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Fiscal Deficit


Submitted By rashmi1988
Words 15497
Pages 62
Pamphlet Series
No. 49
1995International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C.PDF file (176K) also availableUse the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view pdf files.ISSN 0538-8759
ISBN 1-55775-535-3 | | | | Guidelines for Fiscal Adjustment
Fiscal Affairs Department
International Monetary FundContentsPrefaceIntroductionWhy May Fiscal Adjustment Be Needed? The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Macroeconomic Policy Objectives Inflation External Current Account Growth Fiscal Adjustment to Ensure Sustainability Links to Other Policy InstrumentsHow Should the Fiscal Stance Be Assessed? Fiscal Impact of Alternative Methods of Deficit Financing Other Measures Used to Assess the Fiscal Stance The Sensitivity of a Fiscal Assessment to the Time Frame of Analysis Definition of Government Accounts for Macroeconomic Analysis Coverage of Government Operations Timing of the Impact of Fiscal Transactions Defining the "Overall Fiscal Balance"How Much Fiscal Adjustment Is Required? A Framework for Fiscal Adjustment Determining the Amount of Fiscal Adjustment Reducing the Fiscal Deficit Quality of AdjustmentHow Should Fiscal Adjustment Be Effected? Measures to Improve the Tax System and Increase Revenue Characteristics of a Desirable Tax System Design of Major Taxes Rationalization of Expenditure Policies Expenditure Reduction in the Short Run Structural Public Expenditure ReformReferencesBoxes1. Adverse Consequences of Excessive Fiscal Expansion for Growth2. The Exchange Rate Effects of Fiscal Policy3. Quasi-Fiscal Activities of Public Financial Institutions4. When Should a Country Run a Fiscal Surplus?5. Technical Assistance for Growth6. Social Safety Nets7. Reforming Tax Administration8. The Budget and Expenditure

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Budget Deficits, National Saving, and Interest Rates

...Budget Deficits, National Saving, and Interest Rates William G. Gale and Peter R. Orszag September 2004 Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center. This paper was prepared for the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, September 9-10, 2004. We thank Emil Apostolov, Matt Hall, Brennan Kelly, and Melody Keung for outstanding research assistance; Alan Auerbach, William Brainard, Robert Cumby, Bill Dickens, Doug Elmendorf, Eric Engen, Laurence Kotlikoff, Thomas Laubach, Maria Perozek, George Perry, Frank Russek, Matthew Shapiro, and David Wilcox for helpful discussions; and Eric Engen, Jane Gravelle, and Thomas Laubach for sharing data. ABSTRACT This paper provides new evidence that sustained budget deficits reduce national saving and raise interest rates by economically and statistically significant quantities. Using a series of econometric specifications that nest Ricardian and non-Ricardian models, we obtain evidence of strong non-Ricardian behavior in aggregate consumption. Consistent with several recent studies, we find that projected future deficits affect longterm interest rates, but current deficits do not. Our estimates suggest that each percent-ofGDP in current deficits reduces national saving by 0.5 to 0.8 percent of GDP. Each percent-of-GDP in projected future unified deficits raises forward long-term interest rates by 25 to 35 basis points, and each percent-of-GDP in projected future primary deficits raises interest rates by 40 to 70 basis points...

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