...Final Reflection Paper Loretta Artis Concordia University The Ethical Educator EDDC 615 Dr. Ken Powers August 20, 2014 Final Reflection Paper When I think of myself and what my leadership style is, I have to choose servant leadership. As a believer when I hear the term servant, I usually usually associated it with the Bible. The term “servant” is defined as “a person working in the service of another.” When Robert Greenleaf first defined the phrase “Servant Leadership,” he pointed out that the difference between servant leadership and a leader was “a servant aspiring to serve and to take up leadership as result” (Greenleaf, n.d.) whereas a leader is defined as a person who rules or guides or inspires others. The servant leader’s main concern is to lead in a way that they are serving others by developing them as well as giving their undivided attention to their colleagues and those they serve (Spears, 1998). First Peter 4:10-11 suggests that everyone has the gift to be a servant and as good stewards it should be used to serve one another. One of the most interesting aspects that Greenleaf brings out is the wish to help others. In the servant leadership, leadership is secondary but the main focus is on the needs of others. This is one way to distinguish servant- leaders from all other leaders. Other servant leadership characteristics are: listening and understanding; acceptance and empathy; foresight; awareness and perception; persuasion; conceptualization; self-healing;...
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...Final Reflection Monica Ramirez EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Prof. Benjamin Rosenthal May 12, 2014 If I was to explain this course to someone who has not taken it before, I would have to ask the individual to take the LCI assessment. After getting their scores I would be able to explain their learning patterns to them and how they use them in a learning environment and on a day to day basis. I would explain to them that their patterns will help to figure out their past mistakes as a learner. I have learned that finding your patterns will help you find a job that would be a good fit as to how you learn. My views of learning have grown since I last defined it in week one. I know that it is more than just taking in new information and achieving your goals. It’s learning from your past and taking those mistakes and turning them into an achievement, being able to take your patterns and round them into success. Being a strong willed learner I like to take charge and use the information given to me in a productive manner. My LCI score are as follows: use first Sequence (30), use first Precise (26), use first Technical Reasoning (33), use as needed Confluent (21). As I take in the world around me I believe I use Sequence to have order and organization in my life. Asking questions and needing accurate information with day to day events puts Precision in affect. Using my Technical Reasoning pattern helps me with problem solving and seeing my objective to...
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...Final Reflection of Community Study As I reflect on my community study findings I pay attention to the relationships and connection of what I learned in my school and society’s class. I noticed the interrelationship that we found in Labaree, between school and society, and the stress of democratic equality to struggle to meet the needs of the increase of diverse learners, especially children with learning disabilities (Labaree, 1990). Since the school has a prominent special education program that focuses toward mainstreaming students in a general class as the LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) rights. Nonetheless, I noticed the connection to the functionalism prospective on the purpose of schooling to socialize, pass on skills, values,...
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...Final Reflection As the date nears the holiday season, our time in Movement Science 101 is coming to a close. Entering the class I didn’t have a clue what to expect or how I would adapt to my new college life. Right off the bat, the energy of class room told me that I had chosen the right major. The class started by gaining an idea what the study of human movement really was. I was intrigued to learn of all the different professions that were available. On the other hand, the introduction was quite sobering from all the material that were about to cover. Personally, I wanted to jump right into learning about the human body, but was quick to realized I knew nothing about the history of Exercise Science. The class was given time to present...
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...Final Reflection Jessi Benanti EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Cassidy Hawf January 6, 2016 Final Reflection Paragraph 1: What is Learning At the time that I started this course I had a tapered meaning of learning. I thought learning meant acquiring knowledge or a set of skills by experience, by being taught, or by studying. Throughout this class I have acquired a more in-depth understanding of what learning means. According to Jhnston (page 1.2) learning is “taking in world around you and connecting to way you are experiencing.” This is just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to learning, as you gain the knowledge from the world around you, learning requires that as you start to understand what you are making sense of the knowledge that you will finally come to understand what you are experiencing. As Johnston stated “learning involves using your critical thinking skills and sound judgment to respond appropriately to any workplace task, online assignment, or opportunity to speak publicly” (page 1.2). Not only is learning understanding knowledge, but also understanding how you come to understand that knowledge. There are four types of learning patterns, Sequence, Precision, Technical Reasoning, and Confluence. As a learner you should try to understand what type of learner you are. Once you figure out your unique pattern, you will be able to learn more intentionally. Paragraph 2: Describing yourself as a Learner When it comes to my learning patterns...
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...Usually, sports and I don’t mix; however, I excel in volleyball because I played at my elementary school in Connecticut, before moving to Georgia. To my great despair, the one sport I do extremely well in is the one sport that my current school does not participate in. The only time I ever played volleyball was during my mandatory physical education classes, in which I assumed that I would be an amazing player because I already knew how to play. Because of my arrogance and haughtiness, I believed that my skills were superior; in fact, I even boasted about those skills to my fellow classmates. I was completely and utterly wrong. During my first game of volleyball, each of the students gets three tries to serve the ball and make it over the net. Personally, I believed that I only needed one try because of my previous experience and misplaced belief. I positioned myself in the correct stance with the ball in one hand and my other hand behind me. I lightly tossed the ball up, quickly swung my arm forward, and hit the ball … to the side of the court, completely missing the net by way more than an inch. In that moment, it was as if a bucket of cold water doused me; I failed. In fact, not only did I fail, I failed epically. I tried again and again but none of my shots went over, none of my “bumps” and “sets” were good, I was close to the worst player on the team, which did not go unnoticed by the rest of the class. I was perplexed as to why my head was not in the game; I concluded that...
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...Dr. Courts, I have really stressed over this class. I was really excited about this class but I feel that I have not learned very much. It has "killed" my GPA. I have taken 9 classes and have made all A's. As I do not expect to make an A in every class I take, I take all of my classes very seriously. There was not a lot of teaching of information in this class, there really not even a weekly lesson. The only instruction was to read the chapter and answer and respond to a case. There was no direction on what to study or do to prepare for the exams. On the Midterm, Question 29, Briefly, explain the justice approach to ethics and then explain the five types of justice discussed in class, for 15 points (of which I received 0 pts), puts...
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...My final essay was a revision essay based on the previous writing assignment #3, which mainly talk about the consequences of the mass incarceration period on black families. I picked the visual approach to go through my revision process. I found something that fit into my elaborations and statistic, but the difficulty of making it into a visual essay is to find some related and useful pictures that are able to make the “text and message dynamic and reciprocal”. This means the photos not only simply illustrate ideas in my essay, but also extend the ideas to a more broader view. For example, one of my argument was “the experience with incarceration also has profound influences on families, especially for children”, and my photo was an inmate...
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...EDU 644 Week 6 DQ 1 Course Reflection To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/edu-644-new/edu-644-week-6-dq-1-course-reflection In this final discussion, reflect upon your overall learning experience and relate it to your earned specialization and/or advanced degree as well as your current or future practice serving at-risk children and families. Your reflection must include the learning you have gained about the topics of this course and learning from the creation of your website. Review the Week Six Instructor Guidance to further support your response to this discussion. You may respond to this discussion in written form, or through a video and/or audio recording of yourself using the digital technology of your choosing. Initial Post: Create an initial post that addresses the following: • What new insights have you obtained about at-risk children and families overall? • What specific concepts have you learned that have left a more lasting impression or impact on you? How and/or why have these concepts impacted you more significantly than others? • What affirmations have you gained about your current or future role working with at-risk children and families from reflecting on your learning? Be sure to indicate what your professional focus is (e.g., education, early childhood education, family and community service, etc.). • How has the construction and review of others’ websites added value to your learning experience? Include challenges...
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...Learning through reflection 2 Reflection is an active process whereby the professional can gain an understanding of how historical, social, cultural and personal experiences have contributed to professional knowledge and practice (Wilkinson, 1996). Duffy (2007) believes that reflective practice is an active deliberate process of critically examining practice where an individual is challenged and enabled to undertake the process of self-enquiry to empower the practitioner to realize desirable and effective practice within a reflexive spiral of personal transformation. Learning is derived from experience but it doesn’t just happen. For it to take place you not only need to engage in reflection you must also record it. By thinking about what you are doing and why you are doing it is what turns your experiences into meaningful learning. If you are to become a reflective practitioner you have to use that learning to increase your professional knowledge and skills to the benefit of not only yourself but also to your patients / clients. Why Reflect Reflection is really a process that begins with looking back on a situation, pondering over it, learning from it and then using the new knowledge to help you in future similar situations. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. However, the conscious, deliberate and ordered process of using reflection as a learning tool...
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................................................................................................ 2 POSTING INSTRUCTOR FEEDBACK TO MY ITEMS (INCLUDING DOCUMENTING YOUR REACTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS BASED ON THE FEEDBACK IN THE ARTIFACT DESCRIPTION FIELD) ............................................................... 4 ACCESSING AND RENAMING THE PRESENTATION TEMPLATE ................................................................................ 7 ADDING ITEMS (ARTIFACTS OR REFLECTIONS) TO MY PRESENTATION................................................................. 11 REORDERING ITEMS (ARTIFACTS OR REFLECTIONS) IN MY PRESENTATION ......................................................... 14 HOW DO I UPLOAD A FILE TO MY ITEMS AREA? .................................................................................................. 17 HOW DO I CREATE A REFLECTION? ...................................................................................................................... 21 ASSOCIATING ITEMS WITH A REFLECTION ........................................................................................................... 23 HOW DO I SUBMIT MY EPORTFOLIO PRESENTATION TO THE DROPBOX? ............................................................ 25 HOW DO I ADD A VIDEO TO YOU TUBE (WITH PRIVATE OR UNLISTED OPTION) .................................................. 30 A QUICK WAY TO FIND THE EMBED CODE FOR YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, ETC...........................................................
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...Examples of Reflective Writing Example 1 I arrived on the ward at 7:30 ready to begin a 12-hour shift. After receiving handover, my mentor assigned me the job of bathing Mr B with the help of a healthcare assistant. Mr B has Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a progressive disease of the nervous system with rapid deterioration due to spongiform encephalopathy. He is not expected to live to Christmas, even though he is only 19 years old. He is mentally aware of what is going on but is physically unable to demonstrate activities of daily living, including eating and drinking, has limited communication skills and is doubly incontinent. He is unsafe on his feet so mobilises with a wheelchair. I approached Mr B’s bed and asked his consent to take him for a bath. While the bath was running we began helping him to undress. He looked rather nervous. At the thought of myself being in his position, being the same age as him, I began to feel embarrassed too. I thought that I could not possibly be a professional individual if I let my embarrassment and sympathy get in the way of my nursing care. We assisted Mr B into the bath and started his wash. I knew he was uncomfortable and wanted to be able to wash himself, but was unable to do so. I was finding it difficult to look him in the eye, especially when it came to washing his genitalia. I tried to ease this by making conversation, but in a way this made matters worse. After the bath we dried Mr B, dressed him and returned him...
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..._____________________________________Date of service:____________________ Do not place forms in mail boxes or turn into the office. Forms are handed directly to these designated teachers: Sr. Sarah ~ SENIORS Mrs. Norton ~ JUNIORS Ms. Buckler ~ SOPHOMORES Mrs. Scherr ~ FRESHMEN The final deadline to turn in your forms is April 30, 2015 Please refer to the Student- Parent Handbook for complete details regarding Christian Service. Any questions about your service should be directed to the teacher listed above for your grade level. Please look for a monthly progress report on Edline which will show your hours approved. You must maintain a copy of all forms turned in for your records. Part I: Where did you perform this service? Name, Address, Phone Number of agency: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Names of other FGRHS students who also served with you ____________________________________________ REFLECTION: On the back of this paper write a paragraph about what you did, another paragraph about how Christ was reflected in your work and a third paragraph about how Christ was reflected in those you served. Approval of hours is contingent upon a well written reflection. Part II: To be completed by adult supervisor (not a parent): What assigned tasks did the student complete? MERCY o Served meal to homeless o...
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...RA3 – Reflection of techniques Barometer of confidence +Using a scale system helped me identify what current level I felt I was. +Open questioning for the analysis of current level enabled me to explain why I felt I was at the current level stated and give examples to reinforce the level indicated. -The scale system though is relatively vague in regards to numbers and their value. It is through interpretation of their value in regards to how confident you are rather than a systematic and calculated approach. This means the level you suggest you are currently achieving could be over or under the realistic level. -Answering is subjective and could have an element of bias. There are no set criteria to base the level and descriptive answering on. Learning Styles Questionnaire +Questions asked reinforce a particular learning style when answers are collated, to make the claim to be stronger in a particular learning style more valid. +Questions can be related to the careers work that I do and therefore indicate the learning styles I tend to use in appointments. -Questions can be interpreted in a variety of situations, so the answers given may not truly reflect the learning styles being used. -Final scoring of answers given doesn’t indicate the scale of which a learning style is used. It is only an indication and further analysis would need to be used to definitively suggest the learning styles more suited to an individual. My results are fairly even and don’t indicate...
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... 3. Discuss how you can improve uponone of your weaknesses in the workplace. 4. Discuss your role on the team. 5. Discuss the strengths of your team as a whole. 6. Discuss the weaknesses of your team as a whole. 7. Explain how you interacted with your team. 8. Explain how you overcame challenges you faced as a team. 9. Discuss what teamwork advice you would give to others who were beginning to work on the simulation. 10. Discuss the relevance of teamwork in the simulation to the context of your professional Task 2 1. Describe the impact the company strategy had on your functional area in the simulation. 2. Reflect on the decisions that were made in the simulation by doing the following: Note: Your reflection may include graphs and other data. 1. Discuss decisions that you would change. 1. Discuss decisions that had a positive impact. 3. Present your strategic outlook for your functional area in the simulation. 1. Recommend future decisions for your functional area in the simulation. 1. Submit the attached “Assignment Designation Form.” 1. Discuss the overall performance of the business compared to competitors using the financial reports from the simulation by doing the following: Note: The financial...
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