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Submitted By college2014
Words 548
Pages 3
An Overview of Fetishism Individuals across cultures are diagnosed with all different types of sexual disorders. A sexual disorder is classified as a disorder that involves sexual functioning, desires, or performance (Mosby 2009). These disorders have a huge affect on people because they can affect their own personal social lives. There are many sexual disorders and dysfunctions that individuals suffer from. Along with these disorders, there are many different factors and many treatments that have been used to help these individuals. One specific sexual disorder is Fetishism, which was first explained by Sigmund Freud. Much more research needs to be done to explain this disorder because it is not completely clear at this time. Fetishism is a sexual disorder, which is also a form of paraphilia where the patient has reoccurring sexual fantasies that usually involve a nonliving object. The object has a connection with sex and sexual gratification. An individual is diagnosed with this disorder when they act on these urges, are distressed by them, or must have the object to receive gratification (“Fetishism,” 2010). The demographics for Fetishism in the world or United States is not known because these patients are not counted or tracked unless in rare instances where the patient has a desire to be counted. This disorder is usually more popular with males than females. There is also no information on whether genetics has any effect on the disorder (Fallon, 2005). Fetishism closely meets the criteria for the axes of the DSM. This disorder falls under the sexual and gender identity disorders. Fetishism clearly is a sexual disorder considering individuals that suffer from this have sexual feelings towards non-living objects. According to the DSM (2000), there are three main points of criteria that fall under the sexual disorder, Fetishism.

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