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Fly Brain Research Paper

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Pages 6
The fly brain can be subdivided into two morphologically and functionally distinct regions: 1. the central brain, which is responsible for receiving sensory inputs and higher order processing; 2. the optic lobes, which process visual input from the fly compound eyes.
Neurons have a soma (cell body) and one main nerve fiber (neurite; sometimes more than one). Higher order fibers branch off the cell body and the main fiber. Synapses, junctions at which nerve impulses are transmitted from one neuron to another, are located at the ends of most higher order fibers as well as along the main fiber. The site at which a nerve impulse is sent from is the presynaptic site and the site at which it is received is the postsynaptic site. Depending whether these branches are postsynaptic or presynaptic, they are called dendrites and axons. In most fly neurons, dendritic and axonal branches are intermingled along the main fiber. Colloquially, the main fiber is also called axon …show more content…
These includes :
1. The antennal lobes, serving as first order neutrophils of the olfactory chemosensory pathway.
2. The mushroom bodies, lobate neutrophils mainly supplied by antennal lobe projection neurons,that are thought to be involvd in learning and memory.
3. The central body complex, which comprises ellipsoid bogy lying anterior to the fan shaped body ans supeor arch, both above the paired noduli. All these neutrophils are associated with the protocerebral bridge and the protocerebrum.
4. The protocerebrum,a collection of discrete interlinked neutrophils, the functions of which are not elucidated but which comprises substantial parts of the central brain.
5. The posterior slope and lateral deutocerebrum, which comprise mechanosensory and visual neutrophils, the latter supplied by efferents from the optic lobes.
6. The optic lobes which comprise four successive neurophls serving the compound eye : the lamina, the outer and inner medulla, lobula, and lobula

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