...New regulatory requirement imposed on banks and financial institutions may have impacted a bank’s ability to generate mortgages for home buyers by increased requirements for disclosures, notices, statements, and documents related to lending. Evaluate the pros and cons of increased regulatory requirement, indicating the impact to the lender and the buyer. Provide support for your answer. PROS: -Protect the consumer from abusive practices by companies offering financial products and service. -Prevent repeat of the 2008 recession. -Regulate banks. CONS: -Decrease lending -Increase administrative cost to mandate regulations. -Possibility of continued failure due to failure to enforce basic provisions of the banking law. Increased regulatory requirements on banks and financial institutions is a great requirement for both lenders and buyers for the economy sake. It protects consumers from being pressured into risky deals and monitors financial institutions to make sure disclosures are properly administered. Regulatory requirements also monitor potential risk to avoid affecting the financial industry as the 2008 recession resulting in billion dollar bailouts worldwide. Based on your review of the mortgage rate trends, predict the future (within a year) rate of the 30-year fixed and the 15-year fixed rate mortgage, indicating the basis and rationale of your prediction, and the resulting impact to the mortgage industry. Based on my review of the mortgage rate trends I believe...
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...Financial Information Assumptions Balance Sheet Income Statement Assumptions: At the beginning of 2009, CanGo purchased the online gaming company. This purchase was for cash, paid for through the proceeds of the IPO and results in goodwill. 90% of the online book sales comes from JIT, the other 10% through the inventory which CanGo possesses. 100% of the CD/DVD/MP3 come through CanGo inventory. The result is that 80% of ALL sales is JIT and 20% is inventory. There is one warehouse for shipping of books and one plant for manufacturing. There are three divisions: a CD/DVD/MP3 division, an online gaming division and a books division. All manufacturing takes place in the CD/DVD/MP3 division. The IPO took place at the beginning of 2009. The CD/DVDs were customized beginning in 2008. The MP3 players were built beginning in the start of 2009. The online gaming company was purchased for $30,000,000 and both Elizabeth and Andrew initiated the process. The company began in 2006, has a VC infusion in 2007 and 2008. It showed a profit in 2008 and 2009. Its only profitable division is the online book sales division. It has some type of international operations, hence the need for a "translation gain or loss" in owner's equity. It has an extraordinary loss from fire and a sale of a segment of its business in 2009. Balance Sheet ASSETS December 31, 2009 Cash $20,900,000 Marketable Securities $117,000,000 Accounts Receivable $33,000...
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...University of Phoenix Material Week Three Health Care Financial Terms Worksheet Understanding health care financial terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course. Complete the worksheet below according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care management. You must define the term in your own words. In the space provided after each term’s definition, summarize a health care management scenario that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool to which the term refers. In the scenario, you may wish to consider the following: o Why is the skill, concept, procedure, or tool necessary for accurate record keeping, operational efficiency, excellent patient services, employee management, regulatory compliance, reducing costs, forecasting, and so forth? o What successes are enabled by an adequate understanding or appropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool? o What risks or failures are associated with an inadequate understanding or inappropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool? Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft Word document with your name in the file name. Submit the file to your instructor. Worksheet Submitted By: Amanda Yates |Term |Definition...
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...php/product/acc-300-entire-course-2/ ACC 300 Week 1 – Individual Assignment – Chapter Two – Brief Exercises. ACC 300 Week 1 Individual Assignment Chapter 2: Brief Exercises BE2-8, BE2- 9, and BE2-10 ACC 300 Week 2 – Learning Team Assignment. In this excel file ACC 300 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment you will find overview of the following sheets: 1. Demonstration Case 2-1 2. Given Data DC2-1 3. Simplify with Spreadsheets 2-1 4. Given Data SS2-1 5. Coached Problem 2-1 6. Given Data CP2-1 7. Problem A 2-1 8. Given Data PA 2-1 ACC 300 week 2 dqs. What are the different bases of accounting? When would you use the cash basis? Accrual basis? Tax basis? Which one is better? Why? What are the financial statements? What does each one tell you? Which financial statement is more important? Why? How are the financial statements related? Why do these relationships exist? What is the impact of a miscalculation in the income statement on other financial statements? ACC 300 Week 3 – Individual Assignment Part I. In the work ACC 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment Part I you will find overview of the following parts: 1. Cash Basis – Income Statement 2. Accrual Basis – Income Statement ACC 300 Week 3 – Individual Assignment Part II. In this file ACC 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment Part II you will find overview of the following tables: 1. Income Statement 2. Statement of changes in Stockholders’ Equity 3. Expense recognition principle 4. Balance...
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...BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT – GRANTHAM To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/ba-470-week-3-5-6-7-assignment-grantham/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM BA 470 WEEK 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 ASSIGNMENT - GRANTHAM Week 3 Assignment "Company Research Paper" Week 5 Assignment "Financial Plan (First Draft)" Week 6 Assignment "Financial Plan (Final Draft)" Week 7 Assignment "Executive Summary" BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT – GRANTHAM To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/ba-470-week-3-5-6-7-assignment-grantham/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM BA 470 WEEK 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 ASSIGNMENT - GRANTHAM Week 3 Assignment "Company Research Paper" Week 5 Assignment "Financial Plan (First Draft)" Week 6 Assignment "Financial Plan (Final Draft)" Week 7 Assignment "Executive Summary" BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT – GRANTHAM To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/ba-470-week-3-5-6-7-assignment-grantham/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM BA 470 WEEK 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 ASSIGNMENT - GRANTHAM Week 3 Assignment "Company Research Paper" Week 5 Assignment "Financial Plan (First Draft)" Week 6 Assignment "Financial Plan (Final Draft)" Week 7 Assignment "Executive Summary" BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT – GRANTHAM To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/ba-470-week-3-5-6-7-assignment-grantham/ Contact us at: ...
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...php/product/acc-300-entire-course-2/ ACC 300 Week 1 – Individual Assignment – Chapter Two – Brief Exercises. ACC 300 Week 1 Individual Assignment Chapter 2: Brief Exercises BE2-8, BE2- 9, and BE2-10 ACC 300 Week 2 – Learning Team Assignment. In this excel file ACC 300 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment you will find overview of the following sheets: Demonstration Case 2-1 Given Data DC2-1 Simplify with Spreadsheets 2-1 Given Data SS2-1 Coached Problem 2-1 Given Data CP2-1 Problem A 2-1 Given Data PA 2-1 ACC 300 week 2 dqs. What are the different bases of accounting? When would you use the cash basis? Accrual basis? Tax basis? Which one is better? Why? What are the financial statements? What does each one tell you? Which financial statement is more important? Why? How are the financial statements related? Why do these relationships exist? What is the impact of a miscalculation in the income statement on other financial statements? ACC 300 Week 3 – Individual Assignment Part I. In the work ACC 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment Part I you will find overview of the following parts: Cash Basis – Income Statement Accrual Basis – Income Statement ACC 300 Week 3 – Individual Assignment Part II. In this file ACC 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment Part II you will find overview of the following tables: 1. Income Statement 2. Statement of changes in Stockholders’ Equity 3. Expense recognition principle 4. Balance Sheet as...
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...of Natural Sciences HCS/405 Version 5 Health Care Financial Accounting Copyright © 2012, 2010, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002, 1999 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an understanding of the general principles of accounting applied in the health care environment. It includes an overview of sources of revenue for various health care entities. The fundamentals of financial planning, cost concepts, capital budgeting, and management analysis are applied in the health care environment. Issues surrounding the development and management of budgets are also examined. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Baker, J. J., & Baker, R. W. (2011). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Overview of Health Care Finance Details Objectives...
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...ACC 573 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/acc-573-week-3-assignment-1/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ACC 573 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 ACC 573 Week 3 Assignment 1 - Financial Statement Restatement and Ethics Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Assess the factors that contributed to the financial statement restatement, signifying the executive management team’s attitude toward the restatement. Suggest how the restatement may have been avoided during the initial reporting process. 2. Explain the impact to the company’s stock price when the restatement was released and to future earnings forecast, indicating whether or not you believe the impact to the stock price was justified. 3. Evaluate the restatement in terms of management’s ethical violations according to the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, providing recommendations to management on how to avoid these problems in the future. Provide support for your recommendations. 4. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. 5. Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 573 Week 3 Assignment 1 in order to ace their studies. ACC 573 WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/acc-573-week-3-assignment-1/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ACC 573...
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...FIN 100 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 – COMPLEXITIES OF THE U.S. FINANCIAL To purchase this Click here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/fin-100-wk-4-assignment-1-complexities-of-the-u-s-financial/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM FIN 100 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 - COMPLEXITIES OF THE U.S. FINANCIAL The U.S. financial system has many complexities and it is impacted by several environmental factors, including federal regulations and the economy. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Describe how the U.S. financial markets impact the economy, businesses, and individuals. 2. Explain the role of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve Chairman, and Board, indicating its effectiveness in today’s economic environment. Provide support for rationale. 3. Explain how interest rates influence the U.S. and global financial environment. Provide support for explanation. 4. Describe how exchange rates may impact a business’s decision to operate in foreign markets. Click Here to Buy this; http://www.activitymode.com/product/fin-100-wk-4-assignment-1-complexities-of-the-u-s-financial Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of FIN 100 Week 4 Assignment 1 - Complexities of the U.S. Financial in order to ace their studies. Activity mode - Best Home Work Tutorials FIN 100 WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 – COMPLEXITIES OF THE U.S. FINANCIAL To purchase this Click here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/fin-100-wk-4-assignment-1-complexities-of-the-u-s-financial/ ...
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...help@mindblows.us BA 470 ASSIGNMENT BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT “Company Research Paper” “Financial Plan (First Draft)” “Financial Plan (2nd Draft & Final Draft)” “Executive Summary” BA 470 ASSIGNMENT To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/BA470ASSIGNMENT/32 contact us at: help@mindblows.us BA 470 ASSIGNMENT BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT “Company Research Paper” “Financial Plan (First Draft)” “Financial Plan (2nd Draft & Final Draft)” “Executive Summary” BA 470 ASSIGNMENT To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/BA470ASSIGNMENT/32 contact us at: help@mindblows.us BA 470 ASSIGNMENT BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT “Company Research Paper” “Financial Plan (First Draft)” “Financial Plan (2nd Draft & Final Draft)” “Executive Summary” BA 470 ASSIGNMENT To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/BA470ASSIGNMENT/32 contact us at: help@mindblows.us BA 470 ASSIGNMENT BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT “Company Research Paper” “Financial Plan (First Draft)” “Financial Plan (2nd Draft & Final Draft)” “Executive Summary” BA 470 ASSIGNMENT To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/BA470ASSIGNMENT/32 contact us at: help@mindblows.us BA 470 ASSIGNMENT BA 470 WEEK 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 ASSIGNMENT “Company Research Paper” “Financial Plan (First Draft)” “Financial Plan (2nd Draft & Final Draft)” “Executive Summary” ...
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...Course Financial Accounting Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial https://homeworklance.com/downloads/acc-557-entire-course-financial-accounting/ For More Information Visit Our Website ( https://homeworklance.com/ ) Email us At: Support@homeworklance.com or lancehomework@gmail.com ACC 557 Financial Accounting Assignments , Discussions, Homework and Quizzes ACC 557 Week 1 DQ1 Improper or Illegal Methods From the e-Activity, identify the company, the accounting impropriety or illegality, how it was detected, the outcome, and propose a strategy that might have prevented the situation. Indicate how the strategy should be implemented.Assess the impact to the company’s financial performance based on the impropriety and the resulting effect to stakeholder confidence in management, recommending how the company can minimize the resulting impact to the business. ACC 557 Week 1 DQ2 General Accounting Principles “Bookkeeping and accounting are the same.” In terms of your role in the provision of financial services, present data to support the accuracy of this statement and support your position.Analyze the accounting equation as a concept that underpins the work of professional accountants and how an understanding of the equation can impact business decision making. ACC 557 Week 1 Homework Chapter 1 (E1-4,E1-7,E1-11,P1-2A) ACC 557 Week 2 ACC 557 Week 2 Homework Chapter 2 (E2-6,E2-9,E2-11,P2-2A) ACC 557 Week 2 Homework Chapter 3 (E3-6...
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...ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-363-week-2-dq-3/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 What is unearned revenue and why is it considered a liability? When is unearned revenue recognized in the financial statements? Home Work Hour aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 363 Week 2 DQ 3 in order to ace their studies. ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-363-week-2-dq-3/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 What is unearned revenue and why is it considered a liability? When is unearned revenue recognized in the financial statements? Home Work Hour aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 363 Week 2 DQ 3 in order to ace their studies. ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-363-week-2-dq-3/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 What is unearned revenue and why is it considered a liability? When is unearned revenue recognized in the financial statements? Home Work Hour aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 363 Week 2 DQ 3 in order to ace their studies. ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-363-week-2-dq-3/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 363 WEEK 2 DQ 3 What is unearned revenue...
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...COURSE FIN 420 Week 1 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 1 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 1 Individual Assignment Identify Personal Financial Goals.xlsx FIN 420 Week 2 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 2 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 2 Individual Assignment Worksheets 6 and 7.xlsx FIN 420 Week 2 Learning team Deliverable (Update on final Project).docx FIN 420 Week 3 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 3 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 3 Individual Assignment Personal Financial Plan.docx FIN 420 Week 3 Learning team Deliverable (Update on Final Project).docx FIN 420 Week 4 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 4 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Market Analysis Proposal.doc FIN 420 Week 4 Learning team Deliverable (Update on Final Project).docx FIN 420 Week 5 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 5 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Evaluate a Financial Plan.pptx Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of FIN 420 Entire Course in order to ace their studies. FIN 420 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/fin-420-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM FIN 420 ENTIRE COURSE FIN 420 Week 1 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 1 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 1 Individual Assignment Identify Personal Financial Goals.xlsx FIN 420 Week 2 DQ 1.docx FIN 420 Week 2 DQ 2.docx FIN 420 Week 2 Individual Assignment Worksheets 6 and 7.xlsx FIN 420 Week 2 Learning team Deliverable (Update on final Project).docx FIN 420 Week 3 DQ 1.docx FIN...
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...ENTIRE COURSE FIN 486 Week 1 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 1 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 1 Individual Assignment Business Ethics.docx FIN 486 Week 2 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 2 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Department Budgets.docx FIN 486 Week 3 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 3 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 3 Individual Assignment Long Term Financial Needs.docx FIN 486 Week 4 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 4 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 4 Individual Assignment Capital Budgeting Scenarios.docx FIN 486 Week 5 Individual Assignment Final.docx FIN 486 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Strategic Financial Plan.doc FIN 486 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Strategic Financial Plan.xls Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of FIN 486 Entire Course in order to ace their studies. FIN 486 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/fin-486-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM FIN 486 ENTIRE COURSE FIN 486 Week 1 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 1 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 1 Individual Assignment Business Ethics.docx FIN 486 Week 2 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 2 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Department Budgets.docx FIN 486 Week 3 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 3 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 3 Individual Assignment Long Term Financial Needs.docx FIN 486 Week 4 DQ 1.docx FIN 486 Week 4 DQ 2.docx FIN 486 Week 4 Individual Assignment Capital Budgeting Scenarios.docx FIN 486 Week 5 Individual Assignment...
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...ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-300-week-3-team-assignment-problem/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Part II Complete problem set P4-2A in Ch. 4 of Financial Accounting. Home Work Hour aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 300 Week 3 Team Assignment problem in order to ace their studies. ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-300-week-3-team-assignment-problem/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Part II Complete problem set P4-2A in Ch. 4 of Financial Accounting. Home Work Hour aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 300 Week 3 Team Assignment problem in order to ace their studies. ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-300-week-3-team-assignment-problem/ Contact us at: nerdypupil@gmail.com ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Part II Complete problem set P4-2A in Ch. 4 of Financial Accounting. Home Work Hour aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 300 Week 3 Team Assignment problem in order to ace their studies. ACC 300 WEEK 3 TEAM ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM To purchase this visit here: http://www.nerdypupil.com/product/acc-300-week-3-team-assignment-problem/ ...
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