\r\n23 24 25 26 27 28 29\r\n30 31\r\n\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$ cal 1800\r\n1800\r\nJanuary February March\r\nSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa\r\n 1 2 3 4 1 1\r\n 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\r\n12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15\r\n19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22\r\n26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29\r\n30 31\r\n… "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"… …\r\nOctober November December\r\nSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa\r\n1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6\r\n5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20\r\n19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27\r\n26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31\r\n 30\r\n[it5099@vecit~]$...1c:T5f8,...Euro Watch Company Report\r\n1 ) The Euro Watch Company assembles expensive wristwatches and then sells them to retailers throughout Europe. The watches are assembled with two assembly lines with below specification:\r\nLine 1:\r\nOld equipment\r\nLess reliable\r\nDefect rate of 2%\r\nCapacity: 500 watches per hour\r\nLine 2:\r\nNew equipment\r\nMore reliable\r\nDefect rate of 1%\r\nCapacity: 500 watches per hour\r\nWe need to find the smallest number of defected watches each line produces independently in a given hour with success rate of 99%\r\nThe distribution is a binomial distribution since we have 500 independent and identical trials with a certain probability of success and we see a defected or non- defected option therefore in the excel file we should use the command BINOMDIST. Number of trials is 500 and for cumulative we should consider 1 as we want to have the probability of less than or equal to K defects.\r\nAs we can see in below tables the smallest defected number that reaches the rate of 99% is 18 watches for line 1 and 11 defected for line 2, which is obvious since line 2 is newer, and with lower defect rate.\r\nline 2 99% 1% 500\r\nLine 2\r\nLine  line 1\r\nDefect-free 98%\r\nDefective 2%\r\nMade watches per hour 500\r\nDefected amount (k) Line 1 Defected amount (k)\r\n0 0.0000\r\n1 0.0005\r\n2 0.0026\r\n3 0.0098\r\n4 0.0281\r\n5 0.0652\r\n6 0.1276\r\n7 0.2175\r\n8 0.3305\r\n9 0.4567\r\n10 0.5830\r\n11 0.6979\r\n12 0.7935\r\n13 0.8667\r\n14 0.9186\r\n15 0.9530\r\n16 0.9743\r\n17 0.9866\r\n18 0.9934\r\n19 0.9969\r\n20 0.9986\r\n21 0.9994\r...1d:T450,...Soun"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"d\r\n\r\n3, 20\r\n\r\nVideo\r\n\r\n3\r\n\r\n1219\r\n\r\nAppA.indd 1219\r\n\r\n12/9/09 5:58:26 PM\r\n\r\n\fAll-In-One / CompTIA Network+ All-in-One Exam Guide / Meyers \u0026 Jernigan / 170133-8 / Appendix A\r\n\r\nCompTIA A+Certification All-in-One Exam Guide\r\n\r\n1220\r\n\r\nTopic\r\n\r\nChapter(s)\r\n\r\nUSB 1.1 and 2.0\r\n\r\n3, 18\r\n\r\nSerial\r\n\r\n3, 18\r\n\r\nIEEE 1394 / Firewire\r\n\r\n3, 18\r\n\r\nParallel\r\n\r\n3, 22\r\n\r\nNIC\r\n\r\n3, 23\r\n\r\nModem\r\n\r\n3, 25\r\n\r\nPS/2\r\n\r\n18\r\n\r\nMemory slots\r\n\r\n3, 6\r\n\r\nRIMM\r\n\r\n6\r\n\r\nDIMM\r\n\r\n3, 6\r\n\r\nSODIMM\r\n\r\n6\r\n\r\nSIMM\r\n\r\n6\r\n\r\nProcessor sockets\r\n\r\n3, 5, 9\r\n\r\nBus architecture\r\n\r\n5, 8\r\n\r\nBus slots\r\n\r\n8, 9, 21\r\n\r\nPCI\r\n\r\n8, 9\r\n\r\nAGP\r\n\r\n8, 9\r\n\r\nPCIe\r\n\r\n8, 9\r\n\r\nAMR\r\n\r\n9\r\n\r\nCNR\r\n\r\n9\r\n\r\nPCMCIA\r\n\r\n21\r\n\r\nPATA\r\n\r\n11\r\n\r\nIDE\r\n\r\n11\r\n\r\nEIDE\r\n\r\n11\r\n\r\nSATA, eSATA\r\n\r\n3, 11\r\n\r\nContrast RAID (levels 0, 1, 5)\r\n\r\n11, 12\r\n\r\nChipsets\r\n\r\n5, 7, 9\r\n\r\nBIOS / CMOS / Firmware\r\n\r\n7\r\n\r\nPOST\r\n\r\n7\r\n\r\nCMOS battery\r\n\r\n7\r\n\r\nRiser card / daughterboard\r\n\r\n9\r\n\r\n1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics\r\nAC adapter\r\nATX proprietary\r\n\r\n10\r\n\r\nVoltage, wattage and capacity\r\n\r\nAppA.indd 1220\r\n\r\n10\r\n10\r\n\r\n12/9/09 5:58:26 PM\r\n\r\n\fAll-In-One / CompTIA Network+...1e:T6a4,...免费下载-分享--Excel VBA 应用教程—\r\n\r\n目\r\n\r\n录\r\n\r\n一、VBA语言基础 ...................................................................................................................1 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第五节 标识符...................................................................................................................................1 . 运算符...................................................................................................................................1 . 数据类型...............................................................................................................................1 . 变量与常量............................................................................................................................1 数组............................................................................................................."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"..........................2 .\r\n\r\n第六节 注释和赋值语句....................................................................................................................2 第七节 书写规范...............................................................................................................................2 . 第八节 判断语句...............................................................................................................................2 . 第九节 循环语句...............................................................................................................................3 . 第十节 其他类语句和错误语句处理......................................................................1f:T5e2,...Chapter 1 - Questions and Exercises\r\n\r\nMatching Part 1.\r\n 1. \r\n 2. Q\r\n 3. F\r\n 4. N\r\n 5. H\r\n 6. T\r\n 7. S\r\n 8. U\r\n 9. B\r\n 10. M\r\n 11. C\r\n 12. G\r\n 13. I\r\n 14. A\r\n 15. J\r\n 16. P\r\n 17. V\r\n 18. R\r\n 19. K\r\n 20. E\r\n 21. D\r\n 22. L\r\n 23. O\r\n 24. W\r\n\r\nMatching Part 2.\r\n 1. \r\n 1. B\r\n 2. C\r\n 3. E\r\n 4. F\r\n 5. A\r\n 6. G\r\n 7. D\r\n 8. H\r\n 9. I\r\n 10. J\r\n 11. K\r\n\r\nMatching Part 3.\r\n 1. \r\n 1. D\r\n 2. L\r\n 3. R\r\n 4. V\r\n 5. \r\nX\r\n 6. B\r\n 7. N\r\n 8. J\r\n 9. \r\nY\r\n 10. K\r\n 11. S\r\n 12. Q\r\n 13. \r\nF\r\n 14. P\r\n 15. E\r\n 16. O\r\n 17. \r\nU\r\n 18. W\r\n 19. A\r\n 20. G\r\n 21. \r\nT\r\n 22. C\r\n 23. H\r\n 24. M\r\n 25. I\r\nMatching Part 4.\r\n 26. \r\n 1. J\r\n 2. B\r\n 3. D\r\n 4. I\r\n 5. M\r\n 6. N\r\n 7. O\r\n 8. K\r\n 9. H\r\n 10. A\r\n 11. E\r\n 12. G\r\n 13. F\r\n 14. L\r\n 15. C\r\n 16. \r\n\r\nTrue/False.\r\n 1. \t\tFalse. As a result of computers, fewer jobs are currently available in manufacturing than in service industries.\r\n 2. \t\tTrue.\r\n 3. \t\tFalse. Manual data processing does not use a computer.\r\n 4. \t\tFalse. Data consists of raw facts, while information consists of data that have been processed.\r\n 5. \t\tFalse. The smallest data unit that the computer can use is the bit.\r\n 6. "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"\t\tTrue.\r\n 7. \t\tFalse. 1000.27 is an example of a numeric field.\r\n 8. \t\tTrue.\r\n 9. \t\tTrue.\r\n 10. \t\tTrue.\r\n 11. \t\tFalse. CPU refers to central processing unit.\r\n 12. \t\tFalse. Examples of input/output devices...20:T5f2,...nursery school and is just learning how to add. The sum of multiple numbers needs to be calculated and the numbers can be either 1, 2 or 3 to make the calculation easier. Bart Simpson however, can calculate the sum only if the numbers to be added are in a non-decreasing order. For example Bart can calculate 1+1+2+2+3+3 but not 2+1+2+3+1+3. You have to help Bart to rearrange the numbers such that it is easy for him to calculate them.\r\n\r\nInput Format\r\n\r\nFirst line contains an integer 't' denoting total test cases.\r\n\r\nNext 't' lines contain non-empty string s - the sum Bart needs to calculate. String doesn’t contain spaces and contains only digits and the '+' character.\r\n\r\nLength of string s \u0026lt;=100. \r\nt\u0026lt;=100.\r\n\r\nOutput Format\r\n\r\nFor each test case, the new order displayed in the format such that Bart can count followed by a new line.\r\n\r\nSample Input\r\n\r\n4\r\n1\r\n2+2\r\n3+2+1\r\n2+2+1+1+3\r\nSample Output\r\n\r\n1\r\n2+2\r\n1+2+3\r\n1+1+2+2+3\r\n\r\nExplanation\r\n\r\nFor the above cases, output is displayed in the format such that Bart can calculate it.\r\n\r\nPlay Auditions\r\nProblem Statement\r\n\r\nThere are a total of ‘a’ men and ‘b’ women who would be coming to a play audition. In order to select participants for the play we need to follow the given constraints. While choosing the group, there should be exactly ‘x’ people in total and should contain more than 3 men and at least 1 woman. You are required to find total number of ways in which the group can be formed. The groups are considered distinct only if...21:T783,...LAB MANUAL\n  SUBJECT:  WEB TECHNOLOGY\n\n  CLASS : T.E (COMPUTER)\n\n  SEMESTER: VI\n\n\f INDEX\nNo.\n\nTitle\n\nPag\ne \nNo.\n\n1\n\nImplements Basic HTML Tags\n\n3\n\n2\n\nImplementation Of Table Tag\n\n4\n\n3\n\nImplementation Of FRAMES\n\n5\n\n4\n\nDesign A FORM In HTML(Yahoo registrati"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"on form)\n\n6\n\n5\n\nValidation Of FORM Using Java Script.\n\n7\n\n6\n\nImplementation Of CSS(All 4 Types)\n\n8\n\n7\n\nDevelop  A Clock Using Java Script\n\n9\n\n8\n\nDHTML(Layer/DIV)\n\n10\n\n9\n\nASP­Implement Response Object\n\n11\n\n10\n\nConnectivity To Database Through ASP\n\n12\n\n11\n\nPROJECT­Develop A E­Commerce Web Site\n\n13\n\n\fPractical 1\nTitle:                            Implements Basic HTML Tags.\nAim:                             Create a home page which has an image and a list to \n                                      navigate to other pages of the same site.\nReferences:                   Kriss Jamsa­\nRequirements:             Write a program which will perform the following tasks:\n1. Use of \u003cHTML\u003e\u003cHEAD\u003e\u003cTITLE\u003e\u003cBODY\u003e Tags\n2. Use of \u003cH1\u003e to \u003cH6\u003e Tags\n3. Use of \u003cimg\u003e Tag\n4. Use of \u003cbr\u003e,\u003chr\u003e,\u003cp\u003e Tags\n5. Use of All Text Formatting Tags like \n\u003cb\u003e,\u003ci\u003e,\u003cu\u003e,\u003cem\u003e,\u003cbig\u003e,\u003csmall\u003e,\u003csub\u003e,\u003csup\u003e,\n\u003caddress\u003e,\u003cdel\u003e,\u003cins\u003e\n6. Use Of Hyperlink i.e. \u003ca\u003e\u003c/a\u003e Tag.\n\n\fPractical 2\nTitle:                           Implementation Of Table Tag\nAim:                             To display UniversityMarksheet Using Tables Tag\nReferences:                   Kriss Jamsa­\nRequirements:            Tables are defined with the \u003ctable\u003e tag. A table is divided into \nrows (with the \n  \u003ctr\u003e tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with ...22:T5e3,...Assume you are the new marketing vice president at the Mayo Clinic. The CEO and the board have decided to expand their international sales revenues by 100 percent over the next five years. Write a memo to your staff outlining the marketing research that will be needed to support such a strategy. Be specific about sources of secondary data and the best places and media for gathering primary data. Al"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"so, be specific about the best methods to use. \r\nAt Mayo Clinic, in order to expand the international sales revenue by 100 percent there will need to be a lot of research. More specifically there will need to be a lot more research on our consumers or patients. There have already been past surveys conducted via telephone and focus groups, both containing roughly 400 or a little less participants. To conduct further research and reach the goal of 100 percent international sales revenue I propose we use social media and the internet. First, I believe that Mayo Clinic should use Facebook to not only advertise the clinic but to do surveys as well. As a company we could pay for ad or survey space on the website which is one of the most popular sites around the world. Next, I suggest we partner with an international web survey engine that is available in all countries such as Using them Mayo Clinic could create a survey that would be available on their company website, a third party website such as, and websites like Facebook and Twitter. Since the world...23:T5e9,...Review the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure\r\nIn your Lab Report file, describe how risk can impact each of the seven domains of a\r\nTypical _IT infrastructure: User, Workstation, Local Area Network (LAN), Local Area\r\nNetwork-to-Wide Area Network (LAN-to-WAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Remote\r\nAccess and System/Application domains.\r\nThe answer is the seven domains of an IT infrastructure are classified below, and their risk factors. \r\nA. User Domain: Any user, worker, employee, contractor, or individual. They are considered to be the weakest link in IT security and the risk. \r\nB. Workstation Domain: The work station, client or standalone home system. The risk is Hackers use malicious software known as malware.\r\nC. LAN Domain: The private LAN, from SOHO’s to large corporations. To protect this domain it must be inside of a firewall if it does not have a firewall it is vulnerable and a risk.\r\nD. LAN to WAN Domai"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"n: Wan connections between LAN locations, like which are controlled by the third party entities. Here where LAN is in a trusted zone and the WAN is in an untrusted zone, so the LAN to WAN can be protected by firewalls.\r\nE. Remote Access Domain: It connects remote users to the organization’s infrastructure. It can be used by VPN and Dialup connections. This can provide access to a private network on a public network, this is where it is untrusted and attackers can attack and can be a major risk.\r\nF. WAN Domain: WAN domains are networks, such as ATM’s, frame relays...24:T577,...3, 2014\r\n\r\nCard v. American National Property and Casualty\r\n\r\nSpencer E. Richards\r\nPage 2\r\nAPPEARANCES For the Plaintiff: Kenneth L. Christensen Matthew Hansen Jake Lee CHRISTENSEN \u0026 HYMAS 11693 South 700 East, Suite 100 Draper, Utah 84020 For the Defendant: Sade A. Turner STRONG \u0026 HANNI 102 South 200 East, Suite 800 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Also Present: (Via Telephone) Dorothy Clay Sims Oregon Hunter\r\n\r\nPage 4\r\n\r\n*** INDEX EXAMINATION By Mr. Christensen By Ms. Turner By Mr. Christensen PAGE 3 132 157\r\n\r\nEXHIBITS No. 1 No. 2 3-19-14 Ltr, Turner to Richards 11-14-13 Deposition Transcript Excerpt 86 86\r\n\r\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25\r\nPage 3\r\n\r\nUh-huh. MS. TURNER: Mr. Christensen, these are the medical records because we didn't print them all out. MR. CHRISTENSEN: I figured. And you had sent me those, but I appreciate you bringing them. We might open them up and refer to them, actually. Q. Did you happen to have in your file your billing for your services at all? A. No. Q. And why is that? A. My wife takes care of that so I don't keep a record with me of billing. Q. How does she typically do that? MS. TURNER: Objection. Foundation. Answer it if you know. A. I give her the hours that I spent working on the case and then she sends an invoice. Q. And where is the documentation for your hours? Is it on your handwritten notes? A. So up at...25:T6d7,...INSS 370 Final Exam Study Guide  Below is a s"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"tudy guide for your final exam.  There will be a combination of true/false and multiple  choice questions. \r\n\r\n1. Who is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog?  2. What does a burn‐down chart show?  3. What are the principles outlined in the Agile Software Development Manifesto?  4. If our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of  valuable software, in general, how can we do that?  5. In agile software processes are the highest priorities to satisfy the customer through  early and continuous delivery of valuable software?  6. What traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team?  7. In agile development is it more important to build software that meets the customers'  needs today than worry about features that might be needed in the future?  8. The ____ phase of the SDLC includes four main activities: requirements modeling, data  and process modeling, object modeling, and consideration of development strategies.  9. One of the main activities in the systems analysis phase is ____ modeling, which  involves fact‐finding to describe the current system and identification requirements for  the new system.  10. How is planning performed on projects that use Agile approaches?   11. Who should be the main judge of the business value (think of the various roles within an  agile team)?   12. How should work be allocated and who should allocate the work to the team in an Agile ...26:T5ed,...Identifying Good or Bad Statements\r\nAnit Maharjan\r\nHUMN210-H5WW\r\nMeghan Roehll\r\nFranklin University\r\n4th April, 2013\r\n\r\n a. Nobody in the world today is really good. \r\n Yes, I have heard of good people, but not really good people. - Good statement. \r\n b. The world is not flat. \r\nWell, if you look at a map it"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1," is: - in what point of view - bad statement.\r\n c. I will need an extended period of laborious cogitation to assimilate the missive. \r\nThis doesn't make any sense - bad statement.\r\n d. The number 2 is odd. \r\nAre we talking about an even number? I believe your confusion comes from the fact that 2 is a prime number, but it is still even. It is the only even number that is prime – false statement.\r\n e. If you believe in evolution, then your ancestors were filthy apes. \r\nThere are two kinds of people in the world: - one is god prayer and the next is science believer. If you support the statement from the point of scientific theory of evolution by Darwin, then yes our ancestors are filthy apes, whereas if you think form the side of god’s prayer then the statement is false – good statement.\r\n f. Some swans are black. \r\n In this statement, I am not sure that some swans are black or not, all swans could be black or white – good statement.\r\n g. If you are a human, then you are a person. If you are an individual, then you are alive. \r\nHuman is a person and of course the person becomes an individual and every individual breaths..."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"7:[[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"className\":\"row\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L16\",null,{\"data\":[{\"text\":\"Home page\",\"url\":\"/\"},{\"text\":\"Other Topics\",\"url\":\"/subcategory/Other-Topics/1\"}]}]}],[\"$\",\"$L17\",null,{\"essayMetaData\":{\"title\":\"File 1\",\"titleColor\":\"#0a0a0a\",\"titleSize\":\"h1\",\"category\":\"Other Topics\",\"categoryUrl\":\"/subcategory/Other-Topics/1\",\"submittedBy\":\"josette\",\"wordCount\":256,\"pageCount\":2,\"premium\":false,\"essayFullViewURL\":\"/document/99186\"},\"essayContent\":\"$18\",\"similarEssays\":[{\"title\":\"Assignment 1: File Services Paper\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Assignment-1-File-Services-Paper/1B1B2430115B8F21\",\"essaySnippet\":\"...File Services\\n\\tIn order to avoid having to make files and folders at each of the three locations of Shiv LLC, Distributed File System (DFS) will be implemented, making only one copy of the files and folders accessible to all employees across the three locations. This will reduce the total cost, time, and space needed to establish a file system for each of the three locations. The use of DFS will enable the grouping of shared folders that are located on different servers across the three locations of Shiv LLC into logically structured namespaces in a manner that each namespace would appear to the user as a single shared folder having subfolders. 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