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Finance Internet Firm Outlook


Submitted By jocksocr
Words 657
Pages 3
There has been a flood of capital being poured into technology firms at a rate that have some fearing another bubble is ready to burst and a repeat of the “dot.bomb era” of a decade ago may soon repeat. How valid is this concern? Using the recent LinkedIn initial public offering as an example, the shares soared on first day of trading last week from $45 per share to over $94, that’s 100% plus increase (this too followed a last minute decision to raise the initial offering price from around $35 to $45). The stock traded as high as $122.70 and is currently trading slightly above $94, putting the current market value of the stock close to $9 billion. Pandora, an internet radio station, recently increased their offering price just prior to its’ recent IPO which had a $2.8 billion market value at end of the first trading day. This while Pandora is unprofitable and may be for some time.

For this week’s discussion, I’d like to also reference this weekend’l r s WSJ article “Virtual Farms, Rich Harvest” discussing how the next firm up, “ Zynga, a company that sells imaginary tractors and other make believe goods in online games, plans to raise some very real money from public investors” (Winfield & Cowan, 2011). Zynga is seeking about $20 billion from the offering. Many believe that other social networking sites, like Twitter and Facebook, are contemplating raising capital through issuing common stock and are scrutinizing these IPOs to help gauge how the market may respond to their IPO’s . It will be interesting to see how the next few months go for LinkedIn and these other firms that have since followed, as some analysts believe the stocks are way overvalued and major declines are down the road. For example, “a tech and media specialist for Hoover, an IPO research firm thinks LinkedIn has that first mover advantage of being the first of its kind to come public, but

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