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Finance Quantities


Submitted By italianyuppie
Words 16892
Pages 68


Quantitative Review References to CFA Questions Glossary










Students in management and investment courses typically come from a variety of backgrounds. Some, who have had strong quantitative training, may feel perfectly comfortable with formal mathematical presentation of material. Others, who have had less technical training, may easily be overwhelmed by mathematical formalism. Most students, however, will benefit from some coaching to make the study of investment easier and more efficient. If you had a good introductory quantitative methods course, and like the text that was used, you may want to refer to it whenever you feel in need of a refresher. If you feel uncomfortable with standard quantitative texts, this reference is for you. Our aim is to present the essential quantitative concepts and methods in a self-contained, nontechnical, and intuitive way. Our approach is structured in line with requirements for the CFA program. The material included is relevant to investment management by the ICFA, the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts. We hope you find this appendix helpful. Use it to make your venture into investments more enjoyable.


Appendix A


Statisticians talk about “experiments,” or “trials,” and refer to possible outcomes as “events.” In a roll of a die, for example, the “elementary events” are the numbers 1 through 6. Turning up one side represents the most disaggregate mutually exclusive outcome. Other events are compound, that is, they consist of more than one elementary event, such as the result “odd number” or “less than 4.” In this case “odd” and “less than 4” are not mutually exclusive. Compound events can be mutually exclusive outcomes, however, such as “less than 4” and “equal to or greater than 4.”

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