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First Night Assignment Iphone 6


Submitted By bene44550
Words 639
Pages 3
MGMT 56048_31
October 13, 2014

First Night Assignment

Eighteen days before Apple launched the new iPhone 6, the U. S. company encountered some technological issues. Indeed, suppliers are scrambling for the iPhone to be ready on time. Nowadays, technology companies are constantly innovating to stay competitive on the market. Apple is one of these companies that impose a tough demand on suppliers. For example, in this article, the company wants a larger screen but at the same time the thinnest phone possible. Moreover, the backlight illuminating the screen has to be revised and suppliers were working hard on the project to “make up for lost time”. These specifications can stand out from competitiveness, especially when Samsung tries to overtake giant Apple.
Apple makes tough demands on suppliers as their products need to be designed, shaped, sized, and featured in a specific way. Moreover, products must also be set at a premium price in the market. However, these technical modifications cause some major problems and delays to the suppliers. Nevertheless, Apple’s objective is that they want the thinnest phone possible, with a larger screen, and put only one layer of backlight film instead of usually two. These modifications impact the suppliers as they depend too heavily on Apple and create unstable earnings. It cost a lot of time and money to send back the products to the factories for modifications.
It is a real challenge to meet Apple’s evolving demand and the new setup was not good enough to sell it, so suppliers are adding an extra layer to the backlight. However, these changes cost time, money, and delay the operations. Nevertheless, suppliers must keep their powerful image, but they could lose credibility with customers if they do not satisfy them in an effective manner and with quality items. Moreover, when suppliers encounter manufacturing defects or

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