...1 Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to Act Gro Harlem Brundtland, Paul Ehrlich, Jose Goldemberg, James Hansen, Amory Lovins, Gene Likens, James Lovelock, Suki Manabe, Bob May, Hal Mooney, Karl-Henrik Robert, Emil Salim, Gordon Sato, Susan Solomon, Nicholas Stern, MS Swaminathan, Bob Watson, Barefoot College, Conservation International, International institute of Environment and Development, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature, This paper is a synthesis of the key messages from the individual papers written by the Blue Planet Laureates (Annex I describes the Blue Planet Prize), and discusses the current and projected state of the global and regional environment, and the implications for environmental, social and economic sustainability. It addresses the drivers for change, the implications for inaction, and what is needed to achieve economic development and growth among the poor, coupled with environmental and social sustainability, and the imperative of action now. The paper does not claim to comprehensively address all environment and development issues, but a sub-set that are deemed to be of particular importance. Key Messages We have a dream – a world without poverty – a world that is equitable – a world that respects human rights – a world with increased and improved ethical behavior regarding poverty...
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...%,%/,2*5$3+< Abila, R. O., and E. G. Jansen. 1997. From local to global markets: The fish exporting and fishmeal industries of Lake Victoria: Structure, strategies and socioeconomic impacts in Kenya. Socioeconomics of the Lake Victoria Fisheries No. 2. Nairobi: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Eastern Africa Programme. Aerni, P. 2001. Aquatic resources and technology: Evolutionary, environmental, legal, and developmental aspects. Science, Technology and Innovation Discussion Paper No. 13. Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.: Center for International Development. Ahmed, M. 1997. Fish for the poor under a rising global demand and changing fishery regime. Naga—The ICLARM Quarterly (supplement). July–December: 4–7. Ahmed, M., and M. H. Lorica. 2002. Improving developing country food security through aquaculture development—lessons from Asia. Food Policy 27: 125–141. Ahmed, M., C. L. Delgado, S. Sverdrup-Jensen, and R. A. V. Santos, ed. 1999. Fisheries policy research in developing countries: Issues, priorities and needs. Manila: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management and International Food Policy Research Institute. Allan, G. 1998. Potential for pulses. International Aquafeeds 2: 17–20. Alston, J. M., G. W. Norton, and P. G. Pardey. 1995. Science Under Scarcity: Principles and practice for agricultural research evaluation and priority setting. Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A.: Cornell University Press. Anderson, J. L. 1985. Private aquaculture...
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...A Review of Management Problems Arising From Reintroductions of Large Carnivores Date: September 2014 Abstract | Introduction | Conclusion | Acknowledgements | References | PDF Abstract Large carnivores are often apex predators and are important in ecosystems as their behaviour promotes biodiversity. They frequently fall victim to anthropogenic causes of local extinction and subsequently, have often been the subjects of conservation efforts involving reintroduction programs. As land-use changes restrict ranges and reduce prey for large carnivores, the trend towards local extinction is set to increase; therefore ex-situ conservation is likely to be increasingly prevalent. Reintroduction programmes are divided into two distinct parts. The first part is pre-release, which includes selection, breeding, and preparation of animals. The second part runs from the time the animals are ready for release through the actual release process and may include post-release monitoring and the release of further, supplementary, animals where this is necessary and feasible. This study identifies and discusses a number of potential problems involved in the use of captive animals to seed reintroductions including welfare as well as ethical and political issues. Other challenges include the genetic and behavioural integrity of founder animals and disease control, both in captivity and post release. This study also identifies a number of points for consideration during and after release, including...
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...COURSE GUIDE Contents Introduction......................................................................... Aims................................................................................... Objectives........................................................................... Working through the Course.............................................. Course Materials................................................................ Study Units........................................................................ Textbooks and References.................................................. Assessment.......................................................................... Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)................................... Final Examination and Grading.......................................... Course Marking Scheme..................................................... Course Overview/Presentation Schedule............................ How to get the most from this Course................................ Tutors and...
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...В.А. Кухаренко ПРАКТИКУМ ПО ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ ТЕКСТА Допущено Министерством просвещения СССР в качестве учебного пособия для студентов педагогических институтов по специальности № 2103 «Иностранные языки» МОСКВА «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 1987 ББК 81.2 Англ К95 Рецензенты: кафедра английской филологии ЛГПИ им. А. И. Герцена; кандидат филологических наук, доцент МГПИИЯ им. Мориса Тореза О. Л. Каменская Кухаренко В. А. КЯ5 Практикум по интерпретации текста: Учеб. пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов по спец. № 2103 «Иностр. яз.».— Просвещение. 1987.—176 с. 4309000000—608 103(03)—87 Пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов факультетов английского языка педагогических институтов. Оно написано в соответствии с программой по данному курсу и состоит из двух частей. Первая часть пособия включает 6 рассказов и образцы их интерпретации. Во второй части даны 16 рассказов, представляющих различные жанры короткой прозы писателей США, Великобритании, Австралии и Новой Зеландии, предназначенные для самостоятельной работы студентов. ББК 81.2Англ © Издательство сПросвещение», 1987 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Настоящее издание представляет собой практическое пособие по интерпретации текста. Оно предназначено для студентов факультетов английского языка педагогических институтов и написано в соответствии с Программой МП СССР по курсу языкознания. Цель пособия — научить студентов не только умению глубоко проникать в художественный...
Words: 80382 - Pages: 322
...UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA, HUYE CUMPAS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE OPTION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ACADEMIC YEAR: 2014-2015 ANALYSING IMPACT OF DIVORCE ON FAMILY SOCIAL WELFARE IN RWANDA Case study: KIYUMBA Sector, MUHANGA District :( 2008-2015). MEMOIRE Presented by: TUYISINGIZE Nazard Tel: 0787848528, E-mail:nazardt@yahoo.com/tunazy0513@gmail.com Supervisor: Mr. John GASASIRA Huye, April 2015 Declaration I, the undersigned TUYISINGIZE Nazard a student of University of Rwanda, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, option of Public Administration hereby declare that the work presented in this dissertation is my original work and has never been presented anywhere else for any other academic qualifications at any university or institution either in Rwanda or out of country. Student‘s Signature………………………………………………………… Names: ……………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………………………………………… Supervisor’s Signature………………………………………………………… Names: ………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………………………………………. DEDICATION To my God To my parents To my brothers and sisters To my relatives and friends ACKNOWLEGMENTS First of all, I highly thank God, who helps and protect me in all my activities under to his love and goodness toward me may glory, honor and praise be to him forever...
Words: 23440 - Pages: 94
...IIBM INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT ( IIBM - B101 ) www.iibmindia.in www.iibmonline.com Distance Learning Education, IIBM Institute of Business Management The ultimate vision of this Institute is to ensure that all working executives and each young manager must possess the requisite research-oriented-business-acumen and the competitive managerial excellence in successfully tackling the new emerging management-related-problems of the country in the changing global scenario. Individuals who look upon education as a continuing activity and wish to enhance their knowledge in an existing discipline or acquire proficiency in a new area are sure to benefit from the offered Programs. Distance Education is an attempt to make education accessible beyond the close confines of a classroom and to make it available to those who aspire and endeavor. The pedagogy used is interactive with cutting-edge techniques and innovation. This has gone long way to strengthen skills and expertise students to meet much-needed requirement of management students; in industry or society. The Institute pioneered and offers more than 40 programs in the field of Management, Computer, Six Sigma and SAP Training certification courses. We emphasis on imparting education to various genres of the society, right from Students to Professionals and Housewives to Businessmen. At IIBM we deal in keeping this flow up and building the...
Words: 125380 - Pages: 502
...EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE key lessons from research for policy makers An independent report submitted to the European Commission by the NESSE networks of experts www.nesse.fr EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE - KEY LESSONS FROM RESEARCH FOR POLICY MAKERS This is an independent report commissioned by the European Commission's DirectorateGeneral for Education and Culture. The views expressed are those of independent experts and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Commission. The main author of this report is Helen Penn, currently Professor of Early Childhood in the Cass School of Education, University of East London, UK, and a member of the NESSE network of experts. Drafts of this report benefited from comments and advice from other NESSE network members and from other experts in this field. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The electronic version of this report is available at: http://www.nesse.fr/nesse/activities/reports For further information on this report and for printed copies you can contact: Dr. Angelos Agalianos European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture Tel.: +32-2-29.55.098 © European Commission, 2009 ISBN: 978-92-79-12470-9 2 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE - KEY LESSONS FROM RESEARCH FOR POLICY MAKERS FOREWORD Investing in quality Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is crucial. It is at this stage that the foundations are laid for...
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...CHAPTER- 1 1.1: INTRODUCTION The word 'business' is actually derived from the idea of 'busy-ness'. This idea accurately describes most organizations: they are busy organizing resources, producing, selling, managing people and keeping track of finances. The people running the business have to organize people, money, materials and machines to produce a good or service to sell or give to their customers. Organisations: Since the dawn of time, civilized man has designed and built facilities in which to present great ideas. The Concept Organization manages ideas with the same monumental approach. Few things touch our daily life as much as Organisations do. We depend on organisations for education, food, clothing, shelter, health, wealth, recreation, travel, and much more. But what are they, have they come with us? Yes, organisations are as old as the human race itself. Archaeologists have discovered massive temples dating back to 3500 BC that were constructed through the organized actions of many people. The fact that impressive monuments were built suggest that not only did complex organisations exit, but that the people in them worked cohesively for common causes. “They are groups of people who work independently towards some purpose. Organisations are not physical structure; rather they are people who work together to achieve a set of goals. People who work in organisations have structured patterns of interactions, meaning...
Words: 19042 - Pages: 77
...diXESSE ! The ESSENTIAL ACCOUNTING DICTIONARY SPHINX DICTIONARIES es·sen·tial. ADJ. Of the utmost importance. • The most comprehensive pocket-size dictionary • Easy-to-understand definitions • Written by a leading authority in the field Wit Kate Mooney Accoun ting T and Phra erms ses 300O h MORE TH AN The ESSENTIAL ACCOUNTING DICTIONARY es·sen·tial ADJ. Of the utmost importance. The ESSENTIAL ACCOUNTING DICTIONARY es·sen·tial ADJ. Of the utmost importance. Kate Mooney AN IMPRINT OF SOURCEBOOKS, INC.® NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS SPHINX PUBLISHING ® www.SphinxLegal.com Copyright © 2008 by Kate Mooney Cover and internal design © 2008 by Sourcebooks, Inc.® All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc.® All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc.® First Edition: 2008 Published by: Sphinx® Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc.® Naperville Office P.O. Box 4410 Naperville, Illinois 60567-4410 (630) 961-3900 Fax: (630) 961-2168 www.sourcebooks.com www.sphinxlegal.com This publication is designed to provide...
Words: 156997 - Pages: 628
...HOW TO MAKE AT LEAST $100,000 Or More A Year As A Used and Rare Book Seller On The Internet BY YOUR NAME BY YOUR NAME Web Site: http://www.your-web-site-here.com Email: yourname@your-web-site-here.com ( Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission. Excerpts may be used with proper credit and contact information (address, telephone number or website URL of the publisher) No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage and/or financial loss sustained to persons or property as a matter of the use of this report. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within, the liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use, misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein is the sole responsibility of the reader. The reader is encouraged to seek competent legal and accounting advice before engaging in any business activity. Introduction Not only am I going to show you step-by-step how to make $100,000 each year with your own business on the Internet I'm going to share with you exactly how I do it! Now, you can copy exactly what I'm doing- dealing in out-of-print and...
Words: 36393 - Pages: 146
...CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA An Interpretive History TENTH EDITION James J. Rawls Instructor of History Diablo Valley College Walton Bean Late Professor of History University of California, Berkeley TM TM CALIFORNIA: AN INTERPRETIVE HISTORY, TENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2008, 2003, and 1998. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1234567890 QFR/QFR 10987654321 ISBN: 978-0-07-340696-1 MHID: 0-07-340696-1 Vice President & Editor-in-Chief: Michael Ryan Vice President EDP/Central Publishing Services: Kimberly Meriwether David Publisher: Christopher Freitag Sponsoring Editor: Matthew Busbridge Executive Marketing Manager: Pamela S. Cooper Editorial Coordinator: Nikki Weissman Project Manager: Erin Melloy Design Coordinator: Margarite Reynolds Cover Designer: Carole Lawson Cover Image: Albert Bierstadt, American (born...
Words: 248535 - Pages: 995
...CHAPTER 21 Accounting for Leases ASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION TABLE (BY TOPIC) | | |Brief Exercises | | | Concepts for | |Topics |Questions | |Exercises |Problems |Analysis | |*1. Rationale for leasing. |1, 2, 4 | | | |1, 2 | |*2. Lessees; classification |3, 5, 7, |1, 2, 3, |1, 2, 3, |1, 2, 3, 4, |1, 2, 3, | |of leases; accounting by lessees. |8, 14 |4, 5 |5, 7, 8, 11, 12, |6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,|4, 5, 6 | | | | |13, 14 |14, | | | | | | |15, 16 | | |*3. Disclosure of leases. |19 | | |2, 4, 5, |2, 3, 5 | | | | | |7, 8 | | |*4. Lessors; classification ...
Words: 22191 - Pages: 89
...Grant Writing FOR DUMmIES 3RD ‰ EDITION by Dr. Beverly A. Browning, MPA, DBA Grant Writing For Dummies® 3rd Edition , Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should e addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, or online at http:// www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way, Dummies.com, Making Everything Easier, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/ or its affiliates in the United States and other countries, and...
Words: 113853 - Pages: 456
...M A G A Z I N E FA L L 2 0 0 2 Volume 20 Number 2 SPANNING THE GLOBE Duke Leads the Way in International Law Teaching and Scholarship inside plus Duke admits smaller, exceptionally well-qualified class Duke’s Global Capital Markets Center to launch new Directors’ Education Institute from the dean Dear Alumni and Friends, It is not possible, these days, for a top law school to be anything other than an international one. At Duke Law, we no longer think of “international” as a separate category. Virtually everything we do has some international dimension, whether it concerns international treaties and protocols, commercial transactions across national borders, international child custody disputes, criminal behavior that violates international human rights law, international sports competitions, global environmental regulation, international terrorism, or any number of other topics. And, of course, there is little that we do at Duke that does not involve scholars and students from other countries, who are entirely integrated with U.S. scholars and students. Students enrolled in our joint JD/LLM program in international and comparative law receive an in-depth education in both the public and private aspects of international and comparative law, enriched by the ubiquitous presence of foreign students; likewise, the foreign lawyers who enroll in our one-year LLM program in American law enroll in the same courses, attend the same conferences...
Words: 58370 - Pages: 234