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Farber 1989 Summary

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Farber (1989) discusses how it is important to educate students in a variety of ways regarding neurobiology to enhance skills and application to occupational therapy. She discusses how the traditional learning style in memorization of concepts does not carry over into clinical practice (Farber, 1989). She also states that current practicing occupational therapists continue to explore the literature as it is constantly changing (Farber, 1989). Although this article was written almost 30 years ago, I find the statements regarding education and remaining current still applicable today. On the idea of the ever-changing neuroscience literature, I cannot help but think about the information that is presented in the article and the …show more content…
First, the need for basic survival was the driving force behind purposeful activity (Wilcock, 1993). As the human brain expanded the capacity to think, surmise, problem solves, and anticipate and plan for the future; this feeds the need for humans to have purposeful activity in their lives (Wilcock, 1993). Wiseman, Davis & Polatajko (2005) described the process of how occupations become established in children. The steps include innate drive, exposure, initiation, continuation, cessation, transformation, and outcomes (Wiseman, Davis, & Polatajko, 2005). The concept of the innate drive to engage in occupation is reflective of what Wilcock described regarding the need for purposeful activity (Wilcock, 1993; Wiseman et al., 2005). I think about the importance of purposeful activity when I am working with my clients. I have noticed greater success in the acquisition of skills when there is a purpose behind the activities we are doing. For example, if I want to work on dressing, I will have the client put on a paint shirt that consists of buttons or a pullover top, depending on the goal. Then we engage in an art activity where he or she gets to take the product home. I have also played “shopping” with a few children to work on dressing where we have to try on clothes to see if they fit before we “buy” them. It is through the purpose of the activity that I have seen increased engagement in my clients and an increase in skills versus rote skill

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