...Business Assignment 2 Gould and Fisk. Jay Gould and Jim Fisk are names many people might not know about. Both men were stockbrokers around 1886. Jay Gould was born in Roxbury, New York in 1836. Gould started buying stock in 1859. His first investments were in small railways. James (Jim) Fisk was born in 1835. Jim was also known as “Big Jim”, “Jubilee Jim”, and “Diamond Jim”. When Jim was younger he ran away from school and joined a circus. Jim had many occupations before becoming a stockbroker. Gould and Fisk worked together in a great scheme. Gould and Fisk were important factors in the “Erie Railroad War”. If it wasn’t for what they did, the railroad might have ended up belonging to Cornelius Vanderbilt, a successful railroad owner and the richest man alive at the time. Gould and Fisk issued illegal shares and put them into the market. Vanderbilt was buying all of the stocks to put himself into control of the Erie Railroad. What Vanderbilt did not know was that Gould and Fisk would just keep producing the stock certificates, taking Vanderbilt’s money. Vanderbilt was not actually gaining any control of the Erie Railroad because the stick was “Watered down” by Gould and Fisk. Eventually it was brought to the public what was happening. When citations were issued to the men, they ran and hid. Even though he was scammed and did not acquire the Erie, Vanderbilt was still the richest man in America at the time. Another Scandal that both Gould and Fisk were involved in was Black Friday...
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...Anthony Jackson Of the Sorrow Songs W.E.B DuBois Black American Studies Term Paper Professor Serrano African American slaves were faced with not only physical, but emotional hardships such as family tragedies, heart aches and trauma. There were numerous amounts of struggles that forced them into needing a loop-hole, or getaway for the mind. This led to the tradition of singing the famous “Sorrow Songs”. All of the unfortunate injustices they were put through were resolved by a new tradition: singing sorrow songs. W.E.B DuBois’s text, “The Souls of Black Folks” talks about the songs, which all originated in the south, that African American slaves sang and then passed down from generation to generation to get them through all of the hardships and pain through the years. Each song represented a different feeling the slaves had while working, but each one also portrayed hope. Du Bois states that the Negro Folk Song “stands as the most beautiful expression of human experience.” These songs were taught and passed down through African American grade schools where the African American kids would teach the teachers the songs, while the teachers would show them how to sing. The teachers would learn the songs and then teach other African American children who then taught other people and so on. This is how the songs were kept alive as a tradition. In most cases, the songs were misunderstood by bystanders and people of other ethnicities and cultures who could not...
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...In 1882, Wells moved with her sisters to Memphis, Tennessee to live with their aunt. Her brothers found work as carpenter apprentices. Ida B. Wells continued her education at Fisk University in Nashville. While Ida B. Wells was attending Fisk University in Nashville, she convinced a nearby county school administrator that she was 18, and she got her first job as a teacher. Ida B. Wells was also a journalist and a publisher, and she wrote about issues of race and politics in the South. She became an owner of the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper, which later became known as the Free...
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...one place I want to be: my room. As I walk in I try to avoid the clothes thrown all over like landmines in a battlefield. My room is the closest resemblance to me, someone who loves sports and music. I flop onto my bed staring up at the ceiling light covered in baseballs and basketballs. In one of the corners of the ceiling there is an ugly yellow stain the size of a football from my once leaky roof. My room has changed little since I was younger. Everywhere I look I see something to do with sports, mostly the Red Sox. Two red pin strips wrap around my white walls. As I sit on my bed tucked away in the right corner, I catch myself staring at a huge picture of Fenway Park hanging above my desk. To the right the infamous picture of Carlton Fisk waving his homerun right hangs over my closet. Dangling from a hanger on my closet is a retro New York Mets jersey signed by Mike Piazza that waits to be encased. Right next to my bed an oversized Red Sox logo sticks to the wall. The logo is almost bigger than the wall itself. A black and red “jet life hangs” over my head, probably the only thing that doesn’t have to do with sports in my room. My desk is littered with nickels, dimes, and pennies that I have tossed on it. There are clothes all over my desk; some folded others rolled up in balls that have been sitting there for days. The top of the desk is covered in filthy black hats with faded red CW logos on it. Dodge Viper, Corvette, and Porsche 911 model’s stretch across one of...
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...The Fisk Jubilee Singers, Henry W. Grady, and George Washington Cable all have some common traits as well as differences when it comes to post-Reconstruction-era representation of the South. Each individual had their own distinctive characteristics, but all understood that race was still an issue at this time. The Fisk Jubilee Singers was a group of students at Fisk University that started performing songs about the African American life during slavery. This group was “refusing to hide behind a mask of servility or buffoonery.” It was inspiring how at first, it was solely money based, but as time past, it became more about racial equality. The book mentions a story about the bass player expressing his frustration whenever they were denied to stay at northern hotels. This example shows the lack of equality and racism that still existed. These singers offered a glimpse into the past by performing slave spiritual songs and demonstrating the progress the African American race persevering through the hard times of race division. Henry W. Grady also acknowledged that there was a race division, but took the stand towards white supremacy as depicted as he “unapologetically insisted in an 1887 speech.” Grady claimed...
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...Josie Mansfield was a struggling actress in New York who aspired to be on the more respectable side of the art when she met Jim Fisk. The wealthy financier was completely smitten by her and within the first hour of their encounter, he became her provider. Fisk met Edward Stokes through his work and arranged for Stokes and Mansfield to meet. Josie was enamored by Stokes and decided to leave Fisk, but wanted to retain access to his money. This led to a path of blackmail and lawsuits. When Stokes learned that he had an indictment on him, he shot and killed Jim Fisk. Throughout the murder trials, Josie secluded herself until she took the stand for her testimony. When the court was deciding Stokes fate, Josie had vanished, but lived many years after...
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...country” Franklin D. Roosevelt. The government is in ourselves and what we do. The votes of the country are the ultimate say of the government. In the book The Appeal attorneys Wes and Mary Grace Payton from Mississippi have battled to seek justice for their client Jeannette Baker. Supreme Court justices are elected rather than appointed, in Mississippi Trudeau plans with Barry Rinehart of Troy-Hogan, a Boca Raton firm that deals only in judicial elections and does secret deals off shore, to select a candidate who can defeat Sheila McCarthy, known for her tendency to side with the underdog. Their choice is Ron Fisk, a lawyer has no prior political experience or ambitions. Also in the political party is Rinehart is heavy-drinking gambler Clete Coley, goofy type as a third candidate designed to make McCarthy think her campaign will be easy, draw support away from her. Ron Fisk...
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...Throughout the course of this semester, the materials I have gathered allow me to make proper judgments in evaluating the quality of service encounters I have had in the past few months which encompass services that I was thrilled with and a few that were not so satisfying. In the modern era, service quality in a firm is tremendously crucial by measuring the changing scenarios between customers’ expectations and perceptions. Worst Service Encounter The worst service encounter that I have experienced in the past few months was at Taipan USJ True Fitness. The causes of my dissatisfaction came from one of the three expanded marketing mix, participants/people (Fisk, Grove and John, 2008). On a particular day, I received a short-text marketing message from Taipan True Fitness which stated I was entitled to have a complimentary access to their premise for 3 months. Brilliant marketing I thought, so I proceeded to their gym along with my friend who wanted to enquire about the trial too. As I reached their premise, a lady who worked there brought me to their guest lounge listening to their explanations about their gym facilities, as I sat down not more than 5 minutes; she skipped all parts and quickly jumped into the marketing page. The lady was very aggressive in pushing the sales by calling her senior consultant out to persuade me in joining their member. I was very much annoyed by the way they approach a prospect like me by keeping my time occupied for an hour as they promised it...
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...a=y2-y1x2-x1 a=27-128-3 a=155 a=3 Derefter beregnes funktionsudtrykket: fx=ax-x1+y fx=3x-3+12 fx=3x-9+12 fx=3x+3 b) Bestem f(10): fx=ax+b f10=3*10+3 f10=33 Løs ligning f(x)=18: ax+b=18 3*x+3=18 3*x=15 x=5 Opgave 8: Kvartilsæt for juni: * Minimum: 140 cm. * 1. kvartil: 172 cm. * Median: 200 cm. * 3. kvartil: 212 cm. * Maximum: 244 cm. Boksplottet viser at medianen ligger væsentligt lavere i juni end september, dvs. at junis niveau er lavere end septembers. Forskellen på den længste fisk og den korteste fisk i juni og september: * Juni: 244 cm. - 140 cm. = 230 cm. * September: 268 cm. -228 cm. = 40 cm. Dvs. at junis fisks længde er mere bredte (altså der er større forskel på den længste end den korteste) end septembers. Septembers kvartilboks ligger over junis, dvs. at fiskene i september i gennemsnit var større end i juni. Dog kan vi se at junis er længere, hvilket betyder at junis fisks længde er mere spredt. Opgave 9: a) Vi kan ud fra tabellens data at: * a=0,592092 * b= 0,233769 b) Dvs. at der går ca. 74,5 min. da vandet løber over. Opgave 10: a) BC=a2=b2+c2-2bc*CosA↔ a2=142+72-2*14*7*cos37=88,46744003 88,46744003=9,405713159 b) CosC=a2+b2-c22*a*b CosC=9,42+142-722*9,4*14=235,36263,2 vinkel C=0,894224924 vinkel c ≈26,5 grader 180 grader-A-B=D 12A=18,5 grader C=26,5 grader D=135 grader c) dsinD=csinC=asinA 14sin135=142 2=1,41421 14*1,41421=19,7989=csin26...
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...Problemer omkring Aralsøen. Gør rede for Aralsøens udbredelse, da den var i naturlig tilstand (ca. 30 år siden). Aralsøen er en sø i det centrale Asien imellem Kasakhstan og Usbekistan, som er et område der er præget med steppe og ørken. Aralsøen er en indsø, som betyder en naturligt sø. Aralsøen var den fjerdestørste indsø, med et areal på 68.000 km2. Navet Aralsøen kommer af ordet Aral, som betyder ø. Den har fået dette navn, da det referer til den store indsø, som ligger om en ø i et ørkenagtigt område. Søen blev brugt til fiskeindustri, da der var mange sunde og raske fisk i søen. Hvordan ser søen ud i dag? Søens areal er faldet med mere end halvdelen. I dag er indsøen en fjerdedel af den største den var engang og vandstanden er sunket med ca. 14 meter. Søen er udtørret så meget, at søen at blevet delt i to små søer, syd Aralsøen og nord Aralsøen. Fiskeindustrien er dødet hen, da søens saltindhold er steget så meget, at alle fiskende døde. Der er lavede en omlægning af vantilførselen fra floden Syr Darya, der løber fra nord Aralsøen til Syd Aralsøen. Med denne omlægning regner man med at syd Aralsøen er helt udtørre i løbet af 15 år. i dag betegnes Aralsøen som en, af verden største miljøkatastrofer, for udover at vandstanden er sunket, er søen skært forurenet. Det siges at hvis det stormer omkring Aralsøen, vil stormen betegnes som giftig, på grund af de kemiske miljøgifte, der ligger i den udtørret landskab, også vil det kemiske miljøgifte bliver blæst rundt af...
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...amount of public debt to finance construction. It was generally believed that the U.S. Government would ultimately redeem the greenbacks with gold. In 1869, a group of speculators, headed by James Fisk and Jay Gould, sought to profit from this by cornering the gold market. Gould and Fisk first recruited Grant's brother-in-law, a financier named Abel Corbin. They used Corbin to get close to Grant in social situations, where they would argue against government sale of gold, and Corbin would support their arguments. Corbin convinced Grant to appoint General Daniel Butterfield as assistant Treasurer of the United States. Butterfield agreed to tip the men off when the government intended to sell gold.In the late summer of 1869, Gould began buying large amounts of gold. He never sold this gold. This caused prices to rise and stocks to plummet. After Grant realized what had happened, the federal government sold $4 million in gold. On September 20, 1869, Gould and Fisk started hoarding gold, driving the price higher. On September 24 the premium on a gold Double Eagle was 30 percent higher than when Grant took office. But when the government gold hit the market, the premium plummeted within minutes. Investors scrambled to sell their holdings, and many of them, including Corbin, were ruined. Fisk and Gould escaped significant financial harm.The subsequent Congressional investigation was chaired by James A. Garfield. The investigation was alleged on the one hand to have been limited because...
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...* Sammenlign drikkevand med forskellige lande. - Vi vil gerne forklare vand forskellene i f.eks. Danmark og Tunesien. Svar: - I Danmark er vores vand ikke bare rent, men også billigt, men det er ikke en selvfølge for så mange andre lande. I Mellem – og Sydeuropa er det en nødvendighed at rense vandet fordi at drikkevandet er overfladevand, der f.eks. er fra søer og andre flodsystemer. Rensningsprocessen er en meget kompliceret proces. Den indfatter en biologisk rensning, som renser i aktivt kulfilter, klortilsætning og tilsætning af forskellige smagsstoffer. Selvom at vandet går igennem en så stor proces er deres vand stadig dårligt i forhold til grundvandet. Smagen er ikke god og man opnår ikke altid at fjerne alle bakterierne fra flodvandet. Derfor er der mange fra de lande der fortrækker at købe vand på flaske. Bare rensningen af 1 m3 flodvand, koster Sydeuropa hvad der svarer til den samlede m3-pris. I 2004 betalte vi danskere op til 50 kr. for 1 m3 vand, dvs. 5 øre for 1 liter som vi danskere skal betale. Andre steder i verden er prisen for vandet meget højere. I f.eks. De Forenede Arabiske Emirater koster det flere 100 kr. pr. m3. I Danmark bruger en dansker i gennemsnit på vand 125 liter om dagen, hvorimod bruger USA 397 liter. Den danske stats mål er at få de danskes forbrug ned på 110 liter om dagen, for at spare på det kostbare og sårbare vandmiljø. * Hvordan bliver grundvandet forurenet? - landmænd sprøjter gødning på markerne, som siver ned i grundvandet...
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...Royal Greenland 1. karakteriser kort virksomheden Royal Greenland Royal Greenland er den største virksomhed i Grønland, som en af verdens førende leverandører af koldtvandsrejer. Virksomhedens har hovedsæde i Nuuk, samt produktionsfaciliteter i Danmark, men primært i Grønland. De har ligeledes salgsselskaber på en række europæiske og oversøiske markeder. På det danske marked, markedsfører virksomheden omkring 1.500 forskellige varenumre, og har overordnede produktkategorier: * Skaldyr – primært rejer og krebs * Naturelle – en bred vifte af fileterede fisk * Convenience produkter – ready to eat produkter og færdigretter * Røget og gravad fisk – primært laks og hellefisk Virksomheden har ca. 2.000 ansatte, som er fordelt med 800 i Grønland og 200 i Danmark. De resterende er ansat på deres fabrikker, i bl.a. Tyskland og Polen. Virksomheden omsatte i året 2012/2013, for 5,3 mia. Kr., og det resulterede i et resultat før skat på 1.680.000 mio. Kr. Royal Greenland har datterselskaber i Skandinavien og Tyskland, Storbritannien, Frankrig og Japan. 2. Analyser Royal Greenlands interne forhold Til besvarelsen af denne opgave benytter jeg mig af SWOT-analysens interne forhold. Her for jeg et indblik i virksomhedens egen situation, og kan konkludere på det til sidst. Dernæst vil jeg benytte mig af værdikæden til at se hvad der skaber værdi for kunden. Stærke sider | Svage sider | Satser på høj kvalitet af deres produkter. Årets resultat har været tilfredsstillende...
Words: 1915 - Pages: 8
...Massachusetts in a community which was predominately white. There were about 5,000 whites to 50 blacks. Born to Mary and Alfred Du Bois, he was raised to believe that hard work was the key to success. In 1884, he graduated from high school at the top of his class, made up of thirteen people with him being the only African American. Even though Du Bois could not attend Harvard as he always dreamed was excited to be accepted into Fisk University. It was an all-black university located in Nashville, Tennessee. His response to being accepted into Fisk was, “I was going into the South; the South of slavery, rebellion, and black folk; above all, I was going to meet colored people of my own age and education, of my own ambitions.” (Himan, 2005) Attending Fisk was a risk for Du Bois. He was not exposed to this sort of treatment and was shocked at how unrestricted whites were on how they treated African Americans. The more he discovered about the injustices African Americans suffered, the prouder he became of his own heritage. He graduated from Fisk with honors and received a scholarship to attend Harvard. During his years at Harvard he developed the theory racism was caused by ignorance. In 1895, he was the first African American to earn the title Ph.D., the highest degree during his time. He later accepted a teaching job at Atlanta University where he was asked to conduct research about African Americans. His studies while there revealed that Black Americans were shaped...
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...in 1884. In his adolescent he lived in a town with five thousand whites and only fifty blacks. He first started seeing the racial discrimination in his hometown. Dubois was an excellent student. He was encouraged by his teachers to do well in school, which was rare considering he attend a white public school. From his hard work and dedication he was hired as a local correspondent for the New York Globe. His goal was to help blacks become politically recognized and wrote many articles doing just that. Soon after he graduated from Great Barrington High School in 1883 as the sole black person in the school. He then enrolled at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee at the age 15. There he had his first encounters of the Jim Crow laws. While at Fisk he analyzed how the African Americans lived through the troubles of racism. After three years as a student of Fisk he graduated with a B.A. in 1888. Shortly after graduating, DuBois decided to further his education at Harvard University. There he studied economics and social problems. At Harvard, he felt as if he went there but was out of place. Dubois felt as if he was not part of the Harvard community. “I was in Harvard but not of it.” Which was how he explained it. Then in 1890 he earned his B.A. and started working towards his masters then doctors degree. He received his doctorate in the spring of 1891. DuBois was accepted into the Study Abroad program. He studied at the University of Berlin in Germany. There he focused on the racial...
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