...External Remote Environment Analysis The banking sector in Nigeria is can be analyzed using the General Forces Matrix to analyze trends or events that give a pointer into the future of companies operating in the industry. In terms of economics, there has been a persistently high inflation rate in Nigeria. Although the Central Bank has tried to keep the rate stable in the last three years, the absolute rate is still relatively high. The impact of this is that there are not enough small and medium scale businesses to employ the teeming population of unemployed people. Demographically, the population of Nigeria is growing at an alarming rate and this is estimated to get to 170million by 2016. This growth is as a result of illiteracy and the influence of culture in this part of the world. The banking industry is highly regulated and as such, banks are vulnerable to the changing policies and guidelines from the regulator, the Central Bank of Nigeria. Some of these laws include guidelines for capital adequacy, obligor limits, prudential guidelines for banking operations and other operational modalities. Sometimes, the regulators can introduce changes due to trends or events happening in the global landscape. As a result, banks invest substantial time and resources towards understanding these trends and forecasting to reduce the impact of sudden shocks. The barrier to entry in the banking sector is high. In Nigeria, there is a huge capital requirement of between 300 to 500 million...
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...BANKING STRATEGIES Case Study: Product Innovation at Bank of America By Cindy Murray What financial institutions can learn from inventions and innovations in other industries. owhere is innovation more essential to survival than in the banking industry. In the payments domain, for example, nonbank competitors less constrained by bank regulations and therefore more agile are changing the banking industry’s grip on the public perception of banks as the only trusted brand for holding and moving money. However, innovation is challenging for banks. Many products, like payments, are a commodity. A vast number of products and a complex infrastructure require continual upgrades to keep apace with technology advancements and comply with evolving regulations and security requirements. This article describes how Bank of America fosters a culture of innovation. Pivotal to an innovative culture is the direct engagement of clients in the innovation process. We highlight some of the ways that Bank of America achieves this. But first we’ll look at the role of innovation process in building brand loyalty. N Build Brand Equity Through Progressive Transformation Change can occur by redefining a problem or redefining a solution. According to Robert Sternberg, a leading creativity expert,1 creativity is the ability to redefine a problem. Innovation can be viewed as the ability to redefine a solution. Successful innovation is a process over time—one that typically happens in increments rather...
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...Please cite this note as: OECD (2014), “OECD forecasts during and after the financial crisis: A Post Mortem”, OECD Economics Department Policy Notes, No. 23 February 2014. OECD FORECASTS DURING AND AFTER THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: A POST MORTEM OECD Economics Department Policy Note no. 23 February 2014 This Policy Note is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. © OECD 2014 You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgment of OECD as source and copyright owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted...
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...Introduction A liquidity crisis may be created in the banking sector due to its over-reliance on domestic borrowing for implementing the annual development programme. If the government borrows hugely for implementing the ADP, the industrial sector will not get enough loans from the banking system, which will ultimately lead to a higher bank interest rate. The government is planning to borrow from banks of Tk 18,957 crore for meeting the deficit and spending in different sectors. The growth of the industrial sector will be hampered if the government does not stop borrowing from banks. Due to government borrowing banking sector is facing a great amount of liquidity crisis in the recent years. Liquidity crisis results in various problems to the economy. it rises interest rate, hinders economic growth, decreases confidence of banking people. So, it is one of the major responsibilities of the Bangladesh Bank to make proper steps to control liquidity crisis. What is liquidity? Liquidity refers to how quickly and cheaply an asset can be converted into cash. Money in the form of cash is the most liquid asset. Assets that generally can only be sold after a long exhaustive search for a buyer are known as illiquid. High liquidity means there is a lot of capital because interest rates are low, and so capital is easily available. Interest rates are very important in controlling liquidity. What Does Liquidity Crisis Mean? Liquidity crisis indicates a negative financial situation characterized...
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...In today’s era, when there is tough competition, globalization and deregulation have forced banks to deliver all-time services to its customers. The IT revolution in the banking industry has made the banks more responsive to the customers’ needs. IT revolution in the banking sector has had a significant impact on the performance of the banks and also in customer service delivery. Globalization has helped to connect all the nations all the nations together without leaving them isolated. IT has benefitted all the sectors, including the financial sector, especially banking industry. Increasing competition has affected the banking environment too. Banks have to face a tough competition with other banking industry participants and competitors...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION OF INTERNSHIP 1.1. Introduction: We are the students of the University of Rajshahi, Department of Finance and Banking. According to the rules of Rajshahi University (in BBA) we were sent in some organizations to acquire some practical knowledge that is called internship. As a student of Finance and Banking we are to complete our internship program mainly on Financial organization; Banking sector are given preference here. This time for internship we were divided in some groups, eight students in a group were sent in Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Greater Road Kajihata branch to complete our internship. We were given 90 days to complete our internship program which was not enough to get overall practical knowledge on banking sector. But as a student of Finance and Banking we tried hard to get on over all idea on banking sector from RAKUB. We are very much grateful to our honorable teacher, Zubair Ahmed, Assistant General Manager of Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB, other officials and workers who helped us in many ways during the whole period of our internship program. Department of Finance and Banking 1 1.2. What does Internship mean: Practical training is necessary to achieve complete knowledge about something. Learning of the in and outs of the practical experience engaging on the basis of activities is called internship. In another word, practical training or internship means to acquire knowledge and information investigating...
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...Choosing you Banking Partner Managing your Banking Relationship As a finance manager, managing banking relations has been both a difficult and challenging task. Many treasurers inherited banking relationships that had to be maintained with the various banks that composed the corporation’s core group while achieving their main objective: to ensure that all the company’s needs were met reliably and within a reasonable cost (Zietlow and Maness 289). But what are the things that a finance manager should focus on when trying to determine what bank(s) to chose? Is it based solely on cost? How often so finance managers shop around? Or is it better to just sit tight with the current option as the familiarity with your current bank and their way of doing business is worth the “potential” cost savings of going elsewhere and having to learn their system. Historically, CFO and finance managers were prompt to consolidate their banking needs and services within one banking institutions but as the banking landscape keeps morphing/merging and more banks keep adopting AFP standards, it has become increasingly easier to understand the workings of not only your banking institution, but all others as well – which leads to shopping around for cheaper alternatives for different services. From June to September of 2012, Ernst and Young conducted telephone interviews with treasurers, CFOs, and other senior financial executives. The companies interviewed were spread among 9 industry sectors...
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...HBR Article: Diamonds in the Data Mine March 31, 2010 By Gary Loveman This is a pretty nice and short yet highly effective article that outlines the importance of providing an exceptional customer service in today’s service industry, especially in the gaming industry as it is the case of Harrah’s Entertainment casino. Actually, from its inception, Harrah’s former CEO Phil Satre had instituted this policy of “changing Harrah’s from an operations-driven company that viewed each casino as a stand-alone business into a marketing-driven company that built customer loyalty to all Harrah’s properties”. In doing so, Satre asked Gary Loveman to head a strategy to affect this change in all Harrah’s organizations, and so Loveman did follow through on this task. He effectively focused on delivering customer service and on understanding and marketing effectively to the customer. This is the secret to Harrah’s success, which allows him and Harrah’s to maintain loyalty from its customers based on the database they had collected over the years, as they were able to identify their customers’ needs and wants as well as to have good reward and incentive programs in place to recognize their clientele according to the time and money they spend gambling over their facilities. Yet, for their workforce, Harrah’s instituted a bonus system tied to job satisfaction. “Rewards hinge on everyone’s performance at a casino- and on customer satisfaction, not a property’s financial performance”. Also...
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...KB Home (“KBH” hereafter) is one of America’s leading homebuilders with domestic operations. It has two business segments, construction and mortgage banking. Construction segment acquires and develops land primarily for residential purposes and offer a variety of homes. Mortgage banking segment provides mortgage banking services to its domestic homebuyers and sell mortgages that the mortgage banking subsidiary originates to third-party investors. KBH processes business strategies of efficiency, customer satisfaction and expansion through its unique “KBNxt” operational business model. Through this model, KBH are trying to achieve a leading position in its major markets. KBH’s financial statements show fairly clear picture of its business. In revenue and expense recognition, it follows industry norm and rather be conservative. And there is weak evidence that KBH performs earnings management. However, its financial statement is quite simply disclosed that non-professional investors and readers may not get enough information to invest or analyze. As its company-acquisitions-related balance sheet and income statement items are consolidated in KBH’s original accounts, it is hard to separate the portion of acquired company in KBH’s financial position. KBH’s sales were strongly increased in 2003 driven by increase in unit deliveries and gain in average selling price whereas expenses were relatively increased small. And other profitability ratios show quite positive results in 2003...
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...www.ResearchPaperWriter.net The Internet and availability of information Introduction Information technology has changed the very face of organizations from their traditional time-consuming internal and external settings to robust applications of Information Systems. In fact, the structure of an organization is represented in any industry through its Information Systems, be it retailing companies, military establishments or b2b solutions. For example, in medium and big retailing companies, there are multi-tier structures, which include industrial production, wholesalers, retailers and consumers as well along with intermediate stores, which require an integrated information system. Information is one of the assets of an organization. Raw data until processed has no value in a business structure to be used in the best interests of the organization. With the advent of information technologies that raw data is gathered, stored, processed and disseminated to become an integral part of the organizations’ processes. An information system links together data inputs, processes, and information outputs in a systematic, structured way. With the use of technology, information processes are used to further the operations and management of an organization (Ward 1995). With the help of internet and usage of technology, information can be accessed and made available with the click of the mouse. By using the electronic means like the Internet, the email and other electronic means of communication...
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...Ashley HankinsMy Strategy 1February 11, 2013 Chapter 1 – How to Position yourself for Career Advantage: 1. If I am about to embark on a new career, the likelihood of industry growth should play a major role in my decision. Industry growth means a company is doing well and profitable. If the industry I choose is not doing well and not growing I or the company cannot make any money. I am currently in banking in form the chart banking will not be making in the next five years. So by looking at the numbers hopefully I will be embarking on a career in the Health Care filed in Human Resource Management. 2. Growth rates can be an important consideration because they tell how well a company is doing. Growth rates can tell you which company to work for and if you are making any money. I cannot see how growth rates would not be an important consideration because they determine the outcomes of the company. Chapter 2 – How much are Values Worth to you: 1. In choosing my career choice there were certain values that I was looking for in the company that were important to me. I first wanted job security so I can know that I will remain employed with the company. I want to help others and be recognized when I do a good job. I value leadership and want a challenge when it comes to performing difficult tasks. But above all else I value respect and to be treated fairly, and compensation. 2. As for me, I do not want to accept a lesser salary for the line of employment I want. However, I know...
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...International Journal of Banking and Finance Volume 9 | Issue 1 Article 3 6-5-2012 Modelling and forecasting volatility in the gold market Stefan Trück Macquarie University, stefan.trueck@mq.edu.au Kevin Liang Macquarie University Follow this and additional works at: http://epublications.bond.edu.au/ijbf Recommended Citation Trück, Stefan and Liang, Kevin (2012) "Modelling and forecasting volatility in the gold market," International Journal of Banking and Finance: Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 3. Available at: http://epublications.bond.edu.au/ijbf/vol9/iss1/3 This Journal Article is brought to you by the Faculty of Business at ePublications@bond. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Journal of Banking and Finance by an authorized administrator of ePublications@bond. For more information, please contact Bond University's Repository Coordinator. Trück and Liang: Forecasting volatility in the gold market International Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 9 (Number 1), 2012: pages 48-80 MODELLING AND FORECASTING VOLATILITY IN THE GOLD MARKET Stefan Trück and Kevin Liang Macquarie University, Australia _____________________________________________ Abstract We investigate the volatility dynamics of gold markets. While there are a number of recent studies examining volatility and Value-at-Risk (VaR) measures in financial and commodity markets, none of them focuses on the gold market. We use a large number of statistical models to model...
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...19th century. (“Bank of America Corporation,” n.d.). From humble beginnings, Bank of America’s founder, Amadeo Peter Giannini expanded his community reach by purchasing numerous well-placed banks heralding the first attempt at branch banking. (“Bank of America Corporation,” n.d.) BAC’s near downfall was the acquisition of Countrywide Financial Corp in July 2008 just before the mortgage collapse triggered the financial crisis. BAC was one of several banking companies that received significant aid from the U.S. Federal Reserve in the form of large capital investments totaling $45 billion dollars. Today, BAC is a global leader in banking and investing serving 33 million plus U.S. households and over 35 additional countries. Operations include more than 15,800 automated teller machines, 4,800 branches, and a robust online banking platform with over 31 million active users and 16.5 million mobile users (“2014 Bank of America,” 2015); however, the stock has yet to recover to its former performance. The banking industry is highly competitive and mergers and acquisitions are prevalent as industry leaders struggle for dominance. While traditional brick and mortar banking has achieved the industry lifecycle maturity stage, the digital aspect of banking and investing is in the consolidation stage as banks continue to drive users to an expanding market of online experiences. Analysis of Return on Equity (ROE) A review of BAC’s current financial ratios indicate relatively poor performance...
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...Page |1 ABOUT US Bdjobs Training has been the biggest professional training house in the country. The tracks of its training programs include Marketing/Sales, IT , Commercial, Finance, Quality & Process, Industrial Engineering, RMG, Banking, HR, Development/NGO, Management Development and so forth. Since its inception, Bdjobs Training has been mentoring the professionals by providing latest industry focused education. BT, in this expedition, engages hundreds of industry experts to ensure quality education to the young entrepreneurs and professionals of the country. BT offers both short (1 or 2 days) and long courses in the form of workshop and certificate training. Also BT offers customized in-house training programs exclusively designed for a group of employees. Customized courses can be provided either at our training facilities or on-site at clients’ location. Our training programs are lively, interactive, and include role-playing and demonstrations of real-life workplace issues and solutions. bdjobstraining.com Page |2 bdjobstraining.com Page |3 TRAINING TRACKS Marketing/ Sales Track • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1111 Selling Techniques for Excellence 13 Lessons to turn every Company into Fantastic Brands Advance Selling Techniques Art of Pharmaceutical Sales Brand Management–Walking the Talk Branding for Bangladeshi Business Constructive & Modern Leadership Approach in Selling through Team...
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...customers first, growing revenue, reducing expenses, living the vision and values, and connecting with communities, and stakeholders (Wells Fargo, 1999 - 2013). The Wells Fargo strategy includes cross-selling, (selling additional products), technology, customer-centric (focus on what the customer needs, not what Wells Fargo wants to sell), brand, and opportunities (Wells Fargo, 1999 - 2013). In the cross sell effort, Wells Fargo has detailed data on what products the customers are buying and the number of products per household. According to Wells Fargo (1999 - 2013), “We want all our wealth management, brokerage and retirement customers to bank with Wells Fargo. We want all our banking customers to think of us first for all their wealth management needs” (Our Strategy). The company wants their average retail-banking household to have eight or more products. Knowledge on the number of single product households, and multi-household products is an affective tool to measure this strategy. Technology supports these measurements. Cross-selling efforts are also the companies noted opportunities and target areas. Technology personalizes the service and allows the customer to...
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