...the humanities and has strong ties with disciplines ranging from biology, psychology, linguistics, political science, and many others. This course surveys the discipline of cultural anthropology. It provides an introduction to the study of culture and society in a comparative perspective. At the end of this course you will be able to identify the knowledge and contribution that cultural diversity makes toward understanding the problems and issues of the modern world. Student Learning Objective: At the end of this semester, you should be able to understand and identify anthropological key concepts: 1. Identify and apply the key terminology, theoretical orientations, principles and methods used in cultural anthropology. 2. Describe the general characteristics used in the cross cultural study of human; politics, economics, family/kinship, marriage, gender, sex, religion, race and colonialism. 3. Apply cultural relativism to an analysis of globalization and its affects on the general characteristics of culture in the modern world. Grading Procedures: Your course grade will be based on your performance for the following items: |525 Class Points...
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...examining the words of great authors, we will get a sense of the timeless nature of business and make the observation that the issues currently facing individuals and business have their origins in writings centuries old and from a wide array of cultural and geographic underpinnings. A brief historical trace will be made to connect us to those businessmen and women who pursued many of the same goals we do today. The course will be divided into three semester sections with six functional areas, each followed by an Exam. A lecture outline is posted to Canvas in the week that section is started. Section 1: A. The Fundamentals of Business - We will read many of the classics of literature and philosophy to discern the authors' beliefs about business fundamentals and, in the process, relate them back to those fundamentals we each have in common with modern business leaders. Exam 1 Section 2: B. Marketing Thought - A few selected readings from Cicero to Galbraith will form the basis of a discussion on the critical importance of marketing to the existence of a business enterprise and we will learn what issues relating to marketing great thinkers have felt are...
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...[pic] College of Humanities HUM 186 Course Syllabus Media Influences on American Culture 6 – 10 p.m. Tuesdays Course Start Date: 06/14/2011 Course End Date: 07/12/2011 University of Phoenix South Florida Campus Miami Learning Center 11410 NW 20th Street, Miami, FL 33172 Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered the ruling document. Copyright Copyright © 2011, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices. Course Description The course provides an introduction to the most prominent forms of media that influence and impact social, business, political...
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...Spring 2016 Stony Brook University Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature College of Arts and Sciences HUS 254 Latin America Today Tues, Thurs 10:00-11:20, Humanities 1003 This course satisfies the DEC category J This course satisfies the SBC category GLO, HCA Course Instructor: Joseph M. Pierce Section: 01 Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:00 PM, or by appointment Instructor contact information: Melville Library N3013, joseph.pierce@stonybrook.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to a continental perspective of 20th-century Latin American culture. Latin America's political, historical, and cultural developments of this century are studied. Latin America | Today This course proposes to study the events of today by tracing the social, political and economic structures of the past. On the one hand, the region under study is comprised of a dramatic variety of cultures, geographies and politics. On the other, it shares a history of colonization from “discovery” to independence to modernity based on its particular geographic and historical location. In order to interrogate this conjunction, we will pay special attention to the social groups that are often marginalized from the pages of “the official history”: Indigenous communities, Afro-Latin organizations, gay, lesbian, and trans activism, immigrant groups. We will pay special attention the discourses of belonging and identification that mark their relationships with the region, as well as the...
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... Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy Bounded by the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean the vast South Asian subcontinent contains a teeming population that constitutes a fifth of humanity. Boasting one of the world's oldest civilizations it has had a tumultuous modern history. In the living museum of the subcontinent's history there are paradoxes galore. A common heritage and environment notwithstanding, South Asia presents a picture of social complexity, economic disparity, cultural diversity and political heterogeneity. This course will examine the formation and the shifting contours of the rich mosaic of modern South Asia. A semester's study permits an analytical rather than a comprehensive survey of the society, economy and politics of the subcontinent. Beginning with a rapid overview of India's premodern and early modern history, the bulk of the course will concentrate on the changes and continuities during two centuries of British rule from the mideighteenth to the midtwentieth centuries. A short concluding segment will be devoted to postindependence developments. Primarily a lecture course, time will be available at the end of each class for questions and discussion. It is important to read ahead in order to participate in some of the major debates in South Asian history and historiography. The following books have been ordered for purchase at the College Bookstore: Required: 1) Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal, Modern South Asia: History...
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...Social Problems/Social Justice! Sociology, broadly speaking, is the scientific study of the development, structure, and processes of human society. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the sociological approach to social justice in modern society. What you learn in this classroom will help you to gain an understanding of the issues that are happening today, right now, everywhere you look. That's what's so exciting about this field! It is the goal of this course not simply to discuss current issues such as globalization, poverty, and inequality, but to be able to use the sociological perspective to understand the history, theory, and broader social forces behind these issues. With successful completion of this course, you will leave not only with an understanding of elements of social structure and the organization of society, but with the knowledge of how to apply the sociological perspective to analyze social problems and issues in the contemporary world. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS Readings in Social Justice (2nd Edition), R. Scott Frey, ed. ISBN: 978-1-4652-1290-0 Additional readings will be available on Blackboard. ATTENDANCE I expect that by signing up for this class, you will incorporate our meeting times into your schedule and be able to attend all class periods. However, I also understand that unexpected events happen. Attendance in this class is not required, though I will take attendance every day, and a decision to not show up to class can impact...
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...Comparative Literature 153: “International Cultures: Film and Literature” Dr. Thomas Jay Lynn * Penn State Berks * Fall 2015 * MWF 12:00-12:50 Franco 101 * Office Meeting Period MWF 1:15-2:15 (For an office meeting during this or a different time, please e-mail, phone, or speak to me in advance, if possible.) Office: 117 Franco * Office Phone: (610) 396-6298 * E-mail: TJL7@PSU.EDU Please note: This syllabus and various other course documents (including essay guidelines) will be posted online at our ANGEL course site. “I am proud of my humanity when I can acknowledge the poets and artists of other countries as my own. Let me feel with unalloyed gladness that all the great glories of man are mine.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore Course Overview Official Penn State description of CMLIT 153: “Comparison of narrative techniques employed by literature and film in portraying different cultures, topics may vary each semester.” This Fall 2015 offering of CMLIT 153, “International Cultures: Film and Literature,” focuses on cultural tensions in varied parts of the world. Among the tensions that these films and novels explore are ones that arise in relation to poverty and wealth (class tensions); changing female and male gender roles; concepts of love and marriage; family dynamics; traditional and modern identities; work and education; and shifting political realities. In your approach to the works considered in this course, moreover, please consider how such tensions...
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...Handouts : A Brief Survey of Western Art – Understanding a work of Art – Glossary of Art Movements – «Beauty will save the world» (Nobel Price Speech – Soljenitsyne), Letters to A Young Poet (Rainer Maria Rilke) The Expressionists , Wolf Dieter Dube, Thames & Hudson (London, 1972). Great Paintings that Changed the World (Prestel) Course description: This course is meant to lead the students to a personal appreciation of Art. It offers a survey of visual media (painting, sculpture, architecture)), past and present, with particular emphasis on Impressionism, Post impressionism and Expressionism and on the philosophical rift between classical (academic) art and modern art. Technique as well as theory is discussed Goals and Objectives: By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to: 1. Understand the different concepts of art and to be able to come to a more personal definition of art. 2. Understand the characteristics of the main Art movements 3. Understand how the change of worldview at the beginning of the 20th century has affected the arts. 4. Understand the basic techniques of painting as well as the material aspects of a work of art. 5. come to...
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...Professor Liza Weinstein 215 M Renaissance Park Office hours: Wednesdays 2pm - 5pm ANTH 2305: Global Markets, Local Cultures Spring Semester 2015 Mon/Wed/Thurs, 10:30 - 11:35 151 Forsyth Building 1 Course Description: Globalization is a critical feature of modern life, helping to reshape markets, transform politics, reconfigure social structures, and remake cultural practices in localities throughout the world. It is not simply a set of forces and processes that are enacted “from above.” Rather, macro-level forces are mediated and shaped by local cultures, social subnational politics, and social practices in communities, neighborhoods, villages, cities, and nations around the world. This course explores the varied and often contradictory processes and consequences of global capitalist development in a diverse set of localities. l.weinstein@neu.edu 617-373-4274 The course will not attempt to cover all aspects of globalization, but will examine five particular topics and sets of questions: 1) Global finance and investment, looking at the social consequences of market exuberance, including investments in so-called “emerging markets.” 2) Structural adjustment programs, particularly the increased marketization and privatization brought about by loan contingencies and IMF-imposed reforms. 3) The new international division of labor, emphasizing transnational financial linkages and the changing division of household labor. 4) Global cultural flows, particularly the new...
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...GEOGRAPHY OF THE MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA Geog 209 - Fall 2014 T-Th 12:00-1:20 Plus Discussion Section and evening films McKenzie 240A Prof. Shaul Cohen Condon 107G Tel. 346-4500 Office Hours Tuesday 12:00-1:00 OBA scohen@uoregon.edu GTFs Ashley Wall Jennings Office Hours M 1:00-2:00 ajenning@uoregon.edu Christine Carolan ccarolan@uoregon.edu Purpose: This course explores the geography of the Middle East with an emphasis on politics, culture, and regional cohesion. Through a variety of sources including modern literature, film, images of landscape, traditional academic texts and the daily news, we will pursue an understanding of those elements that characterize the region, as well as those features that are distinct and mark different peoples and places. We will examine local, sub-national, national, and international issues relating to identity and status, history, environment, economy and other topics, in an attempt to create a portrait of daily life in the many venues of the region, whether they be urban or rural, coastal or desert, North African or Asian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Arab, Israeli, Turkish, Iranian, and so on. Our goal will be to use the information available to us to discern patterns in the region that allow us to grasp its richness and complexity, to gain a sense of its past, contextualize current changes, and to anticipate future directions. Resources: For this course we will work from a number of selected writings, and...
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...Fiction Film Semester 2 -2012-13 – Nanyang Technological University Writing Assignment #2: Post 1950s Film: Robocop By: Muhammad Rifyal Giffari bin Mohamed Yacob 1. Discuss what you find most striking/interesting/relevant/significant/innovative about the film and why. There are many striking facets that the film Robocop present from the pervasive and sharp social satire of capitalism, the media and American society, but the most striking aspect for me personally is the heavy use of Christian symbolism, in the most vivid style. This stems greatly from the use of the main character Alex Murphy or later known as Robocop as a Christ figure. As a film, in terms of visual representation alone this connection to Christ can be seen in several scenes. First of all in Murphy’s death scene, it is the most dramatic, drawn out and methodically visceral. The process seems completely to follow step by step with the crucifixion story, with Murphy being forced onto the floor as though being put on the cross and the subsequent shooting off of the hand recounts Jesus’ hands being nailed to the cross. He furthermore is shot in the chest several times and finally suffers a head wound like that of the crown of thorns. One may argue it is simply the style of the film with over the top violence, but it also highlights one of the key aspects of the Christ allegory – the systematic pain and torture endured during the crucifixion. More visual Christian symbolism is used late in the film, in the...
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...Devry HUM 303 Entire Course (All Discussions+Assignments +Project+Final Exam) IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-HUM-303-Entire-Course-82382322147.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM QuestionCourse project This course will take you through huge chunks of human history from the Paleolithic era through the Vietnam War and into our postmodern world. Your course project will culminate in a nine-ten page paper. Your research paper will require a minimum of five academic-scholarly sources. Both in-text citation and an end reference page as specified by the APA style sheet are required. Scrupulous documentation plus high originality, analysis, insight, and fresh applications of ideas are highly prized. Mere reporting, describing, and finding others’ ideas are discouraged, and plagiarism is grounds for failure. Your paper is to be 70–80% original and 20–30% resourced (documented via turnitin.com). Details and milestones follow. Your final grade includes points accumulated for your discussions; proposal; a two-part annotated bibliography; a draft; and a final paper. The following are guidelines to assist you in completing the course successfully. Guidelines for the Proposal (100 points): A proposal offers a detailed and full description of your project (as best you know it at the time of writing) in no more than 2 pages. To succeed, students...
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...NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PROGRAM INTL 1101: GLOBALIZATION AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS MR 11:45 AM - 1:25 PM, 310 Behrakis SPRING 2014 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Name: Dr. Ioannis Livanis Contact info: 617-373-4697 E-mail address: i.livanis@neu.edu Office: 210D Renaissance Park Office hours: Monday 2:00-4:00pm and Thursday 3:00-5:00pm ; and by appointment! TEACHING ASSISTANT INFORMATION Name: E-mail address: Office: Office hours: Course Content: The world is never a boring place, whether we are interested in politics, culture, history, security, or art. To understand the world around us, however, we must be engaged citizens of the world. We must try to put ourselves in others’ shoes, to develop a sense of how others perceive the world, what others experience, and to make connections with these differences. The study of international affairs trains us to think more carefully about global issues and encourages us to take action when needed. This course serves as an introduction to International Affairs, an interdisciplinary program that covers international politics, history, sociology, anthropology, language, and culture. This class is unique in that we will have lectures on a variety of topics, and watch films that enhance your understanding of globalization. You will be introduced to basic concepts of international affairs, including an introduction to the international system, globalization, and international organizations. We will explore global issues...
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...Introduction to Film History, Module 2 Homework taught by Directions: Using word processing software to save and submit your work, please answer the following short answer questions. All responses to questions should be one to two paragraphs, composed of five to seven sentences, in length. Your responses should include examples from the reading assignments. 1. Perhaps the most important artistic trend of the early twentieth century was labeled modernism. Summarize some of the principal tenets of modernism, and specify how these ideas influenced the development of the French Impressionism (or German Expressionist [Ch. 5] or Soviet Montage [Ch. 6]) movement in film. It signaled a major shift in cultural attitudes that arose largely as a response to modern life, the late phases of the industrial revolution, especially the new modes of transportation and communication that were swiftly transforming people’s lives. Telephones, automobiles, and airplanes were considered great advances, yet they also seemed threatening, especially in their capacity to be used in warfare. 2. What created the problems confronting French film production between 1918 and 1928? Identify the three primary factors as identified in the text, and summarize the effects of each of these causes. One of the problems that was getting in the way of French film production was all of the imported films pouring into the country, of all the films coming into the country were American films. The French...
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...Film i Engelsk Bilag 1a FILM ANALYSIS – an introduction (Source: http://www.filmeducation.org) – bearbejdet af Mi og LK, Favrskov Gymnasium Reading a film is just like reading a book, except that instead of looking at a written page we are looking at the cinema screen. Reading a film works in exactly the same way as a written text, or a picture, except that the tools that are used to create meaning are different. We call these tools film language. The opening sequence From the moment we first start watching a film, we begin to get involved. The first few minutes of a film (the opening sequence) are very important to us as they give us lots of clues about the film: 1) what will the film be about (conflicts/themes); 2) who are the most important characters (hero, villain, love interest); 3); what is the setting of the film (time and place); 4) the genre; and finally, 5) what sort of film language characterizes the film? We look at all these elements and begin to put them into context. Based on their environment, how they look, what they say and what we see them do, we make assumptions about the characters, their roles in the film and their relationship to each other. We also recognize so-called genre markers (things we associate with one particular genre) which tell us if we are watching a Western or a Sc-Fi film and, thus, form specific expectations about what is going to happen during the rest of the film. At the same time, we listen to the sounds and the music...
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