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Erectile Dysfunction Research Paper

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There are about 15 to 30 million men suffering from erectile dysfunction worldwide. This condition is a pretty common case and not an easy one to get rid of. There are a lot of possible solutions for this condition but not all of them are applicable to anyone with erectile dysfunction. Probably the most known solution for this condition is to take pills such as Viagra and other less popular pills named Levitra and Cialis. These pills are known to create short-term solutions for men suffering from erectile dysfunction. They were designed to help men overcome their anxiety in having sexual intercourse with their partners. By taking these pills before the actual sexual intercourse, men would gain enough confidence to open up to their partners, …show more content…
For those who still continue to have problems even when regularly taking Viagra or Levitra and Cialis, erectile dysfunction counseling might help. Since erectile dysfunction is often caused by stress-related problems, undergoing counseling might do a lot of help to get rid of it. Erectile dysfunction counseling often requires sufficient knowledge on the medical field so make sure to seek for the advice of someone in the medical profession. You could try consulting a professional doctor, a psychologist or a social worker who has done erectile dysfunction counseling in the past. The reputation of the healthcare professional matters big time in this case because if the person you are telling your problems about erectile dysfunction is not qualified to give any advice regarding your condition, then all your efforts are put to waste.

Counseling would greatly help in solving your relationship problems that grow out of your having erectile dysfunction. Counseling could also benefit you if you are having difficulties in initiating sexual contact with your partner because you feel that you have erectile dysfunction. There are a lot of therapists with sufficient experience in handling cases of erectile dysfunction. Those from American Association of Sex Educators are highly qualified to provide erectile dysfunction counseling because that is the most prominent

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