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Financial Vocabulary


Submitted By manal
Words 1890
Pages 8
ملحق المصطلحات المحاسبية ENGLISH عربي
أعلى النموذج
|English Word |Arabic Word |
|Absorption Costing System |نظام التكاليف الكلية أو الإجمالية |
|Account Balance |رصيد الحساب |
|Accountant |المحاسب |
|Accountants |المحاسبون |
|Accounting |محاسبة |
|Accounting Assumptions (Postulates) |الفروض أو الافتراضات المحاسبية |
|Accounting Concepts |المفاهيم المحاسبية - المبادئ المحاسبية |
|Accounting Constraints |القيود المحاسبية - المحددات المحاسبية |
|Accounting Cycle |الدورة المحاسبية |
|Accounting Elements |العناصر المحاسبية |
|Accounting Equation |المعادلة المحاسبية |
|Accounting Information |المعلومات المحاسبية |
|Accounting Objectives |الأهداف المحاسبية |
|Accounting Period (Periodicity) |الفترة المحاسبية - الفترة المالية |
|Accounting Policies |السياسات المحاسبية |
|Accounting Principles |المبادئ المحاسبية |
|Accounting Principles Board (APB) |مجلس مبادئ المحاسبة الأمريكي |
|Accounting Procedures |الإجراءات المحاسبية |
|Accounting Research Bulletins |نشرات البحوث المحاسبية |
|Accounting Standards |المعايير المحاسبية |
|Accounting System |النظام المحاسبي |
|Accounting Systems |النظم المحاسبية |
|Accounts Payable |حسابات الدائنين |
|Accounts Receivable |حسابات العملاء - المدينون |
|Accrual Basis of Accounting |أساس الاستحقاق المحاسبي |
|Accrued Expenses |مصروفات مستحقة الدفع |
|Accrued Revenues |إيرادات مستحقة القبض |
|Accumulated Depreciation |مجمع الاهتلاك |
|Actual Basis of Accounting |أساس الاستحقاق المحاسبي |
|Adjusted Trial Balance |ميزان المراجعة المعدل |
|Adjusting Entry |قيد تسوية |
|Adjustment |تسوية |
|Administrative Expenses |المصروفات الإدارية |
|Allowance |مخصص |
|Allowances |مخصصات - مسموحات |
|Allowance for doubtful Account |مخصص الديون المشكوك فيها |
|American Accounting Association |جمعية المحاسبة الأمريكية |
|American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) |المجمع الأمريكي للمحاسبين القانونيين |
|Amortization |اطفاء - للأصول غير الملموسة |
|Assets |الأصول |
|Audit Report |تقرير المراجعة |
|Auditing |المراجعة - تدقيق الحسابات |
|Auditor |مدقق الحسابات |
|Bad Debts |ديون معدومة |
|Balance Sheet |الميزانية العمومية - قائمة المركز المالي |
|Basic Accounting Assumptions |الفروض المحاسبية الرئيسية |
|Basic Accounting Principles |المبادئ المحاسبية الرئيسية |
|Billing on Construction in Process |مطالبات أو فواتير عقود إنشاءات تحت التنفيذ |
|Board of Directors |مجلس الإدارة |
|Bonds |السندات |
|Bonds Discount |خصم إصدار السندات |
|Bonds Premium |علاوة إصدار السندات |
|Book Value |القيمة الدفترية |
|Branches |فروع |
|Budget |موازنة تقديرية |
|Business Entity |المنشأة (الوحدة) الاقتصادية |
|Business Transaction |عملية تجارية |
|Call Provision |شرط الاستدعاء - للأسهم الممتازة و السندات |
|Capital |رأس المال |
|Capital Account |حساب رأس المال |
|Capital Expenditure |مصروف رأسمالي |
|Capital Expenditures |النفقات الرأسمالية |
|Capital Gains |مكاسب رأسمالية - أرباح رأسمالية |
|Capital Losses |خسائر رأسمالية |
|Capital Maintenance Concept |مفهوم المحافظة على رأس المال |
|Carrying Value |القيمة الدفترية |
|Cash |النقد - النقدية |
|Cash Basis of Accounting |الأساس النقدي المحاسبي |
|Cash Budget |الموازنة النقدية - الميزانية التقديرية |
| |للنقدية |
|Cash Equivalents |ما يعادل النقدية |
|Cash Flow from operations |التدفقات النقدية من العمليات التشغيلية |
|Cash Flows |التدفقات النقدية |
|Cash Flows Statement |قائمة التدفقات النقدية |
|Cash Inflows |التدفقات النقدية الداخلة - مصادر النقدية |
|Cash Outflows - use of cash |التدفقات النقدية الخارجة - استخدامات |
| |النقدية |
|Certified Public Accountant |المحاسب القانوني المرخص حسب مهنة المحاسبة في|
| |الولايات المتحدة |
|Chartered Accountant |محاسب قانوني - غالباً في المملكة المتحدة |
|Classification |التبويب - التصنيف |
|Classified Financial Statements |القوائم المالية المبوبة |
|Coding |ترميز |
|Common Stock |الأسهم العادية |
|Common Stock |رأس مال الأسهم العادية |
|Common Stock Holders |حملة الأسهم العادية |
|Comparability |قابلية المقارنة |
|Comparative Balance Sheet |ميزانية المقارنة |
|Comparative Financial Statements |القوائم المالية المقارنة |
|Comparative Income Statement |قائمة دخل مقارنة |
|Completed Contract Method |طريقة العقد المنجز أو المنتهي |
|Conceptual Frameworks |الإطار المفاهيمي - النظري |
|Conservation |التحفظ |
|Conservatism |سياسة الحيطة و الحذر - التحفظ |
|Consignee |وكيل |
|Consignor |موكل - أصيل |
|Consolidation |اندماج |
|Consistency |الثبات - الاتساق |
|Consistency Principle |مبدأ الاتساق - الثبات |
|Consolidated Accounting Entities |الوحدات المحاسبية المندمجة |
|Consolidated Financial Statements |القوائم المالية الموحدة |
|Consolidated Balance Sheet |قائمة المركز المالي الموحدة |
|Constant Purchasing Power |قوة شرائية ثابتة |
|Constant-Dollar Financial Statements |القوائم المالية على أساس وحدة نقد متجانسة |
|Construction in Process |عقود إنشاء تحت التنفيذ |
|Consumer Price Index |الرقم القياسي لأسعار المستهلك |
|Contra Account |حساب مقابل - حساب عكسي |
|Contract Costs |تكاليف العقد |
|Contract Debtors |مديني العقود |
|Contract Revenues |إيرادات العقد |
|Contributed Capital |رأس المال المساهم به |
|Contribution Margin |مساهمة حدية |
|Control |الرقابة |
|Conversion |قابلية التحويل - من أسهم ممتازة أو سندات إلى أسهم|
| |عادية |
|Convertible Bonds |سندات قابلة للتحول إلى أسهم عادية |
|Convertible Stock Preferred |أسهم ممتازة قابلة للتحول إلى أسهم عادية |
|Copyright |حق التأليف |
|Corporate Earnings |أرباح الشركات المساهمة |
|Corporation |شركة مساهمة |
|Cost |تكلفة |
|Cost / Benefit Relationship |قيد التكلفة / المنفعة - أي يجب أن تكون التكلفة |
| |أقل من المنفعة |
|Cost of Goods Sold |تكلفة البضاعة المباعة |
|Cost Plus Contracts |العقود المحدد سعرها بإضافة هامش ربح معين للتكلفة |
|Cost Price |ثمن التكلفة |
|Cost Principle |مبدأ التكلفة |
|Credit |على الحساب - الجانب الدائن |
|Creditors |الدائنون |
|Current Assets |الأصول المتداولة |
|Current Cost |التكلفة الجارية - التكلفة الاستبدالية |
|Current Cost Accounting |المحاسبة على أساس التكلفة الجارية |
|Current Cost Approach |مدخل التكلفة الجارية |
|Current Liabilities |الالتزامات المتداولة |
|Current Purchasing Power |قوة شرائية جارية |
|Data Collection |تجميع البيانات |
|Date of Declaration |تاريخ الإعلان عن توزيع أرباح الأسهم |
|Date of Payment |تاريخ دفع أرباح الأسهم |
|Date of Record |التاريخ الذي يكون فيه المساهم مسجلاً لدى الشركة |
|Dealers |وكلاء - جمع وكيل |
|Debenture Bonds |سندات بدون ضمان عيني |
|Debit (Dr.) |الجانب المدين |
|Debtors |المدينون |
|Deferred Gross Profit |إجمالي الربح المؤجل - إجمالي الربح غير المحقق |
|Deficit |عجز - بالسالب |
|Departmental Contribution Margin |المساهمة الحدية للقسم |
|Depletion |النفاذ - للأصول الاستخراجية أو المصادر الطبيعية |
|Depreciation |اهتلاك |
|Depreciation Expense |مصروف الاهتلاك |
|Direct Cost |تكلفة مباشرة |
|Direct Costing System |نظام التكاليف المباشرة |
|Direct Method |الطريقة المباشرة لاحتساب صافي النقدية المتأتية |
|Discount Rate |معدل الخصم - معدل الحسم |
|Dividends |توزيعات الأرباح |
|Earned Surplus |الفائض المحتجز |
|Earning per Share |ربحية السهم |
|Economic Entities |المنشآت (الوحدات) الاقتصادية |
|Economic Entity Assumption |فرض الوحدة الاقتصادية المستقلة |
|Effective Interest Rate |معدل الفائدة الفعلي |
|Entry Value Method |طريقة القيمة الإحلالية للأصل |
|equipment |معدات |
|Equity |حق الملكية (صافي الأصول) للمساهمين |
|Equity Method |طريقة حق الملكية - نسبة الملكية |
|Estimated Liability |الالتزام المقدر |
|Estimated Price |سعر افتراضي - سعر تقديري |
|Exit Value Method |طريقة القيمة البيعية للأصل |
|Expenses |المصروفات |
|Extraordinary Items |بنود غير عادية - بنود استثنائية |
|Feedback |التغذية العكسية - المعلومات الراجعة |
|Feedback Value |قيمة التغذية العكسية |
|Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) |مجلس معايير المحاسبة المالية - في أمريكا |
|Financial Forecast |التنبؤ المالي |
|Financial Accounting |المحاسبة المالية |
|Financial Reporting |نشر التقارير المالية - الإعلام المالي |
|Financial Statements |القوائم المالية |
|Financing Activities |الأنشطة التمويلية |
|Fiscal Year |السنة المالية |
|Fixed Assets |الأصول الثابتة |
|Fixed Price Contracts |العقود ذات السعر المحدد سلفاُ |
|Foreign Exchange Rate |سعر الصرف للعملات الأجنبية |
|Format |شكل عرض القائمة المالية |
|Full Disclosure Principle |مبدأ الافصاح التام |
|Funds |الأموال |
|General Price Index |الرقم القياسي للمستوى العام للأسعار |
|General Price Level |المستوى العام للأسعار |
|General Price Level Adjusted Historical Cost (GPLA) |مدخل التكلفة التاريخية المعدلة |
|Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) |المبادئ المحاسبية المتعارف عليها و المقبولة |
| |عموماً |
|Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) |معايير التدقيق المتعارف عليها و المقبولة عموماً |
|GNP Implicit Price Deflator |الرقم القياسي للناتج الإجمالي القومي |
|Going Concern (Continuity) |فرض استمرارية المشروع |
|Goodwill |شهرة المحل |
|Gross Income |مجمل الدخل |
|Gross Profit |مجمل الربح |
|Hire Purchase |الشراء الإيجازي |
|Hire Sale |البيع الإيجاري |
|Historical Cost |التكلفة التاريخية |
|Historical Cost Principle |مبدأ التكلفة التاريخية |
|Holding Gains |مكاسب الحيازة |
|Holding Losses |خسائر الحيازة |
|Income |دخل |
|Income Statement |قائمة الدخل |
|Income Tax |ضريبة الدخل |
|Indirect Method |الطريقة غير المباشرة لتحديد صافي النقدية المتأتية|
| |(المستخدمة) من الأنشطة التشغيلية |
|Industry Practice |الممارسة الصناعية |
|Inflation |التضخم |
|Inflation Accounting |المحاسبة عن التضخم |
|Input Method |أسلوب المدخلات في تحديد نسبة الإتمام |
|Installment Purchase |الشراء بالتقسيط |
|Installment Sale |البيع بالتقسيط |
|Intangible |غير ملموس |
|Intangible Assets |الأصول غير الملموسة |
|Intercompany Elimination |استبعاد العمليات المتبادلة بين الشركات المندمجة |
|Intercompany Liabilities |الالتزامات المتبادلة بين الشركات المندمجة |
|Intercompany Transactions |العمليات المتبادلة بين الشركات المندمجة |
|Interest |الفائدة |
|Interim Financial Reports |التقارير المالية المرحلية |
|Internal Accounting Standards (IAS) |معايير المحاسبة الدولية |
|Internal Auditing |التدقيق الداخلي |
|Internal Control System |نظام الرقابة الداخلية |
|Internal Revenue Service (IRS) |مكتب ضريبة الدخل الأمريكي |
|International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) |لجنة معايير المحاسبة الدولية |
|Inventory |المخزون - البضاعة |
|Investing Activities |الأنشطة الاستثمارية |
|Investments |الاستثمارات |
|Journal |دفتر اليومية |
|letter of credit |اعتماد بنكي - اعتماد مستندي |
|Letters of Credit |اعتمادات بنكية - اعتمادات مستندية |
|Leverage |الرفع المالي |
|Liabilities |الالتزامات |
|Long Term Contracts |عقود طويلة الأجل |
|Long Term Investment |استثمار طويل الأجل |
|Long Term Liabilities |التزامات طويلة الأجل |
|Maintenance of Nominal Capital |المحافظة على رأس المال الاسمي |
|Maintenance of Real Capital |المحافظة على رأس المال الحقيقي |
|Market Value |القيمة السوقية |
|Marketable Debt Securities |الأوراق المالية - على شكل إسناد |
|Marketable Equity Securities |الأوراق المالية على شكل أسهم |
|Matching Principle |مبدأ المقابلة - الإيرادات بالمصروفات |
|Materiality |الأهمية النسبية - المادية |
|Maturity |استحقاق |
|Maturity Date |تاريخ الاستحقاق |
|Measurement Basis |أساس القياس |
|Measurement Bias |تحيز القياس - انحراف القياس |
|Measurement Unit |وحدة القياس |
|Merchandise Inventory |المخزون السلعي |
|Mix of Sales |مزيج المبيعات |
|Monetary |نقدية - نقد |
|Monetary Items |البنود النقدية |
|Monetary Unit Assumption |فرض وحدة النقود للقياس |
|Mortgage |الرهن |
|Net Assets |صافي الأصول - الفرق بين مجموع الأصول و مجموع |
| |الالتزامات |
|Net Cash Flows |صافي التدفقات النقدية |
|Net Income |صافي الدخل |
|Net Reliable Value |صافي القيمية التحصيلية |
|Net Realizable Value |صافي القيمة البيعية القابلة للتحقق |
|Net Working Capital |صافي رأس المال العامل |
|Neutrality |الحياد |
|Nominal Value |القيمة الاسمية |
|Non-Interest Bearing Note |ورقة تجارية لا تحمل فائدة |
|No monetary Items |البنود غير النقدية |
|Notes Payable |أوراق الدفع |
|Notes Receivable |أوراق القبض |
|Objectivity |الموضوعية |
|Objectivity |الموضوعية |
|operating Activities |الأنشطة التشغيلية |
|Operating Expenses |المصاريف التشغيلية |
|Operating Income |ربح العمليات - الربح التشغيلي |
|Output Method |أسلوب المخرجات في تحديد نسبة الإنجاز |
|Owners Equity |حقوق أصحاب المشروع |
|Paid in Capital |رأس المال الإضافي زيادة عن رأس المال |
|Partnership |شركة تضامن - أشخاص |
|Patent |براءة اختراع |
|Pension |تقاعد |
|Percentage of Completion Method |نسبة الإنجاز أو نسبة الإتمام |
|Percentage of Completion Principle |مبدأ نسبة الإنجاز |
|Planning |التخطيط |
|plant |أصول - في مصنع |
|Plant Assets |أصول المصنع طويلة الأجل |
|Prediction |تنبؤ |
|Predictive Value |القيمة التنبؤية |
|preferred Stock |الأسهم الممتازة |
|Premium |علاوة إصدار |
|Prepaid Expenses |مصروفات مدفوعة مقدماً |
|Prepaid Insurance |تأمين مدفوع مقدما |
|Price Index |رقم قياسي للأسعار |
|Price Level Changes |تغيرات في المستوى العام للأسعار |
|Profit |ربح |
|Profit Margin |هامش الربح |
|Profit Maximization |تعظيم الربح |
|Profitability |الربحية |
|Promissory Note |أوراق قبض - كمبيالات |
|property |ممتلكات |
|Public Accountant |محاسب قانوني |
|Purchases |مشتريات |
|Purchases Allowances |مسموحات المشتريات |
|Purchases Returns |مردودات المشتريات |
|Qualitative |نوعي |
|Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information |الصفات النوعية للمعلومات المحاسبية |
|Quantitative |كمي |
|Realizable Value |القيمة القابلة للتحقق |
|Realization |تحقق |
|Realization Principle |مبدأ التحقق |
|Realized Income |الدخل المحقق أو الربح المحقق |
|Relevance |الملائمة |
|Reliability |الموثوقية |
|Reliable |موثوق |
|Replacement Cost |تكلفة الإحلال أو تكلفة الاستبدال |
|Representation |عرض |
|Representational Faithfulness |العرض الصادق |
|Responsibility Accounting |محاسبة المسؤولية |
|Retained Earnings |الأرباح المجمعة - الأرباح المحتجزة |
|Returns |مردودات |
|Revenue |إيراد |
|Revenue Realization Principle |مبدأ تحقق الإيراد |
|Revenue Recognition Principle |مبدأ الاعتراف بالإيراد |
|Sales |مبيعات |
|Sales Allowances |مسموحات المبيعات |
|Sales Discount |خصم المبيعات |
|Sales Returns |مردودات المبيعات |
|Salvage Value |القيمة الباقية للأصل بعد نهاية عمره الإنتاجي - القيمة|
| |التخريدية |
|Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |مجلس الأوراق المالية الأمريكي |
|Segment |قسم |
|Segments |أقسام |
|Selling Expenses |مصاريف البيع - مصروفات البيع |
|Selling Price |سعر البيع |
|Shareholders (Stockholders) |المساهمون |
|Short Term Contracts |عقود إنشاءات قصيرة الأجل |
|Short Term Investment |استثمار قصير الأجل |
|Short Term Notes Payable |أوراق دفع قصيرة الأجل |
|Single Proprietorship |مشروع فردي |
|Standard Costs |التكاليف المعيارية |
|Statement of Cash Flows |قائمة التدفقات النقدية |
|Statement of changes in Financial Position |قائمة التغيرات في المركز المالي |
|Statement of changes in Owners' Equity |قائمة التغيرات في حقوق الملكية |
|Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (FASB) |نشرات مجلس معايير المحاسبة المالية الأمريكي |
|Stock |رأس مال الأسهم |
|Stock Authorization and Issuance |التصريح و الإصدار لرأس مال الأسهم |
|Stock Dividends |أرباح أسهم على شكل أسهم و ليس نقداً |
|Stock Premiums |علاوة إصدار رأس المال |
|Stock Subscriptions |الاكتتابات برأس مال الأسهم |
|Stock Values |قيم رأس المال |
|Straight Line Depreciation Method |طرقة القسط الثابت لاحتساب الاهتلاك |
|Subsidiary Company |شركة تابعة |
|T-accounts |حسابات دفتر الأستاذ |
|Tax - Taxation |ضريبة |
|Temporary Investment (Short Term Investments) |استثمار مؤقت (استثمار قصير الأجل) في الأوراق المالية |
|Timeliness |التوقيت المناسب - التوقيت الجيد |
|Treasury Stock |أسهم الخزينة |
|Trial Balance |ميزان المراجعة |
|Understandability |قابلية الفهم |
|Unearned Revenue |إيراد غير مكتسب |
|Unrealized Loss |خسارة غير متحققة |
|Unrealized Profit - Unrealized Gain |ربح غير متحقق |
|Utilities Expenses |مصروفات المنافع الخدمية - مثل الماء و الكهرباء إلخ |
|Verifiability |قابلية التحقق و الصحة |
|Weighted Average |متوسط حسابي مرجح - متوسط حسابي موزون - متوسط حسابي |
| |مثقل |
|Whole Sale Price Index |الرقم القياسي لأسعار الجملة |
|Working Capital |رأس المال العامل |
|Working Papers |أوراق العمل |
|Worksheet |ورقة عمل |

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...Unlock your verbal edge for success Dr. J. Michael Bennett with Paul R. Scheele Million Dollar Vocabulary Million Dollar Vocabulary Playbook The course manual is for your personal use only and is to be used with the six audio recordings from the Million Dollar Vocabulary Personal Learning Course. All worldwide rights are reserved and exclusively owned by Learning Strategies Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Learning Strategies Corporation. Copyright 1999 by Learning Strategies Corporation “Paraliminal,” “Natural Brilliance,” “PhotoReading,” “EasyLearn,” “Personal Celebration,” and “Accelements” are exclusive trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation worldwide. “Spring Forest Qigong” is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin. “Diamond Feng Shui” and the Diamond Feng Shui Diamond are trademarks of Marie Vyncke-Diamond. ISBN 13: 978-0-925480-64-4 ISBN 10: 0-925480-64-9 FIRST EDITION June 1999 Printed in the United States of America For coaching and additional support, visit our online Discussion Forum at Learning Strategies Corporation Innovating ways for you to experience your potential 2000 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA Toll-Free 1-888-800-2688 • 1-952-767-9800 Fax 1-952-475-2373 v042507 ...

Words: 32269 - Pages: 130

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Vocabulary Words

...VOCABULARY WORDS 1. Extemporaneous - composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment; provided, made, or put to use as an expedient. 2. Camouflage - concealment by means of disguise. 3. Fidget - uneasiness or restlessness as shown by nervous movements. 4. Remorse - a gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs. 5. Blunder - to make a mistake through stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness. 6. Demeanor - behavior toward others. 7. Visible - capable of being seen. 8. Preoccupied - already occupied. 9. Bewilder - to cause to lose one's bearings. 10. Oppressive - overwhelming or depressing to the spirit or senses. 11. Cowed - It means that you can see that this person is overloaded in some manner. 12. Mimicked – to copy or exaggerate in order to make fun of. 13. Stealthy - given to acting in secret and to concealing one's intentions. 14. Sentiment - a subjective response to a person, thing, or situation. 15. Stern - given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restraint. 16. Faith - belief and trust in and loyalty to God. 17. Clutter - an unorganized collection or mixture of various things. 18. Stake - a legal right to participation in the advantages, profits...

Words: 435 - Pages: 2

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Lesson Plan Personal Information

...Lesson Plan |NAME |LEVEL of Students |DATE/LESSON | Teaching topic: | | | | | | | | | |I can give personal information | | |A2 |21.9.2015 | | Aim(s)/objective(s): • To be able to understand and complete a variety of basic personal information forms • To be able to respond to questions in order to provide basic personal information (including spelling) • To be able to ask questions in order to obtain basic personal information from others LESSON PROCEDURE | | | | | | |Activity |Time |Inter- |Procedure (steps) | | | | |action | | | | | | | | ...

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Vocabulary Development in Efl Learners

...Bibliography on Vocabulary Development in EFL Learners Supatranut Singhanuwananon 5506040111 Vocabulary Development in EFL Learners: Optimizing Lexical Competence Vocabulary teaching and learning in English language teaching (ELT) had been long considered unimportant until the light started to gleam gradually on the field in the 1980s to the 1990s (Nation, 2011; Henriksen, 1999). It has become widely known that slow vocabulary development blocks learners’ ability to comprehend L2 content through reading and listening (August, Carlo, Dressler, and Snow, 2005). Studies also show that because EFL learners have very much fewer productive vocabulary than receptive vocabulary, they often encounter difficulties in language production (Zhong, 2011). As an EFL learner myself, I have experienced such problems as well. Oftentimes, my vocabulary limitations interfere with my communication in L2. Therefore, it kindles my personal interest in studies of L2 vocabulary development. Because vocabulary has become one of the key elements in ELT and ELL, through decades, many research have been conducted to identify how vocabulary is learned and developed, and what factors that impede or boost learners’ lexical competence. Hence, this study attempts to respond to the research questions as follow: 1. What are existing vocabulary learning strategies that EFL learners use? 2. What are factors that affect vocabulary development in EFL learners? 3. What are effective vocabulary learning strategies...

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...CHECK YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR I E L T S Rawdon Wyatt A & C Black Ⴇ London First edition published 2001 by Peter Collin Publishing, reprinted 2002 This second edition published in Great Britain 2004 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Reprinted 2005, 2007 by A & C Black Publishers Ltd 38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB © Rawdon Wyatt 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP entry for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978 0 7136 7604 4 eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0157-5 Text typeset by A & C Black Printed in the UK by Caligraving Ltd This book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests. It is natural, renewable and recyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. ii Introduction This workbook has been written for students who are planning to sit either the general training or the academic modules of the IELTS exam. It covers some of the main vocabulary points that you will need for, or come across in, the listening, reading, writing and speaking sections of the exam. We hope that you find the modules in this book useful and that the vocabulary you acquire will help you to achieve the grade you want in the IELTS. Good luck! about this workbook About this workbook Structure...

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Teacher Certification

...are important to an appropriate audience. Concepts/Skills/Ideas Explain the details and facts about stories and support their information with evidence from text. Identify clues while making adjustments and corrections. Incorporate their ideas with brainstorming. Describe similarities and differences about characters or text. Distinguish between persuasive and influence of actions using academic language. Also practice use of language in writing and while speaking. Assessment Students will choose a book weekly and draw predictions, facts and details about the story. Students will be given assignments where they identify the plot, setting and description of main characters. Identify fiction or non fiction. Vocabulary words will be reviewed every week using different constance, vowel and spelling. Spelling Quizzes will be given on those group of words. Class groups will share ideas together and plan a first draft on an important topic. Create a paper called “Hamburger” where you don’t leave the reader hungry. Before publishing, students will revise and edit their papers. Individually report in their journal daily regarding a topic of interest to them or short...

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...Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary ... CrackStation's Password Cracking Dictionary (Pay what you want!) The list contains every wordlist, dictionary, and password database leak that I could find on the internet (and I spent a LOT of time looking). It also contains every ... WPA / WPA2 Word List Dictionaries | WirelessHack Oct 8, 2014 - Here are some dictionaries that can be used with Backtrack or Kali Linux. They are plain Wordlist dictionaries used to brute force WPA/WPA2 ... Words Starting With E - English Vocabulary Word List | Learner's ... Learner's Dictionary Logo · Learner's Dictionary ... Learner's Dictionary. 3,000 Core Vocabulary ... Other Merriam-Webster Dictionaries. Webster's Unabridged ... Word List Downloads - Hashcat › hashcat Forum › Misc › User Contributions Jun 4, 2012 - I have seen occasional requests on the forums for word lists so I thought I would post the best ones in one place. If you know of a better site ... SCOWL (And Friends) Premade dictionaries are available for Hunspell, Aspell, and as plain wordlists. If none of those dictionaries are suitable for your needs a simple web app is ... Dictionaries + Wordlists - G0tmi1k Jun 3, 2011 - In general, it's said that using...

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Vocabulary Development

...the Passive Vocabulary of students. Students may understand meaning, especially in the specific context where they see a new word used but as yet cannot use the word independently themselves. To ensure words enter the students' Active Vocabulary, regular revision in meaningful situations is essential. It is estimated that a student needs to encounter a word 10-12 times before it fully enters their Active Vocabulary. Vocabulary, in the same way as Grammar, is learned through use. It is therefore very important to give students opportunities within the classroom to use the new vocabulary themselves. Students remembrance of words is relative to the degree which they have used the word, thus the more we get students to use words in a task of some sort - finding opposites, transformation etc - the better they will remember them. Similarly, if we involve students in presenting new words the better they will remember them. Hence, acting out definitions in a dramatic way - trip, stagger etc - should lead to deeper learning of the words. Sense memory becomes involved, taste, smell, touch etc, which further enhances recall. Discovery techniques where students have to find out the meanings of words themselves will be more effective than standard teacher presentation of new vocabulary. There may be many words that students will not need to use actively themselves at a particular stage in their learning career and therefore they can remain in the students' Passive Vocabulary. For example...

Words: 321 - Pages: 2

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...ENGLISH ( ) 2nd semester Unit ( 7) ‘’ ‘’ | Class : | Date : | | Lesson | Learning Objectives: by the end of this lesson each student is expected to attain the following on his own pace: | Higher - attaining | Average - attaining | Lower - attaining | - Students are expected to: | - Students are expected to : | - students are expected to: | | | Writing a letter of application | Key idea of the lesson | Ss' books – laptop –data show –handouts. | Resources | Resume – cv- letter of application | Key vocabulary | - reacting to questions all over the session.Ppt. activities. | Assessment tools. | | | | Engaging starter :word game | ( 7) M. | Objective : Familiarize Ss with the topic of the lesson. Activity :sscircle the odd word out then form sentences out of the words.. | | Main activities: | ( 5) M. | -T elicits objectives of the lesson. | 20 ) M. | Powerpoint presentation of the content language. | ( 23) M. | - Ss do their own writings. | | -T does around to provide help and support. | | Final Plenary : | ( 5 ) M. | Ss summarize what they have learned | Homework:Ss | Lesson planning scheme Mrs. alya Date Unit ‘’ ‘’ Lesson ‘ ‘ p. Learning objectives (not more than 3) New language: Vocab. Structures: Language functions: Teaching Aids: Engaging starter: (may not be related to the topic of your lesson. e.g. puzzle) Warm up: (content should be related to your lesson) Exercise...

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Mrs Phuong

...Learn English Vocabulary Top of Form [pic] Bottom of Form [pic]Clothes Vocabulary [pic][pic][pic]Useful Vocabulary Men's Clothes | Women's Clothes | Uni-Sex | Baby Clothes Holiday/Leisure Clothes | Nightwear | Underwear | Shoes Men's Clothes |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |suit(s) |shirt(s) |tie(s) | Women's Clothes |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |dress(es) |blouse(s) |skirt(s) | |  |[pic] |  | |  |tanktop(s) |  | Uni-Sex |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |coat(s) |jacket(s) |t-shirt(s) | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |trouser(s) |jean(s) |short(s) | |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |jumper(s) pullover(s) |cardigan(s) |sweatshirt(s) | |[pic] ...

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My Dog

...My dog just stole my cookie. I made a giant sugar cookie and frosted it and turned around to get milk and I turn around and his front feet are on the counter and he’s running away with my delicious cookie (with a glut of sugar in it. I guess it was good I didn’t get to eat it?) Anyways, I’ve had a productive day. Yesterday (Saturday), after sitting on my floor using my iPod and texting, going on social media, and playing mobile-phone games all day, I realized that - even though I could succumb to sitting on my floor doing nothing (which is a lot easier than doing something way more interesting) – actually doing something productive with my life makes me feel a lot better about myself. Now I like to switch back and forth from different times as I write. Like right now I can hear people playing softball at the school, each one of them vying for their team to win. And the fact that my dog stole my cookie has left me discombobulated and not being able to focus on a single sentence, as I long for that cookie, with its not-so-subtle sugary flavor. I even put blue food coloring on the dough so I could have a blue cookie and nope my dog ate it. Thanks jasper. He steals everything though. We’ve tried everything, but he still steals. He even sole one of those metal sponges! And not only does he steal everything (and I’m not lying, he steals everything), he eats it too! HE ATE A METAL, WIRE SPONGE. HOW DID THAT FEEL GOING DOWN HIS ESOPHOGAS. I BET NOT THAT GOOD. ANYWAYS, I FORGOT...

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...A report or account is any informational work (usually of writing, speech, television, or film) made with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a widely presentable form.[1] Written reports are documents which present focused, salient content to a specific audience. Reports are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry. The audience may be public or private, an individual or the public in general. Reports are used in government, business, education, science, and other fields. Reports use features such as graphics, images, voice, or specialized vocabulary in order to persuade that specific audience to undertake an action. One of the most common formats for presenting reports is IMRAD: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. This structure is standard for the genre because it mirrors the traditional publication of scientific research and summons the ethos and credibility of that discipline. Reports are not required to follow this pattern, and may use alternative patterns like the problem-solution format. Additional elements often used to persuade readers include: headings to indicate topics, to more complex formats including charts, tables, figures, pictures, tables of contents, abstracts,and nouns summaries, appendices, footnotes, hyperlinks, and references. Some examples of reports are: scientific reports,[2] recommendation reports, white papers, annual reports, auditor's reports, workplace...

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Computer Forensics

...Effortless English What is the most important English skill? What skill must you have to communicate well? Obviously, number 1 is Fluency. What is fluency? Fluency is the ability to speak (and understand) English quickly and easily... WITHOUT translation. Fluency means you can talk easily with native speakers-- they easily understand you, and you easily understand them. In fact, you speak and understand instantly. Fluency is your most important English goal. The research is clear-- there is only ONE way to get fluency. You do not get fluency by reading textbooks. You do not get fluency by going to English schools. You do not get fluency by studying grammar rules. The Key To Excellent Speaking Listening Is The Key To get English fluency, you must have a lot of understandable repetitive listening. That is the ONLY way. To be a FANTASTIC English speaker, you must learn English with your ears, not with your eyes. In other words, you must listen. Your ears are the key to excellent speaking. What kind of listening is best? Well, it must be understandable and must be repetitive. Both of those words are important-- Understandable and Repetitive. If you don't understand, you learn nothing. You will not improve. That's why listening to English TV does not help you. You don't understand most of it. It is too difficult. It is too fast. Its obvious right? If you do not understand, you will not improve. So, the best listening material is EASY. That’s right, you should listen mostly...

Words: 1404 - Pages: 6

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Network Information Security and Protection Strategies

...Whether learning another language is comparatively easy or difficult for you, your goals and attitude about improving your English have a strong effect. If you are determined to improve your English, and you make a conscious effort to do so, improvement is more likely. There are many approaches to improving your English while you are in the uk The best way to study English is by 3 ways: reading, listening and practice more. Reading newspapers, magazines and books widen your vocabulary. Circle the unfamiliar words you will encounter; then try to look for the meaning when you're done reading and use it by your own. Read this over and over until you familiarize the word. Reading English books will help, and keep a list of difficult vocabulary words that you can review. . Listening is important too when you want to learn English. Active listening Become an active listener by paying attention to what people are saying around you. When someone is speaking, listen carefully and try to remember what he/she says. Another way is to listen to television or radio that provides good English speaking programs. Practice socializing It is not always easy to talk to strangers. You might feel uncomfortable. Speak and write English as often as you can, even with your country mates, as frequent usage of the English language will increase your understanding and confidence. Practice makes perfect. Join a discussion, and don't be afraid to commit a mistakes. There is no short cut to learn...

Words: 266 - Pages: 2

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Code Switching

...Measuring the English vocabulary size of Greek Students in Swansea University Introduction ● ● Vocabulary of Greek highschool students English tests in Greece {Proficiency(Michigan,Cambridge,Edexcel), IELTS} ● ● ● Behaviour of Greek students in the UK Vocabulary of Greek highschool students Y_Lex vocabulary test and the difference from X_Lex Aim of this study To see if Greek students in Swansea university are learning new words from the time they leave Greece until the time they graduate and if they do, how much has their vocabulary increased. Hypothesis ● Due to the tendency of Greek students socializing with other Greeks, they should not be able to attain a certain amount of words in order to make a significant increase of their vocabulary. ● Maximum new words learned might be less than a thousand until the end of their studies. Methodology ● ● ● ● Selecting participants based on year of study, having IELTS or any other certificate. Handing out the two Y_Lex vocabulary tests to each one. Gathering all the data and analysing them. Checking the readability,difficulty and language level of the IELTS and Cambridge tests and comparing the participants’ scores with the scores of their Y_Lex tests. Participants ● Gathered 20 participants of which 10 were in foundation and 1st year and the other 10 were in their final year or doing their Master’s degree ● Some participants were not included as they used to live in an english speaking country for a couple of...

Words: 492 - Pages: 2