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Fishing Angle Research Paper

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Before you can learn how to cast a fishing rod it is important for you to understand the separate parts of a fishing rod and reel. A fishing rod and reel are actually two separate units that are interchangeable. The fishing rod is the long bendable shaft that has loops called "eyes" in it where the fishing line runs out and into the reel. The fishing reel is the mechanism that actually reels in the line. It is a mechanical piece that is made of the following parts.

The Bail Arm is a hinged metal rod that is used to either release of retract the fishing line. Once opened it allows the fishing line to come off of the fishing spool. Once closed its function in conjunction with the roller will guide the fishing line back onto the reel spool. …show more content…
When rotated in a counter clockwise motion it rotated the closed fishing bail and in turn pulls in the fishing line. On some fishing reels their is a reverse setting on the back of the reel which allows you to also rotate the handle in a clockwise fashion which allows the fishing line to come off of the fishing line. It is generally a good idea to have this setting set to the proper counter clockwise direction as what generally happens with a novice fisherman is that they end up rotating the fishing handle in the wrong direction which causes what is referred too as a "Bees Nest" or a large tangle of fishing line at base of the fishing …show more content…
You can use a standard Clinch Knot to attach a weight to the end of your line. Once the weight is in place follow the steps listed below.

Take your pointer finger of your right hand and pinch the fishing line between your finger and fishing rod. This is what will hold the fishing line in place when you open the bail.
Open the bail of the fishing reel with your left hand. When you do this the weight should not hit the floor rather it should be held in place with the tension you are putting on the line with your right pointer finger and fishing rod.
At this point you are almost ready to cast. With your left hand grab the base of the fishing rod.
Raise the fishing rod by lifting and rotating it over your right shoulder such that the reel is facing up in the air. You should look something similar to the woman on the right.
Now with a thrust with your two arms rotate the tip of the fishing rod forward by rotating both your wrists and forearms. When the fishing rod is directly strait up and down let go of the fishing line with your pointer finger releasing the tension within the fishing

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