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Final Project- to Open or Not to Open That Is the Question


Submitted By mguerra2
Words 1160
Pages 5
Problem #1:
To Open or Not to Open – That is the Question!

While vacationing in Thailand, Steve and Linda fell in love with Thai food. Their hometown does not have a Thai restaurant, so Steve and Linda planned to open one. Linda is a chef and Steve would quit his job to run the “business” side of the restaurant.
Steve found an empty restaurant for lease with seven tables that would seat four each. The restaurant would serve dinner only (no lunch) Tuesday – Saturday, and Linda is planning on having two seatings per evening. They will close two weeks a year for vacation.
The Thai loving couple has come up with the following estimates:

Average Revenue, including beverages and dessert $ 45 per meal
Average cost of food $ 15 per meal
Chef’s (Linda) and dishwasher’s salaries $ 61,200 per year
Rent for building and equipment $ 4,000 per month
Cleaning costs $ 800 per month
Replacement of dishes, glasses, etc. $ 300 per month
Utilities, advertising, telephone $ 2,300 per month

Requirements: 1) Compute the annual breakeven number of meals and Sales Revenue for the restaurant:

Total Expense per year = 61,200+12*(4000+800+300+2300) = $150,000
Contribution margin per meal = 45-15 = $30.00
Breakeven number of meals = $150,000/30 = $5,000.00

Contribution margin ratio= $30/$45 = 0.67
Breakeven number of sales = $150,000/.67 = $223,880.60

2) Compute the number of meals needed to earn operating income of $75,600 to replace Steve’s salary from his previous job.

Operating Income = $75,600
Total Income needed = $150,000+ $75,600 = $225,600
Number of meals = $225,600/$30 = 7,520 meals

3) How many meals must Steve and Linda serve each night to earn the target income of $75,600?

Target Income = $75,600
Meals needed = 7520.00
Number of nights = 50 weeks * 5 days per

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