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Hercules Wedding Day Research Paper

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Hercules and Meg’s Wedding day!
It was the day Hercules met Meg that she had him feel complete, but there was one problem, he was an immortal and she was a mortal. Hercules asked his father several times if he could somehow make Meg into a Goddess. But several times Zeus had said no! One day Hercules had a surprise planned for Meg that evening.
“Megara, will you marry me?” said Hercules.
“Yes!” Megara said. “I will forever and always!”
The next day Hercules and Meg went to Olympus, and told Zeus that they were going to get married. At the news Zeus was surprised. As the days went by Hercules and Meg were getting more and more anxious.
“Hera, Meg said, “will you help me pick out my wedding dress?”
“Of course,” said Hera.
So, as Meg and

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