Premium Essay



Submitted By wisl
Words 816
Pages 4
1. Calculate the variable manufacturing costs per unit, the variable nonmanufacturing costs per unit, and the total variable costs per unit. Calculate the total manufacturing fixed costs, total nonmanufacturing fixed costs, and total fixed costs.



Special order problems
2. Assume current sales volume is 125,000 brochures. Should we accept Jenkins order for 25,000 brochures? [Assume that this would not affect any of Fine Print's current business with its regular customers.] What is the change (increase or decrease) in net income if we choose to accept the special order?

Assuming the current sales volume is 125,000 brochures it would result in total costs being incurred at $20,750 with the additional increase of 25,000 brochures the total cost would increase by $1,750 to a total of $22,500 as seen in the table above. Sales would also increase and allow for a $750 increase in net income if the special order was accepted.


3. Go back to the original information in Exhibit 1. Assume current sales volume is 150,000 and that FinePrint is willing to incur the additional fixed costs to operate at 200,000 capacity. Should we accept Jenkins order for 25,000 brochures? What is the change (increase or decrease) in net income if we choose to accept the special order?

If FinePrint chooses to incur the additional fixed costs to operate at 200,000 capacity they should not accept the Jenkins order for 25,000 brochures. The increase of 25,000 brochures increases fixed expenses and the additional sales does not make up for the increased expenditures. Net income would decrease by $825 as shown in the table below.


4. Go back to the original information in Exhibit 1. Assume current sales volume is 150,000 and the FinePrint is NOT willing to incur the additional fixed costs to operate at

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