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Frankenstein And Walton's Second Letter

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Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in 1818 when she was 19. years old. The novel of Frankenstein is written as an epistolary, or a series of letters, written by Robert Walton to his sister. Robert Walton, who is an Englishman, has gone on a sea voyage seeking adventure and excitement.
In his first letter, he is St. Petersburg, Russia sailing with a crew heading to Archangel, Russia. Walton, to improve himself, educates himself through a variety of subject. Then, to make sure that he is able to handle tough physical labour, he puts himself through harsh conditions to harden his body. The second letter, states that he has reached the city of Archangel in Russia, which is freezing cold. There he buys a ship and hires

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