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Obesity In Australia Case Study

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The sceptics laid out four conditions that must be met in order for them to believe increasing obesity within Australia is a problem. It is only when these conditions come to the table, that solutions to stop the ‘epidemic’ will be proposed: 2 in 4 children are drinking soft drink more frequently than water, 90% of adults being classified as overweight or obese, Australian families spending over 25% of their food budget on take away and obesity being the leading contributor to diseases within the country.

Scenes of delicious, juicy burgers and sickeningly sweet soft drinks were broadcast, when the nation’s obesity deniers held a press conference on ‘National Obesity Day’ to depict exactly what the statistics must before they believe that Australia has an increasingly large problem with obesity.

The group of sceptics …show more content…
Additionally, Byrnes said that for the community to begin believing a single word of any Jamie Oliver’s documentary “Sugar Rush” exaggerating the world’s obesity problem, especially children’s consumption of sugar, we would have to see a large majority of children having to frequently visit the dentist due to the enamel decay caused by excess drinking and eating of sugar.

Furthermore, obesity deniers maintained that fast food franchises are not a contributor to increasing obesity claims, as there are many healthier options Australian families can choose from the menu, making it okay for households to be spending 15% of their food budget on take away. Therefore they would not be dissuaded from their belief that obesity is a mammoth issue within Australian, because fast food consumption is simply not that big of a

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