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Fletcher Right Ear Case Study

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2. What is the Fletcher average for the right ear? For the left ear? (2 pts)
RE: 40+75=115, 115/2= 57.5 dB HL
LE: 45+75=120, 120/2= 60 dB HL

3. When is it more appropriate to use the Fletcher average over the traditional PTA? Why? (5 pts)
Fletcher average is more appropriate to use over PTA because Fletcher Average is the average of the best two AC thresholds at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz. This method is more appropriate because it gets a more accurate average, especially if the patient made a mistake or had difficulty with a tone presented at 500, 1000 or 2000 Hz.

4. What would you anticipate Mrs. Marlow’s SRT to be for her right ear? For her left ear? Be sure to include these results on your audiogram. (4pts)
I would anticipate Mrs. Marlow’s SRT to be approximately 35 dB HL for …show more content…
I would anticipate her Left Ear SRT to be 35+45=80, 80/2= 40 dB HL.

5. If Mrs. Marlow’s hearing loss is sensory (cochlear) in nature, what would you anticipate her suprathreshold word recognition score to be for her right ear? For her left ear? Be sure to include these results on your audiogram. (6 pts)
Mrs. Marlow’s suprathresold word recognition score would most likely be approximately 75% to 80% because she has difficulty with some lower frequency tones, but overall she would be able to have a conversation and understand the majority of

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