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Venezuela Natural Rights Research Paper

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The Effectiveness of Venezuela’s Protection of Natural Rights

In the 1600s, John Locke described the purpose of government as to protect the peoples natural rights. What he defined as natural rights were the right to life, liberty, and property. The right of life is to test how well the government protects its people. The right to liberty is to show how much freedom the citizens are allowed- For example, freedom of the press. Finally, the right to property is how the government protects the property (homes, businesses, etc.) and the intellectual property (songs, games, etc.). Venezuela, a country located in Northern South America, is a federal presidential republic by President Nicolas Moros. It became a country in 1811, and mainly speaks Spanish, it’s official language. However, Venezuela’s current governmental situation is possibly one of the worst. People’s natural rights are clearly not protected- The numbers don’t …show more content…
On the List of Freedom Indices, freedom of the press (what allows newspapers and news networks to publish what they want) is labelled as a difficult situation- the second to lowest rating. Even worse, the entire country is on it’s lowest rating, of not free. By allowing the people more freedom, there would be less violent counteracts against the government, such as riots, violent protests, and more. Speaking of riots- There is a federal travel warning issued to United States citizens travelling to Venezuela due to its frequent and unexpected protests. Nearby, there are often high crime rates, such as robbery, burglary, and vandalism, which can be dangerous and take away people’s freedom to life. The government of Venezuela needs to change how it governs its country to protect people’s freedom- Allowing the press to publish what they want would be a great start for the

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