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Four Parenting Styles

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Parenting Styles How to raise a child is the question? Many new parents and even parents who have had more than one child still asked themselves this same question. What is the right way? Is it possible to raise a child who will be a productive human being in society? Being a parent is not an easy task nerveless being a good parent is even a harder job to do. There is a known saying that states, ‘children are born without instruction’ so how shall a parent know what to do with the new human being that is know their responsibility? Children do not come with instruction but there is resource that as a new parent needs to read. There are four different parenting styles in which the parent may chose which one they will want to use with their children. The four style of parenting are as follow authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved/ neglectful. By evaluating each one the parent to be or the active parent may choose the one that best fill full the need of their child and themselves. Choosing the right parenting style will reflect on how the child develops socially. The authoritative parenting style is known to be …show more content…
This type of parent has low demanding expectation, but has high responsiveness to the child. In this type of parenting style the child runs the show. The parents do not set limits and if they do they do not follow through with them. With this type of parenting style the child gets what he wants. The permissive parent focus on being a friend to the child more than being the parent, this type of parents do not know how to discipline behavior and usually bribe their child to get what they need from the child. The children who are raised by permissive parents do not learn to self-regulate and they tend to have more than normal tantrums. These children usually grow to be demanding, aggressive adults that do not like to lose or take a no for an

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